Slowly slowly falling apart any illusion of democracy or the real face of civil justice
London Anti-Authoritarians | 18.11.2011 22:49 | Analysis | Repression | Social Struggles
During the M26 demonstration a motley crowd with students, workers, unemployed are moving into a well-known store for dodging its taxes and decided to continue with a symbolic occupation. The record was 147 people arrested, among them two minors where the cops did not feel ashamed to kept them in the cell for a night. The state remaining faithful in Machiavellian doctrine of divide and conquer decided to continue to prosecute 30 out of 145 total arrests with an excuse based that they were having leaflets and flags - something which is a direct assault on political liberties. I do not think you would prosecuting people with harrods flags and leaflets, right DJ snow? They are trying to separate the protesters to innocent and guilty for the sole reason of politicization (leaflets, flags) of some of them. It has become clear with the recent education law that the main concern of the British elite is the further deterioration of our lives and their plan is to make illegal everything that bothers them. Having de-meaning thoroughly the term of politics and with the daily propaganda of the media are wishing for a society of people with no critical thinking at all and defined boundaries of thought.
We would be naive to think that we can find the right through courts. The representative "democracy" is a mechanism of the state, a mechanism of violence and oppression by which the economic and political elite ensure its sovereignty over the rest of society. The justice therefore as key institution of this state is not neutral or independent of course but fully oriented to defend the interests of the class which represent. This court are trying to intimidate the society and send a strong message to everyone. You can still live your life as long as you are shut in your private sphere, as long your protest is a sterile activism without a "political target", as long you are not getting dangerous for us and as long you do not wish to change anything. You are not here to tell your opinion but to obey.
You do not make us scary but you make us furious. Date on the streets.
London Anti-Authoritarians
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