Yellowstone Eruption Question Read from Uranium Planet Systems
Zbigniew Charnas | 04.03.2014 09:41 | COP15 Climate Summit 2009 | Ecology | Energy Crisis | Fracking | World
Maybe many of Yellowstone-type super volcanoes (YTSV = YeSVerTs) erupted on the Earth-type planets like that one last existing at an earlier martio-logical time on the Inta-Mars (Earth-like primeval Planet Mars before about one billion years ago). Because of this fact there are probably maybe only few or just one and only of such little earthy planets in the immense space of the Universe. We can prove nuclear-volcanic expansion and explosion of primeval Mars – as scenario also for the Earth – analysing many and many far planetary systems observed by astronomical telescopes. We can also discover super-dense lava-uranium giant planets.
Presented here below new theory is compatible theory, what means that it is compatible to reality existing around us and it does not contradict to wide known physical phenomena. Old walls on historical construction in our cities crack creating long vertical crevices. They are plastered once more time and live goes on for us as usual. The theory does contradict eventually only to some old harmful stereotypes wide cultivated by science and education systems and many mass media in our scholarly quasi-wise super technology world.
More, whole this theory joins each to other and interprets some new phenomena coming upon the Earth what great human science does not understand and in consequence does far ignore them. It is for instance that the Earth’s planetary magnetic field decreases extraordinarily its power in nowadays time after the year 1845 and that the our terrestrial globe started to accelerate its rotation in dimension of leap seconds in our times after the year 1972. It treats about that why oceans on our planet in its abysses are warmed in present century nearly as fast as the atmosphere at the globe surface. So do more and more continental glacial caps with heat coming from their cold ground bases and they flow on melting water over their rock platforms. Official science still does not know where big amount of this melted water is now hidden somewhere out of the oceanic and atmospheric system.
No joke, I am not a wisecrack and chatterbox! With realisation of this controversial theory the future will look in otherwise way than anybody guess. Alternative for treatment of this text as rightly serious is global mass ecological genocide for billions (!) of people quickly in our restless XXI century with its start maybe just already in running decade.
In my cosmological conception when there was created Solar System and maybe every of other planetary systems – exoplanetary systems – there was set central star object as sun or pair of suns and some planets existing only as planetary gas giants. Such planets were inlets and next slivers of matter of these central stars coming into being. Moons of these planetary systems were created just after the moment of explosion one of some first planets of their system. Planetary gas giants do not explode because they have deep liquid gas oceans saving cracking surface of their outer rock cores but some properly big planets with hard rock surface can explode after their slow expansion when they are extremely full of volcanic gases in magma existed under their lithospheres.
When matter dispersed around some point in the space as future star or even pair or triad of stars with conjoined to them some planetary system there was several solid rocky balls with deep hydrogen oceans on their surfaces. The most giant and heavy such sphere in the middle of new planetary system got suddenly nuclear flame and began to be central shining bright star. Then its star wind of nuclides started to blow out warmed hydrogen oceans from several existing as the first gaseous-rocky new planets. With that method there were born three Earth-like planets in the primeval Solar System: Venus, Earth and Inta-Mars (Intact Mars, Intangible Mars). Mercury is in my hypothesis transorbited on new space trajectory further in time Planet Gas-Mercury existed in primeval creation as one of gaseous giants placed between Inta-Mars and Jupiter.
Every rocky ball of gaseous or rocky planet expands if fitly hot inside. These planets as young do not decrease internal temperature in their cores but they far increase it and they expand taping oxygen and other volcanic gases generated from mantle silicates inside their outer cores with nuclear reactions. During last about 4.6 billions of years the Earth set bigger its surface area as about three times and its volume as about five times. Radius of the planet got longer of about 70 % with average tempo of about 0.5 millimetre per year. In that time in mountain subduction and erosion the globe lost about 10 % of its continents conjoined tightly with each other on young Earth.
These parameters are in fact maybe a bit littler than presented here but much bigger cannot be with assumption of nuclear-volcanic mechanism of planetary expansion. They are probably parameters ending this expansion with planetary eruption and explosion. They can increase no more with physical powers and methods known for our modern science – especially because of structural properties of gas-and-magma hot foam created in the globe mantle.
As I reflect inside the Earth there are maximally even about 20,000 degrees of temperature in the scale of Kelvin. It is result of existence there of three types of nuclear changes: mineral atomic breakdown, mineral atomic fission and mineral thermonuclear fusion. In the Sun there is not gaseous thermonuclear fusion without so-called tunnel effect. This effect is some artificial creation, as I think. So, in the Earth there are also some special effects for sporadic and discreet thermonuclear reactions. Three types of mentioned nuclear changes are there interdependent and they physically co-operate. There are clouds of neutrons and helons (nuclides of alpha rays) probabilistically arising and concentrating in atomic gaps.
In supplement to one of my articles in Polish language (“Fission Drives Fusion in the Georeactor” of “Thermonuclear Reactions inside the Earth”) I published several such type reactions. Here are some theoretically in stechiometric writing for instance: 27/13(14)Al + 28/14(14)Si + 1/0(1)n 1K(1)→ 56/26(30)Fe or 28/14/Si + 28/14/Si 2K→ 56/26/Fe and 26/12/Mg + 28/14/Si → 54/26/Fe (one atom of aluminium and one atom of silicon with one neutron of uranium fission and one K-capture give one atom of iron, like formerly: silicon and silicon with K-capture give iron, magnesium and silicon give natural non-radioactive isotope-54 of iron, etc.). It is necessary to tell yet that it is possible to prove shocking fact that if old and wrong scientist’s approximation of cosmic emission of thermal radiation of our Blue Planet would be right then our Moon – withered already long time ago – would be warmer inside today than the Earth.
I reflect that in the Earth’s inner core there is much more mass of uranium than scientists assume. Please, compare here even though surface mass of uranium to surface mass of iron – both left on the Earth as Inta-Martian dust – or instead of it surface concentration of uranium to surface concentration of iron. And next compare this relation with relation of mass of uranium in the crust and integral mass of lithosphere rocks (surface concentration of uranium). Showed here lithospheric iron-uranium proportion is to inform of iron and uranium quantities in the core of exploding Inta-Mars. It is not already all to the very end, because uranium is heavier about three times than iron in their cosmic space race around the Sun by other planets. Mass of iron increase and mass of uranium decrease in the core of such type planet. In that method breakdown and fission drives fusion in the georeactor generating plasma inside layer of the outer core of the globe and its life-saving magnetic field (generated also with plasma in Jupiter).
Inta-Mars before its cosmic explosion was the planet having its size a little bigger than the Earth has it today. It was the heavier planet. It gave probably all moons to the Solar System. There are some evidences for it. All moons have on their surface rocks and find as smoke dust containing colour compounds of iron. Summed mass of all moons in the Solar System summed next with mass of Mars will be approximately the mass of Inta-Mars, I suppose and postulate such exciting addition. On the south hemisphere of Mars there is still old surface crust of Inta-Mars with its old craters and monstrous volcanoes. But its north hemisphere is relatively young and it has less number of craters having just no volcanoes. What a wandering cosmic surprise – such the smallest and internally coolest planet – excluding bald Mercury – has now the biggest volcanoes in the whole Solar System, but in that all of they just deadly extinct.
Four gaseous giant planets in Solar System are not so diversified in their forms like its several tens of moons and they were nearly unvaried in primeval cosmological times before first planetary explosion. Many of colour moons of our planetary system are really remarkable. How did it come to that? I can explain it using scenario scheme of expansionistic evolution of planets and of unbalanced planetary eruption transforming to unbalanced huge planetary explosion. When planet evolves it changes. Inside of such object there are produced some new substances like gaseous methane for example. Modern science suspects that also it is petroleum found often between rocks. Gaseous planet giants have probably under their gaseous hydrogen atmospheres and liquid hydrogen oceans deep oceans of liquid methane and liquid carbon dioxide generated earlier and still on by this physical and chemical way.
When planet erupts and explodes its internal arranged in many layers matter is dispersed in the space with diversified speeds in many directions. Next it is caught by gravitation of its neighbour planets. Many ways of varied matters are here often different. Farther and faster there fly heavier, deeper and hotter by that parts of exploding planet. Some parts of matter are even lost in space system outskirts and fall on central star or stars (without light gaseous fractions, like gaseous hydrogen). Presented here mechanisms work as specific material filter for cosmic confetti.
Primeval gaseous planetary giants were billion years ago in the Solar System and exist everywhere now with probably only specific hydrogen-blue colour on their atmospheres like it is today in case of Neptune. Uranus has already now beige shining. More such type colours Saturn has and the most variously coloured is Jupiter. It is because Jupiter and Saturn are biggest planets and also because they are the nearest planets to wreck of Mars. These both planets have also the highest quantity of colour moons going around them. These planets have in the atmosphere colour pollution functioning like varied mixture. These paints came there throughout the cosmic space from exploding Inta-Mars.
When one looks on Mars, Venus and Mercury and on some grounds on Earth one can see the same standard of smoke build-up in prehistoric catastrophic cosmic storm with beige-rusty dust of silicon and iron oxides in various variants of physical proportion forming sand and rust. In case of Venus we can watch yellow-beige-rusty colour coming from presence of sulphur and its compounds on the crust and in the atmosphere of this volcanic planet (rusty is brownish-red colour; bonus: “rust” hasn’t “c” to “crust”). Some of moons in the Solar system have their grey colour what comes from colour of iron oxides (FeO, Fe3O4).
Similar story there is probably with spectacular Ring of Saturn surrounding this planet and with mysterious Ring of Planetoid localised between Mars and Jupiter. Do we – being often in our live excellent artists – overlook this fascinating colour reality when we stood under bright lamp of modern science and popular knowledge? We can also make interesting discussion about three types of moon trajectories (1-2-3) of every relatively little moon (1) and relatively big moon (2) of the Solar System and of our huge Moon (3) functioning in unusual tandem with the Earth.
Working already from several years great scientific program for discoveries of extra-solar planets and very far planetary systems – called as exoplanet and as exoplanetary systems – finds now one such planet everyday. There is already big full barn of varied planets standing here. But I ask “Does somebody analyse wild diversification of exoplanetary systems existing as the complete?”. I afraid that does nobody. No structural analyses, no needed urgently knowledge!
I specially looked for finely another Earth and another Inta-Mars in published data for discovered exoplanets. In my first sight I found some scarcities in mentioned data information. But next I found there many exciting scientific cosmic visions. When there are information about masses, densities, radiuses of discovered exoplanets and about masses of their stars in astronomical materials one can watch such pictures and analyse them.
Scientific PR-media tuba affirms that there is myriad of next Earth-like planets as ready to inhabitation but in fact it is not true. After my reconnaissance I hold that ongoing but not necessarily lasting shortage of second Earth in our data can be structural and systematic effect in whole planetary system of the Universe. So-called superterran planets are probably very heavy and dense internally very hot planets including in their core huge masses of uranium and having on their unfriendly surface hot bubbling lava. Such cosmic planetary constructions do not use to erupt and explode because they non-stop erupt on their lava surface. And if it will not explode, it will preserve its high density and such mass.
Let us look at some of these hot superterran exoplanets. They are planets with radius several times longer (1.5, 2, 2.5, etc.) than radius of the Earth but their masses are as many as thirty times bigger. Their average density is two times or five times greater than density of iron on surface of the Earth and comparable to density of uranium on this surface or even two times bigger. I found that one of exoplanets has its density even about ten times greater than it is for iron from lithosphere of the Earth. In very centre of the core of this object there must be density like in some star only a little smaller than our Sun. It is wondering unusual phenomenon. Their surface gravitation must be gigantic for us.
But how is it possible at all that there exists such density of materials in the space? It is partly because huge gravity can far squash gaseous, liquid and also solid matter in moons, planets and stars. In textbook is written that iron in very middle of the Earth has its density nearly two times higher (~ 14 g/cm^3) than on the globe surface (~ 7 g/cm^3) and in centre of Jupiter even over three times higher (~ 21 g/cm^3). Inside the Sun this is reputedly even weirdly twenty two times bigger value. But mentioned superterran exoplanets are about as big as only the rocky core of Jupiter. Well, from what abysses of inferno does come there their such gigantic density?
I think it is taken up from generating gravitation uranium. After this effect of attraction with uranium planetary masses there is also another important mechanism creating high density inside mentioned exoplanets. They are almost burnt-out in nuclear concept and they consist of almost only synthesised on nuclear way iron (~ 7 g/cm^3) melted with addition of uranium (~ 19 g/cm^3) and lead (~ 13 g/cm^3) coming from uranium breakdown. This trait is possible only by means of huge uranium attendance (giving helons and neutrons to thermonuclear synthesis for iron), what is here very important.
Mentioned here superterran exoplanets are for example: Kepler-22b (№ 13), Kepler-61b (№ 990), Kepler-62e (№ 948), Kepler-62f (№ 949) and Kepler-69c (№ 890). Their stars have nearly the same mass as our Sun or they are even two times lighter. It is rather plain that when these planets were created billions years ago from primeval cloud of cosmic matter there came more heavy uranium to planets what were relatively bigger among others in proportion to their maternal star. If you heard about so-called Black Swan Theory you understand that to see lava-uranium planet is like to see black swan in Australia when everyone knows that there are since forever only white swans in the world.
In far space I find in data second the Earth with firm surface or rather the second Inta-Mars by parameters but not existing in planetary system ecosphere, what means that it is unfortunately too hot for living organisms the second planet. This is exoplanet named Kepler-78b (№ 916) with mass bigger of about 60 % than for the Earth, with radius longer of about 10 % and with nearly identical density. Such planet is bigger than the Earth but a little under-weighted planet. Its density should be a little greater due to its bigger mass and gravity. So, this planet has less uranium and it is just before its explosion or it already cool down.
During my fascinating searching in data information I find exoplanetary system with one outer primeval planet and with a few inner the rest planets being earlier the second planet with only the first in this system. This exoplanet sometime in cosmic history exploded and next it created these planetary dispersionists. That the first from space outer planet has its mass like our Jupiter but its radius is only about 30 % of our giant planetary neighbour and about 3.5 times longer than radius of the Earth. This planet density is at that near to density five times higher than pure geological iron has it (~ 36 g/cm^3). It is once more time here already known for us lava-uranium exoplanet (LAUREX). But next it occurs that densities of its inner neighbourhood exoplanets are diametrically low. These planets are dense-light like some a bit under-weighted Mars and similarly some under-weighted little moon – heaving less massive crease – taken to comparison from the Solar System but several times bigger than the Earth.
I am telling here about the family of exoplanets in Kepler-11 Planetary System in Cygnus Constellation (Swan) in Milky Way: Kepler-11b (№ 836), Kepler-11c (№ 842), Kepler-11d (№ 857), Kepler-11e (№ 861), Kepler-11f (№ 839) and Kepler-11g (№ 966). Kepler-11 (Kepler-11a) is a star with a little less mass than our Sun (95 %). These exoplanets have their densities as follows respectively in planetary order: 3.280, 2.520, 0.8812, 0.5303, 0.700 and 36.000 (g/cm^3). And they have radiuses as follows: 0.1762, 0.2818, 0.3068, 0.4043, 0.2335 and 0.3274 (as part of radius of Jupiter). For comparison densities of the Earth, Mars and Moon are as follows: 5.515, about 3.9 and about 3.5 (g/cm^3). Earth’s radius is 0.0892 of Jupiter’s radius. When there is not information about density in planetary data one can compute it from mass and radius of interesting planet. As I assume, low density of third, fourth and fifth exoplanet in the Kepler-11 Planetary System is result of secondary presence of volcanic gases existing as their thick atmosphere. These gases existed earlier as contents of the magma mantle of hypothetic Inta-Kepler-11b Planet (Kepler-11g was yet Kepler-11c).
How did it come there to spectacular eruption and such effects of planetary explosion? At first the surface of Inta-Kepler-11b got its solidified firm crust, stopping internal volcanic gases on their way to the free space from hot liquid lava. Then the planet expands faster and its caked rocky crust suddenly cracked or one of its super volcanoes fatally erupted with deep vacuum penetration into the hot planetary mantle. If extremely internal matter of expanding planet is evenly pressed from every direction on the base of sphere than it is stabile. But when it heated over temperature of boiling in normal conditions rocky and ferric masses will be suddenly contacted with cosmic vacuum than they erupt and explode changing quickly from solid and liquid materials into hot gases.
The deeper and hotter matter the intensive exploding and faster escaping from centre of planetary explosion. Hence such much quantities of iron on many planets and moons in the Solar System for instance. When planet is not sufficiently hot inside then it cannot explode. When it will be critically hot inside and it will get penetrating vacuum or low-pressure contact then it can explode due to any cosmological cause. Gas-oceanic planetary giants and planets covered by lava do not explode having never mentioned dangerous internal vacuum contact (bonus: Uranus is in Greek mythology god of the sky and Urania is muse taking care of astronomy).
The basaltic crust of the Earth is solidified magma what is devoid of most of volcanic gases coming out from the planetary mantle. Under this intimate basaltic stratum there exist magma of the global mantle imbued and penetrated by mentioned volcanic gases. Over the basaltic layer there are floating granite palettes functioning as the Earth’s continents. When hot and liquid lava (magma on the surface is named as lava) is coming up very slowly to the surface in tectonic rifts it give also very slowly its volcanic gases into the ocean and next or at once into the atmosphere. Lava has in that time several hundreds of grades of the temperature in the Celsius scale, near about 800 °C. And when there erupt only some little volcano it does it with similar temperature.
Under volcano there not exists long chimney following directly until very hot internal magma layer. There are several bubble caverns with melted hot magma arranged one over next another, charring slowly their melted body throughout solid lithosphere in direction to volcanic top. Just such the highest gas and magma bubble erupts when volcano erupts. Unlike regular volcano super volcano has just only one huge hot melted gas-magma cavern what ranges until layer being even under lithosphere in the mantle of the Earth. Gigantic eruption of such constructed bubble is in the highest critical conditions very dangerous for whole the planet because there is near distance there to stability level. In this moment temperature of gas and magma and of lying under matter decides about length of this dangerous deep distance.
Today average temperature in giant underground chamber of Yellowstone Super Volcano ranges reputedly to 1400 °C in the higher segment and even to 2000 °C in the lower one. Being up in the crust full of gas magma of super volcano when it is calm moment in geological history has its time to radiate out into the space its internal heat. But if things suddenly will accelerate – when radiated heat is blocked in the atmosphere and inside of the Earth get hotter, when clogged up and hollowed chimney of super volcano is stretched around and pushed up with increasing internal pressure of gases then such volcano can accelerate its eruption. Otherwise it can dangerously suck boiling in vacuum critically hot matter of the mantle with tragic final effect for all living planet regardless that all this runs with some thermal and material inertia. Particular phenomenon of stretched rocky hole or chimney is described in my article titled “Japanese Sasago Syndrome [...]” (name taken from catastrophe in Sasago Tunnel at Tokyo in Japan in December of the year 2012).
Interesting situation to explaining is here also with continental domes and downer lithospheric parts of the globe sphere floating on magma forming mantle of the Earth. Placed up firm crust free of gases is denser than including gases quasi-liquid mantle placed in downer level. But it does not sink in hot magma. This medium is under huge pressure and it behaves like material in solid state. On the whole matter in liquid and solid state under extreme pressures and in extreme temperatures behaves similarly. In these conditions liquid material has huge stickiness and solid material can very slowly drift. Gaseous material gets hardened nearly like liquid one. The Earth’s crust is held by reverse pressure of saturated with gas magma including inside gaseous magma babbles.
Bubbles in magma drift super very slowly in the mantle in hydrodynamic balance with the rest of this medium. Hydrodynamic uplift is deadly stopped in solid state materials and extremely slow in this quasi-solid material. Streams of hot magma also drift there very slowly. In normal conditions magma has time to radiate its heat into higher levels of rocks. Bubbles in the abyss are comparable in their mean and maximal size to bubbles being under the crust because the nearly to the surface the littler pressure, but also and temperature in the mantle. Magma streams going inside the planet go even faster than presented internal gaseous bubbles to the lithosphere.
Supposed Sasago Syndrome consists in slow stretching of holes in rocks or metal bars in creep material process looking like extension of ladder in stocking or slot in jelly, exaggerating its vacuum inside when pulled around. Analogous mechanism can exist in huge underground caverns and chambers with stretched top domes and stretched chimneys of they. Giant the Yellowstone Super Volcano Caldera is such cool caked lava dome in the super-volcano chimney – staying there as some stopper in a bottle – but this lava area is not ultimate tranquil. I think that it goes slowly up and aside, too. This horizontal motion can be more scientifically important than researched vertical one.
When internal matter of the Yellowstone Super Volcano Caldera is like stopper in neck of rocky bottle stretched like ladder in stocking then inside of this special bottle pressure is dangerously increasing at the same time. The question if the super volcano erupt depends upon caldera stopper strength for stretching (for the first) and pressure increasing (for the second). And it depends before all of increasing tempo of the Earth’s expansion, of course. If nowadays researched the Yellowstone Super Volcano or other of super volcanoes on the Earth will erupt quickly in time in the XXI century there will can get dead of famine about five billions of people because of global volcanic winter (Polish “Angora” weekly № 4 /1232/ 2014, pages 78 – 79).
About Yellowstone Super Volcano in geological history and in today times there was published in July of the year 2009 extensive article with text, colour photos and graphics in the world-famous magazine “National Geographic” by authors: Joel Achenbach, Mark Thiessen and Hernán Cañellas. In Polish issue the article was titled: “Kiedy wybuchnie Yellowstone” (“When erupt the Yellowstone”, “National Geographic Polska” № 8 /119/ August 2009, pages 80 – 91).
Near the proper centre of Warsaw we have historical old municipal Warsaw Lindley Filters build in the years 1883 – 1886. This filter-works are enclosed on the base of quasi-square rectangle on area of about 0.27 square kilometres by the long old brick-and-concrete wall with top steel grids (0.45 x 0.60 = 0.27 km^2). Now for me it is scientific Warsaw Earth Large Expandometer of Lindley and Charnas (WELELCH). This potentially important scientific device is strictly mentioned long enclosing wall of William Lindley’s city filters area. It has many expansionistic narrow crevices and wider cracks what are still created incessantly shortly from time to time in many places. After its every periodic renovation there is visible expansion of the Earth in approximated by me scale on view as new wall plaster crevices and new little rippings of its grids from wall brick pillars. Details are in my article published in 2012 in Polish language titled in English way: “Warsaw cracks just of expanding Earth”. Be looking for analogous objects in your neighbourhood area, please.
In region of Warsaw there is similar or comparable expansion of sand-ground on bedrock in every direction. Sometimes we have here expansionistic resilient micro-gorge geological lines in that (e.g. the slow breach across the building of Geophysical Institute of Warsaw University and across the enclosing wall of the concern base area of Polish Petroleum Mining and Gas Industry). I reflect that in Yellowstone Caldera region there is strong expansion at North-South direction on the axis of Rocky Mountains. In perpendicular to this East-West direction ground expansion can be a little lower or even sometimes negative with strong mountain tectonic subduction process.
Please, think: Is it right that the biggest (dead) volcanoes are on the smallest – so it means faster in cosmic history as cooler – planet of triad Venus, Earth and Mars? I expect that it is not right! In my conviction Mars was previously about one billion years ago the planet a little more massive and bigger as primeval Inta-Mars than the Earth is today. It expands until it exploded by cause it was deeply warmer and having bigger its super volcanoes and thinner its lithosphere than all the time the Earth. Material of mentioned Inta-Mars build nowadays wreck planet Mars and maybe every of colour moons of the Solar System.
Ferric compounds dust (dark grey, red-orange, yellow, light green, dark blue, etc.) on many moons and planets in the Solar System is created before all of the matter of the iron core of that Earth-like Inta-Mars. More information is in my article published in 2011 in Polish language titled in English way: “The Great Collision in the Solar System” (there scenario with asteroid and two planets cosmic collision, not yet version with super volcano eruption following to planetary explosion). On our globe we have characteristic red iron colour in every brown-red brick of wall and in many parts of red-orange ground of continents, for instance on semi-deserts of Australia.
Pictures from the space of
Sun, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Venus, Mars and Mercury
seen in their natural star and planetary colours:
Planets and Sun Size Comparison

Size Planets Comparison

Telluric Planets Size Comparison

Planets, Solar System, Exoplanets and Exoplanetary Systems:
Solar System / Wikipedia

Planet / Wikipedia

Exoplanet / Wikipedia

Kepler-78b / Wikipedia

Kepler-47 System
[Like hypothetically primeval Kepler-11 System]

Kepler-11 / Wikipedia

Kepler-62 / Wikipedia

Complete List of Exoplanets

List of exoplanets discovered using the Kepler spacecraft / Wikipedia

The Extrasolar Planet Encyclopaedia – Catalog Listing

List of potential habitable exoplanets / Wikipedia

What is going on now and ever with Yellowstone Super Volcano:
Yellow Stone Super Volcano: Eruption Soon? / UFOHunter1190

Yellowstone Caldera / Wikipedia

Under Yellowstone, Magma Pocket 20% Larger Than Thought

Photo of the Warsaw Lindley Filters with their enclosing wall as WELELCH:
Stacja Filtrów, Stacja Ozonowania Pośredniego i Filtracji na Węglu Aktywny
[What about expandometer made of many not long rails build as railway track?]

Unusual Bonus:
For the first time “Earth-Moon Exclamation Mark” on the Martian sky
[Like my symbolic “Jupiter-Moon Exclamation Mark” on our nightly sky.
Last such JUMEM existed before midnight in the 10th day of February 2014
along the hemispheric line created by the cities of: La Palma, Sevilla,
Charnas /little town at Lyon in France/,
Bern, Prague, Warsaw, Minsk, Moscow, Shanghai]
The space view seen on Mars in the 31st day of January 2014:
Curiosity Sees Earth and Moon From Mars | Video / VideoFromSpace

Curiosity Rover: Here is what Earth looks like from Mars / The Cosmos News
[Curiosity Takes a Photo of Earth from Martian Surface]

Zbigniew Charnas