UG#639 - Grave Reflections on Technology & Freedom (Techno-totalitarianism)
Robin Upton | 19.05.2013 01:35 | Repression | Social Struggles | Technology | Sheffield | World
Next we have a change of pace - a more light-hearted interview with the late author Kurt Vonnegut, which continues into our second hour. Interviewed by David Barsamian, Vonnegut shows cheery good humor about the madness around him and makes a range of observations about contemporary life in US, including how a collective amnesia permits commercially controlled media to suppresses dissent and glorify US military aggression around the world.
We conclude with a beautifully made musical collage of E. F. Schumacher, which combines one speeches from 1974 and another from 1977. Sidestepping traditional ideas of progress and 'development', he asks instead whether we can create a system which would serve man in place of the present system which enslaves him? The modern technology of the last 50 years he says, has become "so big, so complex and so violent that only big corporations can handle it, and ordinary people are left out".
"If any of us still expects any real help from big powerful organisations I suggest we are wasting our time. These organisations are big and powerful precisely because they are not in this sense innovative - so the best is to forget them." — E. F. Schumacher
Schumacher concludes his thoughts by noting that the money system is the key to all the other social apparatus - because it allows those who wield it to direct the other systems to their ends.
Thanks to David Barsamian of Alternative Radio for the Kurt Vonnegut interview, to Vincent D from the healing project for making and posting the E. F. Schumacher mash-up and to Chazk of Virtual Renderings for alerting me to it.
Robin Upton
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