EUROGIA-UK (UK DECC, EUROGIA+) and “Fuel Greenfusion”
Zbigniew Charnas | 02.07.2013 09:51 | Climate Chaos | Energy Crisis | Technology | London | World
You look for the horse you ride on.
For want of a nail the shoe is lost,
For want of a shoe the horse is lost.
“The UK Department of Energy and Climate Change, in collaboration with Eurogia+, is launching a new funding mechanism, Eurogia-UK, to encourage UK companies to participate in transnational collaborations to develop innovative industrial RD&D projects for low carbon energy technologies. DECC will consider funding applications from collaborative projects receiving the Eurogia+ quality label as of September 2013; consortium partners from other Eureka countries will be eligible for funding in their own countries within the usual Eureka/Eurogia+ framework. [...]
In the afternoon, separate brokering sessions will focus on four technology areas of key interest to the UK: offshore wind, wave and tidal, carbon capture and storage, and energy storage. Applications for funding will be considered for all technologies covered by the European Strategic Energy Technologies (SET) Plan. Participants will have the opportunity to share their project ideas or offerings. [...]”
EUROGIA+ Briefing and Brokering Event
10 July 2013

I have written recently in one of my comment that: “I am for gas from slates and even still today against it”. This sentence covers analogous problem for technology of Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) [*]. I expect so because newest ground geodetic data and preliminary satellite data seams to verify fairness of actualised old geophysical theory of expanding the Earth (anthropogenically accelerated nuclear expansion). The problem is not yet fully researched and even one does not yet universally enter basic researches on it, however it has its many natural empirical verifications. Quick scientific verification of it or quite practical one in communal, transportation and mining infrastructure will get wide-comprehended energetics faced the firing squad. It means in view of necessity of financing and fast entering of far-going technological changes. Because of that above all one should now seek to reliable and exact scientific searching of mentioned phenomena.
When eventually in the future of XXI century lithosphere of the Earth will crack already in many places then there will be hothouse-making methane (as natural gas) fast fleeting from its cave deposits, not from slate ones. Methane is twenty and a few times stronger on molecule greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide and there will work in atmosphere in dangerous colossal additional feedback. Let us remember at this moment about thermal-reactive lithospheric deposits of methane hydrates, existing now in the global crust (under sub-polar ground area and world ocean bed) in gigantic amount near their eruptive limits.
Especially we should remember that methane is lighter in atmosphere than air and carbon dioxide is heavier than air. And that carbon dioxide can suffocate large people population living around – on British Islands and anywhere in the all world – in region near to, placed on wind vector or placed below installations of such potentially dangerous geological gas storage.
Definitely better than Carbon Capture and Storage I prefer and opt for my energy-and-ecology idea named “Fuel Greenfusion” (FGF, also in Polish: NTM = Nowa Technologia Metanowa = New Methane Technology). This new technical idea consists in fuel-energetic synergy between coal mining industry and nuclear energetics and/or between coal mining industry and wind-water-solar energetics for production in special gas works of synthetic methane from ground brown coal or fossil coal and gaseous hydrogen. This hydrogen can be here received with various methods (thermal decomposition or electrolyse) from natural or clear technical water. Synthetic methane like nowadays natural gas should exist as liquid, compressed or pipe gaseous fuel for transportation (LNG/LSM or CNG/CSM cars and trucks), electric power stations and individual or communal winter house heating.
In this theoretical conception power plant of every conceptual type performs with its full possibly capacities by day and night, what means that it does not waste its off-peak energy resources (hot uranium, proper wind, etc.). Thanks to this non-stop functioning nuclear or wind power station give us two times more energy than with only day-peak working for the same cost of its investment. Thanks to better efficiency in gas turbine combustion (60 %, 85 %?) than in conventional coal hearth combustion (30 %, 45 %?) carbon burned as methane gives us two times more energy than one burned as fossil coal. In oxygenic combustion of methane molecule first half of energy pool comes from atom of carbon and second half from four atoms of hydrogen. So, carbon dioxide emission is here as only about 25 % of emission in fossil coal burning for unit of electric power.
CCS-technology is very expensive because its process of cooling and sprinkling of carbon dioxide needs extra energy in additional quantity of coal. Storage of this dangerous industrial gas will be often for nothing further when storage of methane fuel in special earthquake-save tanks will be right realisation of idea of ecological energy storage.
The epoch of Fuel GreenFusion will be able to exist as intermediate epoch on the way to famous ecological hydrogen epoch. I assume that FGF with its “magic abracadabra” of its energetic efficiencies “will take vast amount of coal, will pay any price for it and will give us cheep energetic gas for our future ecological economy”. Due to material costs universal storage and transport of hydrogen is still now too much expensive.
We need quick analyses and scientific research because, as it was already mentioned higher, with our terrestrial globe there goes something very wrong. There are surprising and mysterious – watched in gravity fluctuations from satellites – numerous moves of internal magma matter what are as fast as lava flows at Hawaiian volcanoes. But they are in the giant-pressured magnetic outer core of the Earth. And the extent of our planet increases now very quickly in geophysical scale and even watching in usual technical measure.
For details read and analyse my previous articles with supplements, under titles:
Japanese Sasago Syndrome & Dutch Dam Marker as
Evidences of Hot Expanding Earth

Fascinating Satellite Research for Our Globe Expansion Knowledge

Will Be Big Earthquakes in London?! Just How Quickly?!
Who Will Pay for Energy-Investment Mistakes? All of Us, of Course!
Changing GPS-Altitude as Result of
Mass Compressions at the Earth’s Core Plasmatic Sphere
[A few supplements]

Zbigniew Charnas
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