The Suicide Attack Against indymedia and its Cause
Internationalist Observer | 28.02.2014 16:37 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Indymedia | World
Not only is that not helpful, but also against their own declared purpose, and finally it displays their failure to perceive the immunity of the site. But their grotesque appearance stressing their deceptive intentions is a sign that the military-industrial complex has crashed into this garden. What is to be seen is the most stupid and evil characters of politics masquerading was what they see in us, and naively attempting to take over the emancipatory discourse like a rival business, as they have done with anything in their way down to the ash heap of history. If the British empire at the height of its influence was like a working reactor, then what remains of it now is precisely that dangerous meltdown blob which sinks all the way through the society it has befallen until it arrives at the basic platforms which carry its fundamental values.
It is not an enemy in the Clausewitzian sense of a conflict of interests where a balance could be found, but in the sense of a toxic legacy that must be done with in order to create the possibility of any balance in the first place. It is self-evident that these people would not like the symmetric scenario that could put them into the role they like to project on their targets. It is also obvious that there is no purpose in trying to educate them as a means against the misery of their collective efforts. And an appropriate cut of financing would only be possible if they had already been removed. Historically, any empire ever only ended with the death of this group, or antimilitaristically, if there was no such group it would not have been or continued to be an empire. These groups were either slaughtered by the other empires that overran them or sacrificed to Nature by tribes that cleaned up behind them. It might only be that the phenomenon has not yet occurred in the form of the technology of the current era before, what makes it appear as entirely new thing.
So there is a significant number of forgeries, but due to the fact that the perpetrators are hiding behind established covers of political legitimation they can only be spotted by these who have been hurt in their production, resulting in a situation that they can only be proven by taking further such risk, caused by a deliberate intention to hurt ever more. The evildoers are able to target their dissemination of forgery against anyone they can spy against. And there is no black line of piety which they would not cross to push their scam, such as respecting the vulnerabilities of targets, e. g. not abusing serious issues such a child abuse for the decoration of forgeries. There is a lot of the obvious contradictory appearance of government officials attempting to masquerade as dissidents, but there also is speculation attracting insane amounts of resources into the forgery.
At this point, there is no objective procedure for disassembling every instance of forgery short of the government adhering to the constitution. But since the latter is not the case, it is necessary to put together heuristic orientations by which pattern of behaviour and attitude they can be identified such that these criteria cannot be easily avoided without making real changes once their application becomes transparent. One specific pattern found in the malicious content is how an over accumulation of irrelevant details combined with the lack of some details of central relevance indicates the surface of a forgery, a depraved projection whose subject matter has been exchanged. Also typical is the form of the expected response to what it really is - e.g. a stalk might attempt to masquerade as defence against stalking. Since the origin of the forgery always is spying, several layers of imagination might have been added to the booty. It can be directly abused, but there also can be an abuse with the abuse (either real or imagined), in which the perpetrator would pretend to have protected the target against an abuse that did not take place in any other form than the spying itself.
A systematic examination of the material shows that the issue of child abuse is its centre of gravity, as every story in retelling is being boiled down to the expression of the strongest feelings. The only truth in it is the abuse itself which is always wrong even when it is mentioned for the wrong reasons. But already the association with children is a part of the forgery intended both at denigrating the targets as persons without full rights and hurting random children with a smokescreen of rumours that cover up any actual child abuse. The abuse takes the form of identity theft or similar crimes against the personality involving not only the identity towards the state, but all kinds of elements thereof the latter must not touch and if it does it deprecates its own claims for constitution. In the worst case, the abuser is attempting to masquerade as a phoney supporter of its targets, and it can only do so by delivering proof that it is in fact an evildoer exploiting stolen data.
So when it is mentioning its own aversion against the truth, which is that it is a suicide attack, it is only telling a truth in the sense of the Epimenidean paradox - the empty words are so unspecific that they are of no value other than as a proof of their own theft by the abusers uttering them. Since there might in fact be people in need of reporting such incidents to the public, the worst of all abuses that is being perpetrated by the insertion of the forgeries is the defamation they constitute against the legitimate use of the open posting capacity for that purpose. In the suicidal delusion of the state terrorists, everything outside the control of the state is perceived to be a forgery, so they feel no sense of guilt when they abuse the public capacities for their obvious excretions of bigotry and hypocrisy. In their perception, truth is just another empty word they would like to employ for their pranks, and not the aprioristic fact it is in the lives of the rest of us. So there is no moral restraint whatsoever commanding that child abuse is not a suitable prop for sick jokes, which would be the absolute precondition for any idea of dialogue.
Being focused, or more precisely, fixated only on the uniform appearance of their murderous output, even when harassing in plainclothes, the perpetrators are used to an expectation that a toxic dose of frontal abuse and backwards feigned empathy against just that abuse, which truly amounts to a worse level of abuse given its expected effects, was capable as a two-component explosive to produce overwhelming shock in their targets, and could therefore be pushed upon them in an manner that cannot be justified by any means because the results were expected to outshine the central side effects. This is already out of itself a deranged expectation, because in reality it produces pity, and if it were to function a surrender of these targets to them would not make any desirable change for the rest of us, rather the opposite. But due to their insane expectation in combination with brute force they repeat the same pattern of supposedly overwhelming effect again and again, like maldesigned machines. It is necessary to say once again that what is abusing the non-governmental communication channels is essentially the same thing that earlier appeared in the form of colonialism to indigenous people around the world. Now it is no longer in the form in which it was installed, but a toxic blob of dangerous idiots lacking any of the once installed mechanisms of regulation and literally incapable to stop itself. It is an evil in the sense of moral judgement, but in the technical sense of material handling it is like an accident.
There is no ethical difference between the dissemination of spy forgeries on opposition media and the dumping of disease-polluted containers with trade goods in the neighbourhoods of indigenous people two or three centuries earlier - except for different underlying technologies the causes and effects of these crimes are one and the same. It is a genocidal intention behind the purchase, because without the function as bait there would be no economic demand for it. The tribe which understood that the harmless- and useful-looking stuff in these boxes would not have been put there in any of the economic procedures of their enemies other than a hunt in which they are the targets was the only one to survive the pandemic as whose carrier system they were purchased. And the memory of such risk surviving through the surge of disease that preceded the collapse of colonialism in the first half of the 20th century and the ensuing hangover into the infantile disease of totalitarianism plaguing the digital era is just as sound. There is no economic interest that would put these forgeries there if they were what they pretend to be. Occasionally the stuff might even appear to be useful at the first glance, at least useful for its duplicitous purpose, but in a more than just material sense it has all the suicidal contaminations of the dying system in it, and nothing else would explain its appearance.
It is the same old imperialism that put Britain on the ash heap of history for the rest of the world after it had attempted to make it its colony. So in a wider anti-imperialist perspective, the reappearance of the evil that raped foreign cultures with a history compared to which even Europe in its entirety, let off Britain with its "Kennedy Syndrome", would be well advised to display some degree of humility, against the media that rose out of the anti-globalisation movement represents the last stage of spying. The enemy that once was on the offence is now on the defence, and in being so concentrating its abuse and deception on these who refuse to inherit it. Yet though this death spasm of imperialism as a general signal is good news, due to its evil character for many it takes an unfair personal turn as the meltdown is resulting in the loss of any ethical restraint while the braindead blob comes down on the bedrocks of revolutionary patience.
If indymedia is being seen as a technology for itself, then it is like the community bulletin board with a well-practised routine of moderation and focus keeping. Under the "spyranny" that lies in pronouncing its own name the good old wood is mostly papered over with regime propaganda violating the additional protocol to the biological weapons ban treaty (if the "United Nations" was sane enough to have one). But if indymedia is being seen as a stolen element displaced into the machinery of the regime, then it is like the trigger of the death machine France used to treat its aristocrats after the American independence. The braindead strongmen may lay their heads into it if they like the perspective, but once one of them pushes that button, an irreversible cut takes place. If the force linking cause and consequence is the natural gravitation, it will happen without any delay. Yet if the death machine is more complex, the results of buttons being pushed may be accumulated and delayed, but arrive they will. And since such statement could be interpreted as a discouraging of leaks it cannot be expected from indymedia to issue a last warning that pressing the publication button in execution of a government oath is lethal, or to require clicking a checkbox confirming consent with such regulation. Though those who have something to leak should instead go to a leaking platform.
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See also:
- Why is the Nonproliferation Treaty Failing? (9.1.) -

- The Death of the Inclusion Policy in the East Asian Shelf Waters (16.1.) -

- Triple Treason in the Caucasus (23.1.) -

- NATO. Obituary to a Nukepool (27.1.) -

- Obey or Die - The Pathology of Organised Treason in Europe (21.2.) -

Internationalist Observer
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