Support Conscientious Census Objector with a Message of Solidarity
NoCONcensus | 06.11.2011 21:31 | 2011 Census Resistance | Anti-Nuclear | Anti-militarism
See also:

Note change to original start time.
- against war, weapons manufacturers and the arms trade, and against Lockheed Martin in particular
- in solidarity with Judith and all census refusers
- to condemn the criminalisation of conscientious census objectors
As this is also Remembrance Day, we will hold a silent vigil at 11am at the war memorial, which is just 50 yards from the court.
Please join us for the morning if you possibly can. Contact us if you need accommodation the night before.
Address: Bodhyfryd, Wrexham LL12 7BP.
Transport: 5 minutes walk from bus station, 10 minutes walk from either train station. Car parking right outside, access from Chester Street (swimming pool car park). Direct train services from Chester, Deeside and the Wirral, North Wales coast, Shrewsbury and Birmingham. Wrexham is 12 miles from Chester, 30 miles from Liverpool and 40 miles from Shrewsbury.
Lockheed Martin manufactures F-16 fighter jets, as used by Israel to murder civilians in Gaza during Operation Cast Lead in 2009.

Lockheed Martin developed and manufactured Britain's Trident nuclear missiles and has a £5.3 billion contract with the UK government to design and build new and illegal weapons of mass destruction at Aldermaston Atomic Weapons Establishment.

Lockheed Martin has developed the 'Aegis Combat System'. The US is pressurising South Korea to site Aegis-fitted destroyers at a planned naval base on Jeju Island, South Korea, a Unesco-designated ecological area, in a move which will fuel the arms race in the region and will be seen by China as extremely provocative. Local peace activists and others have been resisting this development for years, with many detained for occupying the proposed base.

Lockheed Martin also manufactures cluster bombs, sells arms to Bahrain and makes surveillance drones used by the UK in Afghanistan.
The Census connection:

More on Lockheed Martin's nefarious activities here:

Canadian take on the issues here:

or to arrange accommodation on the night of 10 November:
email: NoCONcensus[at]
We'd be interested to hear of any other court cases being brought against census refusers.