Phone and Twitter Blockade of EDO Today
Smashy | 03.07.2012 10:54 | Smash EDO | Afghanistan | Anti-militarism | Palestine | South Coast | World
@ITTexelis Those FRCS cables have also been used by US and Dutch F16s to kill civilians in Afghanistan. How do you justify?
@ITTexelis the Gazan and Afghan civilians on the recieving end of your weapons would appreciate you changing business
@ITTexelis How can you justify civilian death toll from CIA drone attacks in Pakistan?
@ITTexelis develop drone bomb release units software and hardware for US drones used in extrajudicial assassinations
@ITTexelis What do your shareholders think of company's complicity in illegal US dronestrikes?
@ITTexelis The FRCS cables your company supplies for Lockheed Martin F-35s will be used by Israel to commit war crimes
@ITTexelis I think you will find When your death takes its toll All the money you madeWill never buy back your soul.
Gaza burns @ITTexelis earns - How do you live with yourselves? What do shareholders think of ITT's complicity in assassination?
@ITTexelis Brighton factory makes components for the Paveway missile system for Afghan war. What's the war done for Afghan people?
@ITTExelis Your company supplies FRCScables for the A-10 plane bombrack which carries clusterbombs

Does @ITTExelis condone the use of cluster munitions by the US military?
@ITTexelis You are complicit in the deaths of thousands of innocent people - where is your conscience?
"We've been awarded $238 million" says @ITTExelis Awarded, like they are being honoured for good deeds not paid to help kill people.
@ITTExelis Selling devices intended to kill innocent people just to line your pockets is the lowest of the low.