Can you feel the Class War all around you?
Pier Head | 21.08.2014 18:24 | Analysis | Culture | Workers' Movements | Liverpool | Sheffield
Yes we are Working Class, yes we live and were brought up on council estates where the Ruling Class think we can be divided and forgotten about. Forced in to Unemployment when it suits them, hidden from view when it suits some of their Institutions, lied about and accused of laziness and recklessness when it suits their Journalists. We are the people who they like to use to make themselves feel something Superior.
Can you feel the Class War all around you? We can and welcome those who are waking up to it again. It's time to look after each other and move forward confident in ourselves and what we are capable of together.
Viva the Class War
Pier Head
Hide the following 4 comments
Total Failure of Class War Politics in Britain
21.08.2014 22:17
Total Failure of Class Struggle Politics in the UK
21.08.2014 22:18
Total failure of your smell
27.08.2014 09:05
Fuck the torys!
Troll killer
Can I just say?
28.08.2014 18:39
Maybe they are feeling a little embarassed about how they have raped our children and got away with it for so long Or maybe they are congratulating themselves on their continued abuse and thinking just when will we hang them from their local lamposts...
Pier Head