Dissident Island Radio - 3 years old tomorrow!
Dissident Werewolf | 05.08.2010 13:51 | History | Repression | Social Struggles | World
have one on us
In this History corner this week we have Martyn Everett discussing the life and work of revolutionary Frechwoman Louise Michel. From the other side of the world we'll have thoughts on polyamory provided by our Melbourne correspondent.
Finishing off the talking we have an exclusive follow up with members of the Belgrade 6, listen in to find out what happened next.
Ronin will be rolling up to the studio at around 10 to help us celebrate our birthday in style, help us raise a toast to three years of radical radio!
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PARTY TIME!! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
The Dissident Island djs are hard at it this week. Thursday from 8 they'll be playing at the 'No Justice, Just Us' event in solidarity with the family of Ian Tomlinson, 8pm til midnight on Warburton Rd (just off Mare St.). Check out siren-net.co.uk for more.
On Saturday we'll be playing at Freedom Bookshop (Angel Alley, just off Whitechapel High St) at the annual Freedom BBQ. All proceeds go to the Kilburn unemployed workers group. Starts at 3pm, goes til we say stop...
+++++++++++++++++++++ OUR PREVIOUS SHOW +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

• Queer Invisible Academy
• DIY car scrumping
• Radical London
• Camp for Climate Action 2010
• Shane, Sarah and Josh
• DJ Buster spinnin dubstep...
Dissident Werewolf
dissidentisland -at- riseup -dot- net
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05.08.2010 14:03
dissident werewolf
History Corner
06.08.2010 09:49
Jake of the Style