Informal Anarchists criminal damage at Vinci Construction in Bristol
Bristol Student | 12.01.2014 18:30 | Indymedia | Other Press | Policing
I am a current student at Bristol University and was therefore a recipient of the following email from University of Bristol security services. Whilst this does not confirm the events exactly as claimed by the “Informal Anarchist Federation (F.A.I) Insurgents: Bristol North”, it does confirm that criminal damage was caused at Vinci Construction.
I in no way condone the actions of the F.A.I, I am simply highlighting that University of Bristol security services and Avon and Somerset constabulary are treating the situation as real and potentially threatening to the University.
I have redacted (*******) internal phone numbers and email addresses in the interests of the safety of the university.
Bristol Student
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [To all students] Message from security services
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2014 08:57:36
From: Internal Comms Mailbox
Reply-To: ***********
Dear Staff and Students
You may be aware that earlier this week criminal damage was caused at the offices of Vinci Construction UK in Hambrook, just outside of Bristol.
The criminal damage is being investigated by Avon and Somerset Police. There is a claim online that Vinci was targeted because of its involvement with various projects – including one with the University.
There does not appear to be any suggestion that individuals are being targeted or that the University itself will become a target. However, as a precaution, police officers have visited the University to meet with the security team and talk to them about the issue.
Staff and students should not be alarmed as we have no cause to believe that the University or individuals are under any threat. However, if you see anyone or anything suspicious, then please contact Security Services on (internal) *******(external) **********
Bristol Student
Hide the following 16 comments
More disinformation
13.01.2014 03:32
Also a Bristol Student
13.01.2014 05:46
But Uni chiefs are trying to hush it up. In an official statement, a representative said: “There’s nothing to suggest the incident is connected with the university” – despite the FAI clearly stating their motives and naming Bristol Uni online.
And Vinci aren’t being much more talkative. A spokesperson just said it’s “inappropriate to comment.”
Fake - please remove
13.01.2014 09:52
Don't believe me, call Vinci, go to their office - nothing there !
Grow up a little people !
I posted this email because it is genuine.
13.01.2014 10:46
It is clear why UoB security have posted; whilst they don’t feel there is a specific threat to the university they feel that we (staff and students) should be conscious of suspicious packages and the like. If “Also a Bristol Student” was anything of the sort then they would be aware that this is in exactly the same vein as previous Uni wide communications. Such as those related to the positioning of Gromit in November, or the series of bomb hoaxes which involved UoB and other institutions in 2012. It’s worth noting that the 2012 bomb scares were apparently taken much more seriously than this.
I think that UoB security services are significantly playing down the perceived threat so as not to create panic during the January exam period, but they definitely recognise that increased vigilance is called for.
I have read the F.A.I statement and it is clear to me that they are threating the university despite the security’s playing down of the issue. I have no way of confirming if the events happened in exactly the way the statement claimed, but it is clear that Avon and Somerset Constabulary and UoB security believe something happened.
I suspect that those who wish to claim that this stuff is all fiction have their own political axes to grind.
Bristol Student
For - 'Bristol Student '
13.01.2014 11:13
The original 'communication' claimed a bomb had been set off and a fire started. This never happened. Do Vinci get threats ? Yes of course, the poster above who called them said they confirmed they receive calls and faxes from AR people but that's a long way from a bomb !
Indy has been getting a few of these 'keyboard soldier' posts of late all of which have been proven to be fake, don't worry about this one either.
Former student
Please go home, nothing to see here
13.01.2014 11:31
beware.... anarchy!
Bring back GLADIO
13.01.2014 12:38
That's open publishing for you
13.01.2014 14:20
This group (more likely one lonely twat ) has posted about twenty 'communications' over the past 12 months everyone of which has had to be hidden by mods because it has turned out to be a lie. He was doing the same at Bristol Indymedia until that site closed down last year and before that he was on London Indymedia when they still had a newswire. It's the price we pay for our newswire.
Two words: Nick Mockford
13.01.2014 19:05
Those calling for fake should read (if you aren't intentionally doing disinfo) on the Nicolas Mickford assassination a few months ago, by two still unidentified gunmen.
There was full media blackout for about a week in Belgian news outlets, on the orders of the cops, until a leak happened. So yeah... they're able to pull this off, especially in today's orwellian UK.
Why would insurgents come out with a fake attack, under the name of the IAF, when this kinda stuff has already been happening in UK and elsewhere?
Stop feeding their egos
14.01.2014 02:15
Indy mods? Can we hide this fake crap already please?
Sick of this now
Two words: Nick Mockford
14.01.2014 08:37
This post concerns a bored 17 year old in a Bristol flat who makes up stories about Anarchist bombings and attacks.
Not really the same thing is it ?
Wow, what a load of balooony u often type
14.01.2014 12:11
It is a very modern internet thing to be questioning the veracity of communiques. A very common comment on pretty much any action is questioning whether it actually happened. This has a lot more to do with the present-day jaded internet mentality than it does with whether there's doubt in what happened. The West is very used to believing that the media reports on everything and never tries to hide anything, but in many places, Mexico for instance, the media routinely hides bombings and even more serious actions.
If you trust the media more than your comrades in the struggle, then the problem is with you. People doing an action shouldn't have to risk more by obtaining "evidence" that it happened just to appease some internet commenters. I think that those that take action take it very seriously and understand the seriousness of hoaxes and how they do nothing positive for anymore. The only hoaxes that could be good are bomb threat hoaxes for the purposes of disrupting some building, but outright lying about an action, I don't think we should have that low an opinion of our fellow anarchists. We owe them at least believing that what they said did indeed happen, that's part of why we have our own "alternative media" organs in the first place, to make our voices heard in a society that doesn't want to hear them.
I have very closely followed actions labeled "hoaxes" for the past 10 years and can see with absolute confidence that there is only one verified hoax and that was not of a small action but a report of a fake riots in solidarity with France in Brooklyn, NY several years ago. The piece of shit that posted this went as far as to post it on paris indymedia to make them believe that they were receiving solidarity in the streets which didn't actually happen. And for those with low IQs, yes there's a huge fucking difference. Since then there have been many other actions labeled hoaxes that either were definitely not hoaxes or people had no reason to believe was a hoax except their own assumption. Hoaxes come around occasionally, maybe once every 10 or 20 years, but falsely labeling something a hoax is one of the worst things you can do. The only thing worse is alleging that the police did an action, completely emptying it of all revolutionary content.
Bottomline: Stop being cops and trying to fucking investigate everything. Read Armed Struggle in Italy. You think all those actions were investigated and verified by the movement? You think all those actions were reported by the media and police? Hell no. Especially in contentious times, they're going to hide all they can get away with.
ITS ALL FAAAAAAAAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nick Mockfords Ghost
14.01.2014 16:17
"A very common comment on pretty much any action is questioning whether it actually happened."
I agree and the reason for that is because like the fake report above they so often do not. Bristol Indymedia, before it shut down, was trolled to death with reports of this kind claiming success after success and bombings, attacks, arsons and AR liberations. All utter bullshit.
Calmer voice of calm
Re: Belgian brain farts
14.01.2014 18:30
First the “handbag theft” theory... then THIS. LoL
I wouldn’t be surprised that "Belgian" is yet another stupid cop trying to cover his colleagues complete incompetence -or total corruption- with *grandiose* tall tales on how the cops actually are fighting the good war below the public radar... FINALLY going after those global networks of financial gangsters for the common good.
Rothschild, YOU’RE NEXT! GTFO of the EU coz the good ol’ boys from Belgian police and Scotland Yard are soon to get ya... with the help of Time Cop Jean-Claude Van Damme, and possibly Batman too.
But they sure are putting a lot of humans in solitary confinement in those prison complexes, don’t they?
On the same subject of child trafficking in Belgium, this is from the Dutroux trial in 2002:
"In the interview with the Flemish-language station VTM Dutroux admitted locking up the girls but did not acknowledge responsibility for their deaths.
He also said he had been part of a wider paedophile network but said the justice system did not want to pursue it.
"There is a well-grounded [paedophile] ring," he said. "I maintained regular contact with people in this ring. However, the law does not want to investigate this lead." "
..which is why SAVILLE and Co were still able to do their little filthy games in secret without police scrutiny.
Mr. Hanky
Using Indymedia to discredit radical activism
15.01.2014 08:44
Fake Gladio stylez
15.01.2014 13:20
Look at the language used and the topics selected.
i.e. in the title "Criminal Damage"
and in the selected topic "Policing"
Gives you an idea of the perspective of the poster?
The trolling by the corporate state of this site gives an insight into the corporate states MO. Clearly most human beings don't condone violence, except perhaps in self defence. So there is a potential here for the corporate state to just lump all anarchists together with F.A.I.etc and so label them all "terrorist". Which of course gives licence for the authorities to come down even harder on any activist. The first hidden comment to the hidden article linked to by the OP is just such a comment i.e. "all anarchists are terrorists" a comment that appears (and is hidden) quite often here.
The other aspect is clearly a divide and rule strategy commonly used by the corporate state to demoralise and divide "joined up activism" already this site is being attacked in articles such as this one.
for being "civil anarchist" so there you go, invent a new label and divide the community, easy peasy. Activists then spend their time wondering what their position is and so are distracted from tackling the ruling class.
There are several Universities that run "Anarchist Studies" departments like Loughborough (not known for even a libertarian outlook). Note the lack in any UK Uni of a "Ruling Class Studies" department. What these anarchist studies departments are doing is looking into the various ideologies and MO's of anarchists, what this allows is an exploration of various potential rift lines in the community of activists. So feminism is a useful one and one that has been used in the past to split activism right down the middle, the recent let fascists into ARA thread on this site is another and this violence/ non-violence stuff, and its accompanying individualist/communist division.
The only way I think that these divisions can be overcome is to put human being at the top of your list of self descriptors. I dunno, but until we start doing some ruling class studies I think there will always be this potential to divide and rule, human being is a self descriptor that we all share. Perhaps not an original thought, but until human being comes above anarchist or whatever then the cycle of division and distraction will continue.
Troll watcher