Oxfordshire Pride gears up for 2011
Player of Games | 14.05.2011 20:27 | Culture | Gender | Repression | Oxford
Events in the run up to and during the festival include ...
Handling homophobic hate crime - 26 May – free seminar - http://oximc.org.uk/cal/event.php?id=337
The Pride Drag Race - 28 May - http://oximc.org.uk/cal/event.php?id=336
Oxford Pride Live - 6 June - Local and national emerging LGBTQ artists and friends at the O2 Academy, Oxford - http://oximc.org.uk/cal/event.php?id=335
Pride Day & Parade - 11 June - http://oximc.org.uk/cal/event.php?id=333
Keep up to date and get involved by check the Oxford Pride site - http://oxford-pride.org.uk/
Player of Games