New Leeds ABC Pamphlet
Leeds ABC | 02.08.2011 11:41 | Repression | Sheffield | World
Despite her long involvement in our movement, Jean Weir’s natural modesty has made getting an interview out of her “like getting blood out of a stone”. Our comrades at the anti-prisons magazine ‘325’ succeeded though, and having read the interview with great interest when it was published in ‘325’ a couple of years ago, we thought that others would enjoy reading it as a small pamphlet.
In the interview, Jean talks about her experiences in Italian prisons in the 1990’s, and about the solidarity she received, both from comrades outside and from her fellow prisoners. As always she has much of interest to tell us, going on to speak about organising in Sicily in the1980’s and about her ideas in general.
We have produced this pamphlet in an A6 format so that you can slip it into your pocket (perhaps next to your lighter and bandana) and we hope you enjoy reading it as much as we did. All money raised from sales will go to supporting imprisoned comrades in Greece, a cause which like that of supporting prisoners everywhere, we know Jean holds dear.
‘A Passion For Freedom’ is available for £2, including UK postage, from Leeds ABC, 145-149 Cardigan Road, Leeds, LS6 1LJ. Please send well-disguised cash or blank postal orders. As with all Leeds ABC publications it will be sent to prisoners free of charge upon request.
Leeds ABC