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Protest 2010: Into the Spectacle

KID | 22.12.2010 15:59 | G20 London Summit | Analysis | Policing | Public sector cuts | Repression

The use of agent provocateurs at the London Student Demonstrations 2010, and the key photo ops that came out of it. The Hammer Gang, and others, not only attacked innocent demonstrators with hammers, but lead 1] right-wing newspaper photo-ops 2] a campaign of entrapment. Time to fight back!

The London Student Protests of 2010 were great events in the protest calendar; real moments of inspiration, ingenuity and energy which haven’t been seen since the 1990’s, and the progressing in a series which started with the London G20. However, what these protests have also revealed is the devious nature of the Spectacle (from Guy DeBord’s Society of the Spectacle), and its very control of the images and events that have been broadcast out to the masses of people at home. And these images and events, in some cases, have been engineered and constructed using agent provocateurs, to create those “perfect protest images”, the anger, the smashed glass, the hooded figures. Their purpose has been to orchestrated to undermine, sensationalise and win some crucial political points for more attacks on our civil liberties in the new year. Welcome to Protest 2010.

Image One: Attack on Tory HQ
What would have been just another march, turned out to be a little more exciting, when some anarchists stormed the Millbank Centre, taking the roof and flying the good-old Red and Black. A buzz of excitement was created which channeled the crowd to break away from the prescribed route and enjoy the free-space created by the disorder. However, the police commanders must have been ready for some sort of commotion, because the fantastic photo-genic window-breakers arrived on the scene to please the press. Remember G20 and the RBS window, the great photo op, with the pressing semi-circle of press photographers and the series of “protesters” (read agent provocateurs) throwing things into glass window, which saw a number of unwary people getting nicked for the offence (eg Mindaugus Lenartavicius []). Now look at the Tory HQ window smashing episode – note: 1] the semi-circle of press photographers while a line of police look on in the background; 2] the exact same image is used on all the front pages of the newspapers, never mind some of the more interesting ones which came out of the protest. Check the link:

Image Two: The Mysterious Police Van
The mysterious rusty old police van was abandoned in the middle of the Whitehall kettle, which is left alone by the majority of the crowd, until an enterprising bunch of hooded figures emerges to take on their new media prop. They start bullying the people around the van, pushing those who are protecting it and threatening violence on anyone getting in their way. Call over the press, and hey presto, a riot scene for the approved-violence paparazzi snappers; later a ring of savvy school-girls form a human chain round the van to protect it from the morose machismo of the agent provocateurs. Check out Peter Marshall’s “Riot Girls?” blog and photos:

“I was threatened while taking pictures like this one that I had better move away or they would smash my camera. I had my suspicions that at least one of this group might be an agent provocateur, one of a number of student and ex-student protesters in the pay of the police. There is at least one such young man who I regularly see at protests, but I couldn’t see him. Another who had deceived all his friends for years and encouraged vandalism and illegal acts at a number of protests was unmasked a couple of months ago, and there are almost certainly others still in most activist groups.” Ref: Peter Marshall [] “Riot Girls?”

The Hammer Gang
Reports keep surfacing about a Hammer Gang during the main London demo on the 9th December. A group of hooded youths, who attack protesters and independent TV crews during the demo, while the police watch on; their attacks are violent as they attack one person after another, including pulling out a hammer and hitting people with it. This is a new low for the Met police and their agent provocateurs, and demonstrates a new strategy of inflicting violence from within, while the police batter people from the outside. This new tactic is both disgusting and dangerous; remember Ian Tomlinson, who was killed during the G20, by the mighty posturing of the TSG (the elite riot squads who maximize human damage). This physical attack on protestors is certainly not any anarchist group, and the chain of events which the Hammer Gang participate, show themselves to be a planned group, not a bunch of “feral youths” suggested by some. Their purpose: 1] Make life unpleasant for the protesters using fear and violence; 2] Provide some enduring images for the right-wing press; 3] A means of entrapment, by drawing in unwary, angry people and inciting them to damage property or attack the police. Here are some accounts:

1] Make life unpleasant for the protesters using fear and violence

“Not much later another gang of youths appeared but this time there were about twenty of them. They were picking people out and beating them with sticks. When there victim fell to the ground they continued to kick them. They only stopped for three reasons. 1) Their victim escaped 2) their victim had stopped moving or 3) someone had tried to stop them and had then become their new target. These weren’t protesters. They were animals looking to hurt the weaker. If they were brave men they would have fought the police on the frontline. But no, they attack their peers instead, the people they’re meant to be united with. I witnessed them do this to five people, including two people that I know. It was distressful and one of the most shocking and upsetting things I have ever seen.” [Ayden -]


“When the kettle had gone into effect my friends and I wandered aimlessly. Suddenly a commotion erupted nearby. Youths wearing ski-masks and raised hoods were attacking a reporting crew. We watched as they threw a cameraman to the floor, where he received kicks and blows. Believing the attackers simply to be angry protestors, I confronted one youth. He was not wearing a ski mask, but his mouth and nose were covered. He was about 15, and a lot smaller than me. He shot me a look that sent a shiver down by spine. But he weighed his options, and backed off. I got lucky. As other protestors confronted the remaining youths, there was a sudden palpable rush of fear. We all saw the hammer come out. Everybody took a step backward. For a few terrible seconds, I thought I was about to witness a murder. Mercifully, the situation defused as quickly as it began. Somebody with a leveller and braver head than mine calmly shouted to “put the hammer away, mate” – and away it went. The gang ran off, to another part of the kettle.” [Paul Sagar:]


The press tv crew were attacked by men wearing ski masks .What is interesting is at the beginning of this video they point out that about 20 people in ski masks are given free reign to attack students in parliament square . Part of the same crew of government agents involved in the staged attack no doubt . ... _embedded#!

2] Provide some enduring images for the right-wing press

So while the main body of the demonstration is kettled at Parliament Square, a breakaway group forms, made up off pissed off protesters cut off from the main demo, and a bloc of the agent provocateurs, including the Hammer Gang. They rampage through Oxford Street, and smash in the windows of TopShop. What is interesting is that not a lot of images have come out on this incident. But a friend was in Topshop at the time, shopping (as you do), and saw the commotion; they also took a few photos of the damaged windows and the protest group. The Topshop windows were well and truly smashed, and scrawled over one window was “Pay Your Tax”, and on other windows appeared A4 paper signs which read: “Tax Dodgers”, and the like seen at recent peaceful UK Uncut demos. What’s interesting is that demonstrators from the student demo would conveniently have Uncut propaganda on them, ready for a strike on the West End. Secondly, some of the smashes in the window have a nice perfectly round hole in the centre of them, not the usual break seen with the old rubbish bin lob; the implement? You guessed it, probably the good old Hammer. My friend states that a ton of riot police vans turn up, shields and batons ready, and form an orderly line, while the “feral youth” and protestors shout and break things. This is certainly more respect than shown to the peaceful demonstrators down the road, who have been battoned, horse-charged, kept in a concentration-camp-style kettle. The police outnumber the “protesters” but nothing is done, just a little moving back and forth.

Charles and Camilla – Long live the King!
So a marauding group of agents and their unwitting prey are on the move in the West End. Que the Royal motorcade, with Charles and Camilla wishing all a Merry Christmas. They approach the mob, and slow down, their royal guard nowhere to be seen, and Camilla opens her window, just what I’d do if I was a Royal. Some great in-depth commentary on the event on the Aangirfan blog: (

However the Met rent-a-mob are the key perpetrators again, the Hammer Gang. They are not your average band of protestors, more like football hooligans or EDL-types, as noted by Aangirfan: “The chants of 'off with their heads' as the 'incident' took place actually sounded more like the Bullingdon Club 'scoundrels' than protest movement activists to me...”

And another reference comes from the Vigilant Citizen discussion board:

“It's not the Royal family that organised this attack, it will be the shadow faction at work.
Check out the comparison video. Here's a few of the 20 agent provocateurs being caught filmed in Parliament Sq, they are in black and grey fleece/hoodies. They clearly don't want to be filmed and attack the film crew who will have the best quality camera's, considering they are wearing ski-masks why bother attacking the TV crew if they're just regular demonstrators or anarchists, what have they got to hide? Now the footage of the car attack, you will notice there are a few in, you guessed it, black and grey hoods/fleeces. [ ... erges.html]”

So What?

So, many of us are well aware of the devious nature of the State and its agents, and Capitalism’s mouthpiece, the press. However, orchestrated attacks from within demonstrations are a new way of weakening the right to assemble and make a demonstration a fearful place, which it should never be. I suggest a number of ways that we should counter this threat:

1] Solidarity: that is our strength in demonstrations and in the accounts shows how effective it can be in deterring violent agent provocateurs. Everyone should rush to help, and be ready to neutralize the threat they pose to fellow demonstrators.
2] Intelligence: It would be good to know who this “demo squad” are. Intelligence about these agent provocateurs should be circulated (on confidential notice-boards) and action taken to ensure that they do not attend future demonstrations, or are identified when they do.
3] Counter: anarchist affinity groups should have strategies for taking on such Gangs in the future; our job is to protect those attending demonstration against State violence (eg Book Bloc), as well as taking strategic actions, such as shutting down “press-friendly” photo-shoots. This new threat is something which needs consideration in countering.
4] BE-AWARE: Those attending demonstrations be careful of setups, they could land you with lots of unwanted attention. Much like the current FBI operations in terrorist entrapment, the agent provocateurs are there to set up patsy’s, who the police will film, arrest, prosecute and harass. Stick to affinity groups for actions, and beware of being sucked into “angry mobs”.

The media frenzy has now turned its attention to the “feral youth” at the demonstration as the police have started to push through new legislation which will allow them to arrest youth who wear any “gang colours” in certain areas. Their case will not go to court, but they will go straight to jail, simply for wearing a type of hat, colour. It’s the latest in a series of moves to attack our civil liberties and criminalise youth in general. And their pretext is a perfectly orchestrated “riot”.

Take care out there. Unity is Strength, and Solidarity with all on the streets.



Hide the following 16 comments

What a load of nonsense.

22.12.2010 17:37

So anyone who covers their face is an agent provacateur in the pay of police?
What shit. Perhaps they are people who don't want to go on a database-ever think of that shit for brains? Are you trying to make people paranoid? Are you a cop?
And as for your hammer gang-it was a bunch of 15-16 year olds, unhooded, who were just up for a fight with anyone. I saw them on several occassions and when challenged by bigger people they backed down. Have you even been to a protest?



22.12.2010 18:13

This is all speculation and heresy.

Speculation - "What’s interesting is that demonstrators from the student demo would conveniently have Uncut propaganda on them" when many students are involved in Uncut (so why wouldn't they have 'propaganda' - by which I read 'leaflets and posters' with them (aside - interesting that you think Uncut materials are propaganda))

Heresy - "But a friend was in Topshop at the time, shopping (as you do)."

You have publish a photo of 2 people and accused them of being filth. Back that up, or don't publish. You sound to me as much as a police agent as the people you are describing.



22.12.2010 19:17

what a load of shit. finally people come together and fuck some shit up in central london and organise themselves after so many years of absolutely nothing happening. boring marches have proved completely ineffective and already the police in london do whatever they want and tend to have full control and disempower people. for once some people take power into their own hands and articulate a clear NO. and what do people do, make little paranoid conspiracy theory.

why don't you organise yourself instead and take power into your own hands instead? there rev.olts spreading all over europe, it's a positive thing, not a negative one. a to b marches and endless speeches lead to nothing. our limits are our imaginations, everyone to the streets!

sir compton shuckleberry


22.12.2010 19:46

I agree with the others, the article is just a load paranoid nonsense.

Power to the people I support them if it their wish to smash up corporate or state owned property. We should be giving them a pat on the back, not coming up with utter drivel about conspiracies.

An anarchist

please don't publish paranoid ramblings

22.12.2010 19:56

i think you should be very careful when making accusations of agent provocateurs. your information and evidence is based almost purely on personal opinion and rumours. The truth is that there were many different groups from most sections of society at all of the recent student demos who attacked many forms of authority. By you posting photos and describing people who you consider to be working for the police is incredibly destructive to the movement.Im sure fights did break out in the crowd as this is a product of the stressful kettling situation and individuals inability to deal with there frustration. the reason that the police don't intervene is not because they are in cahoots with these aggressors but because they dont give a fuck about the well being of anyone one at the demonstration and they would happily watch two protesters attack and kill each other. Or beat someone almost to the point of death for running through there lines. I have encountered undercover cops in england and extensively in brussels at no border camp. And what was more destructive than the undercover cops who where relatively easily weeded out was the paranoia that the finger pointing and wild accusations that were flying about.we should breed situation of mutual understand and intelligent safety precautions instead of inaccurate accusations! I was at a lot of the moments that you described and i believe you have been miss informed !

tired of paranoid bullshit

take the photo down or explain

22.12.2010 20:04

dude, ya need proof before posting a photo of someone like that!

look, actually, i do think there have been a few agent provs of different types at different places, but only person on person violence bothers me most the time, so im going to only look at that. regardless of set-ups, i support the top shop breaking, millbank, and at paintbombing at least, of the royals, and i expect a lot of people do.

ive seen a few accounts of this gang going around on other peoples blogs and personally i dont think most people were even aware of them. its worrying, because it was almost done like hit teams that nobody noticed. most likely it seems most of these were gang members. those attacking lone people on the other hand might have been called in for a reason. who knows? i think the important thing here is to try to look to ourselves where we draw the line and where we think it is worth stepping in before something happens. we dont want to hold back anybodys cause where possible, but if we have decided in our heads what we are and arent okay with, or as a group, then we can more effectively stamp this out when it happens. obviously we also have to look out for it. most of us who were more comfortable joining in around fires or dancing were oblivious and perhaps we shouldnt be. more whistles? i think i saw someone trying to provoke attack at nov 30th, as ive said before, with a bike chain. one lone white guy wandering in then disappearing. that is far more usual than them employing street gangs. i wont rule it out entirely, but i think we have to try to be sensible.


Protest 2011: Beyond the Spectacle

22.12.2010 20:07

The end of history has now ended and the future has begun to take shape...

a prole

Same guidelines for exposing a infiltrator/undercover cop...

22.12.2010 20:21

Should be used for accusing people of being agent provcateurs.

THIS SHOULD BE TAKE DOWN NOW, it's politcally and for the people in the photo, personally, very dangerous and unfair.



22.12.2010 21:58

"They are not your average band of protestors, more like football hooligans or EDL-types, as noted by Aangirfan: “The chants of 'off with their heads' as the 'incident' took place actually sounded more like the Bullingdon Club 'scoundrels' than protest movement activists to me...” "

Love that logic:
football hooligans or EDL-types = Bullingdon Club 'scoundrels'

Spot-on matey spot-on!


It is your duty to destroy everything about capitalism

22.12.2010 22:01

The next big protest is 29 Jan-should be sooner but the organisers are trying to dilute protest. They will say it is a non violent protest. They will have stewards holding hands with cops and cooperating with the filth Tell them to fuck offf!
You all must mask up and destroy as much as london as possible! Our planet demands it for survival! This insane capitalist system is murdering us all-every bit of it you smash makes us the real people stronger. Rise up and smash up the fuckers! See you on the streets!

Rise up

Watch out you scum media

22.12.2010 22:07

Masked up or not - if you try and take ours photos without permission we will fucking smash your big lens cameras. Try and make money by giving evidence to the fucking scum cops-then prepare to get the shit kicked out of you. In other words-fuck off!

Anti media

On the west end/top shop incidents, definately not "set ups"

23.12.2010 04:14

While I agree that the police van was left there on purpose and I think that agents are probably used in some cases, there is a clear lack of objectivity and realism in your arguments. I agree with most people here, you are projecting your subjective opinion on too many things.

One thing I can definitely rebuke is your claim of top shop & camilla being a set up. I was in the affinity group that led a large part of the protest away towards trafalgar square towards 7 or 8 on clock on that day. If it was for me, your "hammer gang" is nothing more than a bunch of angry youths from east or south london keen on picking a fight. If it hadn't been for us they would have stayed in trafalgar square and burned that christmas tree a few hours earlier than it did and got kettled, but we eventually got them to see that they would have to keep moving.

We sprinted up towards leicester square, up to tottenham court road and then down oxford street on a completely spontaneous march. I saw youths of similar age and description randomly going into shops and shoplifting (which i didnt agree with). Which is when I left.

I wouldn't gun the writer of the article down in the way you did though, ok so maybe he is slightly paranoid but cheers for drawing our attention to the issue...



23.12.2010 14:19

'However, what these protests have also revealed is the devious nature of the Spectacle (from Guy DeBord’s Society of the Spectacle), and its very control of the images and events that have been broadcast out to the masses of people at home.'

The masses of people at home might actually have a good cheer when they see the windows break and the cops resisted. If we are too scared of ever acting in case we get sucked into the nebulous 'spectacle;, it would be a right sorry state of paranoia and nervousness.


The evidence indicates that the "attack" on Charles and Camilla was stage manage

23.12.2010 16:11

The whole way in which the car was allowed to enter the area where there were protestors, then stop, roll down the window, so as people were able to touch those inside, says to me that this was a deliberate act.

Any Royal Protection Officer who was even a half wit would never have allowed this to happen. It was a set up through and through. There was massive publicity for this the next day and the tabloids had a field day with remarks about the "real" intentions of the protestors.

I agree it was pre arranged and intended to justify greater use of Police and their powers to stop the so called "terrorists" at home.

Anne Archist

Not really evidence...

23.12.2010 18:20

... is it? It's your opinion (which I think is wrong BTW). There is no evidence in your writing, it's speculation. It that was what made up a prosecution against you in court you'd be the first to moan, so why such slack burden of proof for this being a 'set-up'.

I am baffled as to why so many people think this was a 'set-up' with no evidence at all to prove it. Just because you think it serves the states agenda (which is highly dubious anyway).

The plural of anecdote is not evidence, it's anecdotes...

Ben Goldacre

20-40,000 Protesters not all the same SHOCKER!!

30.12.2010 14:01

The annoying thing is that I agree with some general issues that the original post refers to, but the conclusions are off by a mile!

It's not a bloody conspiracy that press photographers and tv news cams flock around shit getting smashed up! It's kinda their job... At G20 and Millbank it was localised and so of course there's a press scrum.

It's not a conspiracy that most of the newspapers ran with the same millbank picture with the photographers cropped out of it - it's a visceral shot, it's got everything, fire, smoke, smashed windows, and action kick flying by a hoodie wearing person in black. There's some pretty good other pics that could have been used but none as 'exciting' as that shot.

You also don't need provocateurs to graff up and smash a police van that's been left in a kettled crowd.

I mean, the bait van in whitehall may have been left here, like the one at Euston station in 1999 that had the scaff poles on the roof, then again it may not have been. Either way, leave a police van in the middle of a large crowd of protestors and something is gonna happen to it, provocateurs or not.

With large demos there's often going to be disagreement over tactics. Just because one group wants to smash a window and another wants to stop them, that doesn't mean the first group are agent provocateurs.

Now that doesn't mean provocateurs don't exist, or that sometimes the policing will be cynical in order to provide a controlled flashpoint for the media to report on. But the original post seems to see provocateurs behind everything.

The point about fights within the crowd of protestors also doesn't mean they were provocateurs. At a music festival, gig or free party there's often people up for a ruck with other punters, and this seems to have been the case at some of the student demos.

Sure, doesn't mean the crowd shouldn't try and stop attacks on other people, but saying they're agents of the state is not dealing with the issue either.

I dunno the story behind it but the bike chain dude on Nov 30th was certainly photographed attacking a bunch of other folks. There's also the video of the guy running through parliament square with what looks like a lit petrol bomb. Provocateurs? Dunno. Probably not.

And just because the police stand in a line whilst there's a fight/disturbance going on in front of them doesn't mean that the disturbance involves provocateurs.

Anyway, I think my point is that provocateurs and agents exist, and it's a serious issue, but this posting goes way over the top in trying to attribute too many things to the sinister hand of the state.

wise up

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