Urgent: Collective letter: Stop the repression against the Zapatistas and the Ot
les trois passants | 08.03.2012 20:42 | Repression | Social Struggles | Zapatista | World
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To our prisoner compañeros,
To our Zapatista compañeros,
To the Other Campaign,
To the Network against Repression and for Solidarity,
To the Zezta International,
To those who walk below and to the left,
To the people of Mexico and the world,
Brothers and sisters,
As we see from afar the political parties embracing each other in search of power and pulling out their old speeches to convince us that "this time yes, they will listen to the demands of the people", repression, murder, imprisonment and the disappearance of social activists are still key elements in this war which the three levels of government strive to strengthen and legitimize using the pretext of ensuring national security. This war continues to systematically attack the Zapatista communities in resistance, the people who care for and govern themselves autonomously, and anyone who opposes their capitalist logic of destruction, plunder and contempt.
We learned with indignation about the acts perpetrated in the community of Banavil, municipality of Tenejapa, Chiapas. We know that this region is experiencing a period of tension and intimidation from local caciques (chiefs), members of the PRI and paramilitaries directed against EZLN supporters and Zapatista Bases of Support. Following these violent and intimidating acts, the compañeros Francisco Santiz Lopez, Zapatista base of support, and Lorenzo Lopez Giron, Zapatista supporter, are imprisoned in prison No. 5, and Alonso López Luna is missing.
Under the same logic of intimidation and political persecution, just at the end of February we learned that the following had been arrested: the compañero Francisco Hernández, adherent to the Other Campaign, member of the Comprehensive Civil Resistance Movement against high electricity rates (MARC, in its Spanish initials), and member of the Network Against Repression and for Solidarity of Chihuahua; and also of Bettina Cruz Velazquez, a member of the Assembly of Indigenous Peoples of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and also a member of the Comprehensive Civil Resistance Movement against high electricity rates. In addition, the compañera Dominga Lopez Diaz, wife of Henry Hernandez Gomez, member of the prisoners’ organization Solidarity with La Voz del Amate, was deprived of her liberty arbitrarily and violently by agents of the PGR; the compañera actively participated in the relative’s encampment during the last hunger strike by the compañer@s prisoners, members of the organisations Solidarity with the Voice of Amate, the Voice of Amate and
Innocent Voices.
Although the compañer@s Francisco, Bettina and Dominga have now been freed, this clearly represents an act of intimidation against social organization. Faced by this wave of repression, from Europe, we join the voices of the compañer@s of the Network against Repression and for Solidarity, the Zapatista support bases, Solidarity with the Voice of El Amate, the Voice of El Amate, and the Other Campaign and strongly demand from our different places:
López Girón, Alberto Patishtán Gómez, Rosario Díaz Méndez, Pedro López Jiménez, Juan Collazo Jiménez, Alfredo López Jiménez, Rosa López Díaz, Alejandro Díaz Santis, Enrique Gómez Hernández, Juan Díaz López, Artemio Diaz Heredia, Máximo Mojica Delgado, María De los Ángeles Hernández Flores, Santiago Nazario Lezma, Álvaro Sebastián Ramírez , Agustín Luna Valencia, Justino Hernández José, Fortino Enríquez Hernández, Eleuterio Hernández García, Abraham García Ramírez and Zacarías P. García López.
The organised prisoner compañer@s in the various prisons of Chiapas have continued to demand from the government of Juan Sabines Guerrero the medical intervention they deserve, and a review of their cases which are full of irregularities, false accusations and fabricated crimes, but the only response they have received so far is one of contempt and systematic harassment. Similarly the compañeros and adherents to the Other Campaign who are prisoners in the Penitentiary of Tecpan, Guerrero, and in the Central Penitentiary Ixcotel Santa Maria and Villa de Etla, Oaxaca, are locked up for years for fabricated crimes and countless irregularities in their cases, not to mention the torture and disappearance they suffered before being imprisoned.
We will follow all these cases, remaining very attentive to the resolution to be issued by the 5th Federal District Judge in the state of Chiapas, Ricardo Alfonso Moguel Morcillo, who must pass judgment on the proposal for an Amparo for the immediate return of Alberto Patishtán Gomez to Chiapas, who was transferred to SEFERESO No. 8 in Sinaloa, which is 2274.77 km from
Chiapas; at the same time we demand his immediate release, medical attention and compensation for the glaucoma he suffers due to neglect by the authorities.
To our prisoner compañer@s, as well as to the organizations, families and individuals who have accompanied them, we say to all of them to have courage, that here we remain in solidarity and are making people in our respective places aware of these developments.
You are not alone!
Here we continue and we shout with you:
Freedom for the Prisoners!
Stop the war against the people of Mexico!
Stop the repression against the Zapatista communities!
Stop the harassment of the civil resistance movement against the high electricity rates!
Long live the self-determination of peoples!
If they touch one of us, they touch all of us!
In solidarity,
Associació d’Amistat amb el Poble de Guatemala, Barcelona
Caracol mundo-eco de latido en solidaridad, Viena-Austria
Caracol Zaragoza-Estado español
Colectivo ALANA-Grecia
Colectivo Chiapas Ariège-Francia
Comité América latina de Caen-Francia
Comité de Solidaridad con los Pueblos de Chiapas en Lucha (CSPCL)Francia
Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT)-Estado español
Cooperativa por el Comercio Solidario "la semilla"-Grecia
FugaEmRede, Galiza-estado español.
Gruppe B.A.S.T.A., Münster-Alemania
Les trois passants-Francia
Nodo Solidale-Italia y México
Plataforma de Solidaridad con Chiapas y Guatemala de Madrid
Plataforma Vasca de Solidaridad con Chiapas, Bilbao-País Vasco
Red de Personas por la Autonomía Zapatista, Aragón-Estado español
Red Ya-Basta-Netz-Alemania
les trois passants
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