international call : for Sonja Suder's liberation, let's mobilize !
solidarity | 28.08.2013 09:41 | Repression
September the 14th of 2013, let’s all mobilize everywhere to protest
against legitimization of torture in Sonja Suder ‘s trial and for her
September the 14th of 2011, Sonja and her friend Christian have been
extradited by France to be given to german cops and jailed. Christian has
been freed since but Sonja is still in jail. They left Germany in 1978
when, after a fierce repression of revolutionary movements, every person
involved in the radical protest could fear being the target of State
For two years, Sonja has been in custody in high-security district of the
prison Francfort-Preungesheim ; for a year she’s been induring a trial
grounded on two testimonies : one from a penitent given against a
remission, the other given under torture in 1978 by a man suspected to
belong to the Revolutionary Cells (RZ). If the penitent Hans-Joachim Klein
testified without shame in the Francfot court to give the umpteenth
version of a testimony full of non-sense and contradictions (that the
judge thinks worth considering anyway), Hermann F., on the contrary,
always protested against the elements standing in the cross-examination he
has been through : these elements are just the result of four months of
torture outside of any procedural frame.
After a very serious accident he was cross-examinated just after he was
legs-amputated and enucleated of both eyes. Pain, trauma, drugs,
isolation, confusion, disorientation have been exploited to make him fill
1300 pages of forced declarations. Illegaly detained in a police station
without a lawyer, without any help, suddenly blind and seriously impaired,
what he has been through can be only called torture.
The 13th of august 2013, the Francfort court began the reading of these
cross-examinations reports which Hermann has been subjected to in 1978.
These reading is to be continued in the next sessions. The 80-years-old
Sonja, more than 35 after the fact she’s accused of, could be sentenced on
the ground of these declarations which use is legitimization of police
torture by court.
Sonja has been prosecuted by german police and justice since the end of
1970′s. Suspected of having belonged to the Revolutionary Cells, her trial
is about three attacks which have only caused limited material damages in
1977 and 1978 : against M.A.N. who contributed to atomic armament for
South Africa (during Apartheid) ; against KSB who built pumps for nuclear
power plants ; and on the Heidelberg castle to protest against
gentrification. She’s also suspected having taken part to the logistic
organization of the attack against OPEC in Vienna in 1975.
Today, by making her undergo jail, trial, threat of ending her life in
jail, the federal State doesn’t aim only at Sonja. The State wants to get
rid of a revolutionary history and make people sure that you can’t protest
with impunity. Sonja’s sentence will be rebellion’s sentence : by refusing
to be put down and to talk she’s still accusing State and its justice
carnival. Sonja’s incarceration will be a scare-crow which is used to
scare all those who fight today. It’s not a 80-years-old woman they want
to get rid of, they want to get rid of all those who, like her, could have
the will not to be submitted.
Sonja must be freed at once ! For an international mobilization on
september the 14th !