NHS Campaign Victory + How to Opt-Out of "Care Data"
Scott | 20.02.2014 07:27 | Health | Public sector cuts | Technology
The procedure's simple and takes just a few minutes - download the form via the links below, print out, fill-in, sign and date, then take the form to the front-desk at your GP surgery, and politely inform the receptionist you're opting-out of the Care Data scheme and would like this to be noted in your GP records. If you don't have a printer, simply write out the form by hand, as below, adding your details and signature -

Dear Doctor
I am writing to give notice that I refuse consent for my identifiable information and the identifiable information of those for whom I am responsible [delete as appropriate] to be transferred from your practice systems for any purpose other than our medical care.
Please take whatever steps necessary to ensure my confidential personal information is not uploaded and record my dissent by whatever means possible. This includes adding the "Dissent from secondary use of GP patient identifiable data" code (Read v2: 9Nu0 or CVT3: XaZ89) to my record as well as the "Dissent from disclosure of personal confidential data by Health and Social Care Information Centre" code (Read v2: 9Nu4 or CTV3: XaaVL).
I am aware of the implications of this request, understand that it will not affect the care we receive and will notify you should I change my mind.
Full name:
Date of birth:
NHS number (if known):
** Also provide the same details for all family members and dependents who wish to opt-out as well **
Do this as soon as possible, and please send this info to ALL your friends, family and work-mates :)
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Staff treating you in hospitals & GP surgeries WON'T be able to use Care.data
20.02.2014 07:38
GP practices across England will soon be required to supply patients’ personal and confidential medical information, on a regular and continuous basis, to the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC).
The data upload is due to commence in March 2014 (NB - now delayed) and all households should receive a leaflet ('Better information means better care') through their letterbox about this in January. Details from your medical record will be extracted from the practice in a form that can identify you, and will include your NHS number, date of birth, postcode, gender and ethnicity, together with your medical diagnoses (including cancer and mental health), their complications, referrals to specialists, your prescriptions, your family history, details of your vaccinations and screening tests, your blood test results, your body mass index, and your smoking/alcohol habits. This programme is called care.data, and the information uploaded will be used for purposes other than your direct medical care (so-called “secondary uses”).
Medical staff treating you in GP surgeries, hospitals, A&E and out-of-hours centres will not use, or be able to use, this database. However, the uploaded data is likely to be made available to organisations outside of the NHS, such as universities and commercial organisations..........
Opting out will have no effect on your medical care. If you are unsure what to do, opt out now. You can discuss this with your doctor at your next appointment and, if you are satisfied, you can opt back in at any point.
This leaflet was written with the help of Dr Neil Bhatia, GP.
great post
20.02.2014 22:41
23.02.2014 08:10
You may want to reconsider and omit this word as the proponents of the care.data already claim that you will not be identifiable and therefore have grounds to share your data even after this letter is submitted.