Sussex Police intelligence failure
southcoasting | 29.11.2010 20:40 | Public sector cuts | Repression | South Coast
Superintendent Steve Whitton says in the press release: "Many people expressed concern that there were children involved in the recent demonstration, some of whom found that they were held in containments by police to prevent further breaches of the peace and to allow police to carry out controlled dispersals.
" I would like to make a direct plea to parents and carers of the school children and young teenagers who intend to take part in the protest: please speak to your
child and make sure they understand the consequences of their behaviour.
"They may render themselves vulnerable if they follow 'the crowd' and
those not directly affiliated with the cause who are intent on taking
over the protest for their own means."
Here is the offending item in full:
Press Officer: Joanna Irving
Telephone: 01273 404173

Issue Date: 26/11/2010
No: 33457
A further day of protest in support of the National Campaign Against
Fees and Cuts is due to take place tomorrow (Tuesday 30 November).
A 'Stop the Cuts' protest and march is due to take place in Brighton
city centre and it is anticipated smaller protests may take place in
other areas of Sussex.
Superintendent Steve Whitton said: "Sussex Police fully supports the
democratic right to peacefully protest. We are engaging with the
organisers of upcoming march in Brighton as we did with the previous
march. The organisers have been co-operative and informed police of
their intentions, which has helped us to plan the policing operation,
although exact numbers are unknown. The protest is due to start in
Victoria Gardens at 1.30pm, where speeches will take place, continue up
North Street and along Western Road. We are advising local residents,
businesses and those planning to travel into the city centre that some
disruption is anticipated. We will keep people updated throughout the
day through Twitter and a Live Text on our website, and liaison officers
will be speaking directly to schools and businesses.
"We worked closely with the organisers of the march on Wednesday to help
us provide a safe and secure environment for both the protesters and the
surrounding local community and to prevent crime and disorder.
Unfortunately, as the march arrived at the pre-determined rally point in
Victoria Gardens, groups of protesters broke away and caused disorder,
criminal damage and disruption to the city. Many of the businesses and
organisations who were on the receiving end of some of the damage and
disruption are themselves facing job losses and budget cuts.
"Many people expressed concern that there were children involved in the
recent demonstration, some of whom found that they were held in
containments by police to prevent further breaches of the peace and to
allow police to carry out controlled dispersals. I would like to make a
direct plea to parents and carers of the school children and young
teenagers who intend to take part in the protest: please speak to your
child and make sure they understand the consequences of their behaviour.
They may render themselves vulnerable if they follow 'the crowd' and
those not directly affiliated with the cause who are intent on taking
over the protest for their own means We have continued to work closely
with schools and Brighton and Hove Council to communicate this message.
"We will facilitate peaceful protest but the issue of whether children
take part is one for parents and carers. If during the event the police
believe a child is at risk from 'significant harm' there are police
powers under the Children Act to deal with that.
"It is disappointing that of the six arrests made on Wednesday, five of
them were of 15 and 16 year old children for offences such as assaulting
police, obstructing police, causing harassment and alarm and breach of
the peace."
To view Chief Inspector Laurence Taylor's Vlog regarding the upcoming
protest on the Sussex Police YouTube channel visit

Follow a Live Text of the day's policing operations at

Images from the protest will be uploaded on the Sussex Police Flickr
site, where you can also view images from last week's 'Stop the Cuts'

Follow Chief Inspector Lawrence Taylor on Twitter account at

Hide the following 2 comments
29.11.2010 22:46
Police intelligence is a contradiction in terms! :-)
29.11.2010 23:30
Soup Dragon