After Nov 9: Where do we go from here?
ALARM | 11.11.2011 10:45 | Analysis | Education | Policing | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements
From the reports we’ve heard so far, the electrician’s action was pretty lively with roads being blocked for a while but the cops soon moved in with the result that the sparks ended up being kettled. You have to go back a long way to remember the last time plod took action against striking workers in this way. What is happening with the sparks action is having a resonance by word of mouth with other construction workers as doubtless they potentially face the shafting the electricians are confronting. We passed a few construction sites yesterday and the march was definitely getting the thumbs up from the builders watching us pass by. What is frustrating and quite scary is the almost total media blackout of the sparks dispute. The journalists are aware this dispute is going on but it’s hard to escape the suspicion that pressure is being applied from high up to keep this story under wraps.
The new commissioner for the Met, Bernard Hogan-Howe, was obviously keen to put on a good show yesterday to impress his paymasters in the government. How did the Met achieve this? They did this by turning much of the march into a moving kettle shuffling along at a pace dictated by the plod. Every street off the route was blocked by lines of cops and often metal barriers as well. As we went down Fleet Street, before being turned off up Fetter Lane, you could see lines of cops and a massive blue barrier erected across the street to prevent people from getting anywhere near the offices of Goldman Sachs. Going up Fetter Lane, every approach that could have led to Goldman Sachs was blocked by lines of plod and metal barriers. Anyone taking photos of this will have defining images of exactly whose interests the forces of the state are looking after… There’s plenty of propaganda value to be got out of these images!
It appeared that the cops had momentarily lost control when a group of more militant protesters broke surged past the front of the march and broke away to run down towards the Barbican and beyond. The Met hadn’t lost it at all…every exit off the route was blocked by barriers and lines of cops. Sure the militant protesters could run around but it was strictly on terms dictated by the plod who probably permitted this as a way to let off a bit of steam and to ensure the protest was broken up to allow for easier dispersal at the end.
We shouldn’t be surprised at the way yesterday’s protests were policed. Yesterday was the police doing what their paymasters wanted them to do – send out a message that protesting is going to become more frustrating and ultimately more dangerous for anyone taking part. The widespread use of undercover cops on the march was another clear indication of their attempts to intimidate. What we need to bear in mind when faced with the ‘total policing’ tactics we experienced yesterday, is that while the state has considerably more force at its disposal than we could ever dream of getting, they are exercising it from a position of abject fear. They were severely rattled by the student protests at the end of 2010 and totally panicked by the brief wave of riots that swept across England in the summer. The powers that be know the economy is going to nose-dive into a tailspin which has the potential to unleash widespread social unrest – they are desperate to keep the lid on the situation at all costs.
Okay, Nov. 9th proved that for the moment, the state can win a set piece by containing and frustrating a point A to point B march and turning it into a moving kettle. The answer to this little poser is that we don’t give them any more set pieces where they can contain us. The future has to be in dispersed, de-centralised, simultaneous actions taking a variety of forms which will make it much harder for the authorities to track and prioritise which ones they clamp down on. The next National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts action on November 23rd will take the form of walkouts and local actions amongst other things. That is an indication of the way we need to go. It could be all too easy to see Nov. 9th as a setback – let’s not give the powers that be the satisfaction… There are lessons to be learnt for sure but we have it in us to come back and give the state a few surprises!
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Hindsight is indeed a wonderful thing
11.11.2011 11:20
It took a few sturdy and courageous people to take the initiative that ensured millbank happened. It wasn't alarm doing anything at millbank and it wasn't alalrm doing anything on nov 9.
A critical outisders voice is probably one of the easiest to get away with. I look forward to alarm organising this future dispersed de-centralised event. I look forward to their contribution above and beyond telling us what "we" should have done, always always AFTER the event.
I look forward to the day there's more people activiely involved in any politial action that moaning about it afterwards. Political voyeurs always have the right answers.
Dead End Kids
Not a setback
11.11.2011 18:59
this poses the question of what they can do when the demo is twice, or five, or ten times as big. After all, although their 2,500 estimate is obviously a piss take, this was only a small (though from what I've seen, admirably militant) demo.
Keep fighting, it's hurting them.
Moving Kettle scenario was largely avoidable
12.11.2011 13:49
The lesson of previous demos should be that the way to thwart the cops is to keep moving, constantly and quickly, to exploit every opportunity to move to places where the cops can't control you and don't want you to be, and to spend much less time looking towards where the obvious noise is coming from and spend much more time looking over your shoulder and monitoring and reacting to what the cops are doing.
By "quickly" btw I mean WALKING FAST, obviously there are times when you might have to run properly to avoid getting collared, but sometimes running can draw undue attention to yourself as well
Should have gone back
12.11.2011 18:25
release the bats!
13.11.2011 23:35
Focus on the disenfrancaised kids, EMA etc.
the activists should work at making co-ordinated school and colledge wallouts/strikes work. its essental this sort of agitation happens before december cause in January thats when school gets a bit more serious.
captain chinstrap