National Day of Protest Against Welfare & Housing Benefit Cuts - 15/12
no benefit cuts | 07.12.2010 23:53 | Public sector cuts | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | Sheffield | South Coast
Latest news:
Brighton Confirmed
full details tba, go to:
London confirmed
12th December (getting it in early)
Squattastic - In the face of government plans to make squatting illegal, see how we can organize and resist. 52-56 Lancaster Street, SE1 from 2pm:
15th December
12.30 Downing Street, Housing Emergency Coalition protest, take cardboard boxes and sleeping bags
3pm Trafalgar Square, Disabled People Against Cuts - No Room at The Inn nativity under the tree:
Norwich confirmed
15th December - Defend Council Housing And Fight The Welfare Cuts Public Meeting - Belvedere Centre, Belvoir Street, Norwich, 15th Dec 7.30pm – 9.30pm.
Plans afoot so far in Newcastle, Edinburgh, Lancaster, Nottingham, Brighton, Hastings, Stoke, Lewisham, Lydney and Nuneaton
Actions called for/enquired about in Bristol, Southampton, Cambridge, Hackney, Oxford, Leeds, Lincolnshire, Exeter & Ipswich
Called by autonomous benefit claimants around the UK.
no benefit cuts
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We don't all have facebook accounts!
10.12.2010 20:45
I cannot view them, as i haven't (and have no intention of getting) a facebook account.
You will lose support this way!
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