Benjamin Netanyahu is an Existential Threat to Too Much of the World: And now he
William Wraithwrite | 15.02.2015 21:58 | Repression | Terror War
Benjamin Netanyahu is an Existential Threat to Too Much of the World: And now he wants to speak to his war crime corroborators: U.S Congress!
By William Wraithwrite
[Note: if you feel this essay is important then share with many other people: tweet, email, post, argue with and make known.]
Baby-bib Bibi is brazen as are his blatant war crimes that were carried out this summer in Palestine—as many people already know.
But then this is what the Old Testament allowed for—a priestly caste of self-appointed people, who claimed to speak for Yahweh and a special sacred tribal mission, in order to command and then ordain what often enough were war crimes (sacrosanct purpose of course for a chosen people). Few dared to challenge the holier-than-thou status of Divine Authority of an all powerful Wizard of Oz.
God could do and decide anything he wanted as his very decisions and judgments were viewed as righteous, by the supposed fact those actions emanated from him himself. Thus Yahweh decided morality however arbitrarily or self-serving (really mortals who pretended to speak for him did so while hiding behind their curtain veil).
Some humans today, especially leaders of countries, too think and act as if they are above any human law or idea of human morality.
The Moses story (and it was mere story) is full of ‘sanctioned’ killing of ‘other’ (outside the tribe). It was very much a story of invasion, occupation and conquest—there is hardly anything truly divine about it—rather it is steeped in the human drama of stealing land, conquering peoples, and war crimes such as raping women and killing children. The Pentateuch exists mostly for the purpose of justifying war propaganda. In fact the Bible was one of the earliest forms of political propaganda (disguised as Holy Writ since back then there was no separation between Church and State—precisely what Zionism is really still about today—even as some paradoxically claim it to be secular).
Netanyahu, who has used the Moses story to justify his politics and Israel’s existence as a Jewish state, like too many politicians (and bullies) act as if feels he is indispensable to this world. In these times of chaos and conflict (too much of Israel’s making and manipulation) his main message is that there is never too much fear to fear—that is there is an ever increasing world of terrorism out there—and thus he uses this simple message of political hysteria to his relatively naïve population of believers, who are equally heavily propagandized with misinformation (not just Israelis but the people of the United States as well) to maintain his position of leadership via fear-mongering—not bad for a man who dedicated his life to the study of terrorism?
Meanwhile many supposedly U. S. Senators and Representatives of the House treat Mr. High and Mighty, or this Ass of Arrogance that he is, as if he were something more reverent than mere mortal leader—as if he too were of some sacred Levite class of being who deserved the type of glorification the God of the Bible always seemed to expect.
Zionism and its belief system via ancient Abrahamic religions, in general, could never imagine any existential threat “within” itself? It couldn’t possibly be the case that justifying political divides today based on the Torah or New Testament or the Koran is far outdated and goes against modern sensibilities and human needs? So of course the threat has to be one as perceived, by some, as “outside” culture.
This is much of the brainwash—we Americans are expected to support a culture whose political values are antithetical to our own such as human equality. Rather we are expected to support apartheid in Israel, which consistently oppresses Palestinians, as we are expected to help make war on any country or political party that supports the Palestinians such some in Iran. But we should never forget the brutal Shah regime and its secret police SAVAK use of terrorism and torture that both the United States and Israel did much to establish in Iran back in the 1950s.
Frankly the very heart of our political philosophy is being ripped and corrupted by a constant guilt trip regarding Germany Nazism and guilt-trips about anti-Semitism if one does not go along with the deformed relation too many right-wing Jews expect to have with the majority of goyim people of the United States.
See recently article: "Why I Will Not Be Attending PM Netanyahu's Speech to Congress" by Jewish Representative John Yarmuth at:

Yet what has been most striking about Israel’s so-called special relationship with the United States is how completely one-sided and dishonest it has been in many ways.
And we should start with the constant manipulation of misinformation fed the American people via the mainstream media (and too often Zionist sources) about Iran’s so-called nuclear bomb program, as well as various misquotations taken out of context to present Iran’s previous leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, as some monster. We Americans have been constantly lied to about a supposed nuclear threat and the Netanyahu government has been centrally behind such deceit. See book: Manufactured Crisis: The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare by Gareth Porter at:

(and listen to his interviews at ScottHorton.Org).
More importantly we Americans (conditioned in the Hebrew tradition) have learned to see enemies in Biblical terms as one-sidedly evil as Satan. It takes a mass media of some very sophisticated accomplishment to continually portray supposed enemies like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, Muammar Gaddafi, several Middle Eastern leaders as Satan. One needs to be somewhat steeped in the Biblical Literature to create such black and white conclusions. This is one legacy the Bible has bequeathed to modern politics—the absolutism of naming the enemy in terms of good versus absolute evil. Israel plays a master game of such portrayal of their supposed enemies.
The current leader of Syria, Bashar al-Assad is the new version of Zionist Satan, but even this casting of totally evil Muslim figure is not good enough for a finally questioning society—we have a new entity that does the most obviously sensational sins—behead journalists and engage in egregious forms of violation—the ISIS/ ISIL phenomenon that America magically armed and some claim even trained (see in alternative media) and magically uses to create even more war powers to an already criminal torture state that Barack Obama has no power to quell.
Nevertheless the Biblical drama of Satan has been mostly about rebellion against tyranny (politics). Very little did Lucifer do, according to the mythology, actually have to do with regular crime? The Bible therefore is about explaining human politics in cosmic terms. And Bibi is just our latest example of a man who thinks he knows more than he does and instead engages in the latest exaggerated lies and propaganda to get his way. Nothing, especially morality, is sacred in the Bible because morality is twisted to meet political objectives.
Nevertheless there will be at least one person in U.S. Senate who has the intellectual wherewithal to understand the likes of Bibi’s kid cartoons of big bombs—namely InSane McCain. John McCain graduated 5th from the bottom of his Naval Academy class—yes a man who not only grew up in a navy family but is father was an Admiral! And this is before he suffered from various kinds of mental and emotional post-traumatic disabilities. He too is a major existential threat to too many—especially given that he is not grounded in reality.
Meanwhile Israel takes on the attitude that it can have any kind of weapon system it wants and it doesn’t even have to declare the type and extent of its nuclear weapons program to anyone? Apparently when you own the copyright to what God thinks you can pretty much do whatever God thinks he or she can get away with.
American Middle East foreign policy has been heavily influenced by what is thought best for Israel and not what is best for the people of the United States. Our very government has been occupied by this foreign power and so when Benjamin Netanyahu comes to bombaste in Washington he is coming to talk to “his” Senators and “his” Congresspersons—not ours (and so it should be Israelis whose taxes pay the salaries of those in the Beltway—not the American peoples’).
This is exactly the way Netanyahu and many influential Zionists think—American resources are theirs’ to be exploited (and if you complain you are ignored or labeled an anti-Semitic).
And so it goes that within the enormous profit motive for war somewhere to everywhere, the so-called new enemy label ISIS will likely be perfectly fit to turn eventually for Zionist goals to get American war power in violent action this time with Syria and Iran. America has been basically fighting wars and torturing people for Israel for a number of years now.
As this is another reason the “terrorist” Netanyahu (his war crimes has well qualified him as such) is coming to speak to his American minions—he wants to again explain to our elected leaders who are America’s enemies (that they just happen to be Israel’s enemies is besides the point) and he wants a completion of Zionists’ demand of an entire remake of the Middle East (see NeoCon planning as Project for the New American Century - Wikipedia).
Better yet google “video PNAC”. There are at least video that explain this real conspiracy.
9/11, as fear mongering strategy that it was intended to be, has to be milked for everything it can be worth. 9/11 was the very catalyst to start the Neo-Con-Artists’ policies for American aggression abroad as well as the death knell to any Vietnam Syndrome of not wanting to be involved in foreign entanglements. War profits could start accumulating again.
Still the only accomplishment achieved by invading Afghanistan was to re-open up the heroin trade—the Taliban had actually closed down. Now billions of dollars are flowing, and likely a big chunk through the Russian mafia (which is heavily a Jewish mafia).
[Note: Facts are facts. It is not inappropriate to tell truth even if some claim because it sheds disgrace on some who claim to be Jewish then one can be labeled anti-Semitic. I’m an American and my loyalty is to the people of the United States and our Constitution. If it is true that Israel is parasitically using its relationship with the United States to basically bilk the taxpayer here, as well as damage our country’s viability at large when trying to have normal relations with other countries and peoples, then that is a truth irrespective of whether others scream about the message or try to intimidate as to end discussions.]
The fact is the heroin trade is booming there and yet the people actually making the real money are those moving huge quantities of drugs from one country to other countries—not the Afghanis themselves. And it is almost a certainty much of this trade is connecting to the Russian mafia (even as there may be significant CIA or U.S. Military connections as well).
So given the so-called noble motives for U.S. invasion and continuation in Afghan they had nothing to do with stopping or quelling the drug lords and all the crooked stuff that transpired over the years—including torture there as well.
Once Afghanistan was smitten Zionist planning here in the United States was quickly implementing more U.S. aggression to include several Middle Eastern countries to invade starting with Iraq. Lies had to be created and propagated. All manner of deception was utilized and thus Israel would get its goals met based on lies and an illegal war of aggression as employing U.S. resources in process—and even having our leader Secretary of State Colin Powell lie to the United Nations. Benjamin Netanyahu’s government was directly involved in all of this deception (in the Bible they called it the work of the devil as the great deceiver—how ironic).
And in all likelihood Israel was right there in Iraq training Americans in the art of torture—since it is basically de facto legal in Israel (given the loopholes) to torture—and there has been a lot of torture allowed in Israel with Palestinians for a long time. Who then would be better qualified to train American GI s at Abu Ghraib? This is likely one reason the CIA torture report is being buried. Torture is something God’s devils do in hell—nothing cultures do here on earth.
Torture is not as much medieval as it is ancient Middle Eastern as ingrained directly into the mythology of Angel wars of Lucifer and rebellion (although it was very much a medieval art during the Spanish Inquisition etc.). This is to say all three Abrahamic religions are about fear and terrorism and propaganda.
Abraham was originally a “migrant” from the Fertile Crescent area. Apparently he traveled the caravan trade routes to Amoritic Canaan as he must have felt somewhat dissatisfied with his lot in the East? He was not born anywhere near Palestine.
But today, in the so-called Holy Land of Israel, it is OK to torture as Israeli authorities apparently get away with it consistently. This is why the CIA borrowed from this “Israeli Example” to justify Americans torturing Muslims in our now known horrific acts (still mostly buried). But even some of our own Senators talk of very disturbing truths?
Practically everything the United States does in the Middle East on Israel’s behalf alienates much of the rest of the world. The American people are the biggest losers with billions of trillions of dollars in wasted Pentagon expenditures to big bucks military industrial complex as war profiteering. More importantly the more we work for the NeoCons and AIPAC the more we frustrate our relationship with many other countries and peoples (including our own people who equally do not see justice in our manipulated foreign policy).
Israel and the United States are both too much viewed as being morally deprived and criminal (as governments and as societies of people). Both countries could and should be tried by the International Criminal Court as guilty of war crimes by Benjamin Netanyahu’s government this summer and the cowardly injustice by American leaders who stood by as to stand down to not walk the talk of American values or protest against such despicable injustice and mass murder.
How much further must Americans witness our obsequious leaders fawn and flatter his nastiness—this ass of arrogance? Netanyahu and his likes should be in Guantanamo (rotting in Hell as smug Senator Cotton so says the purpose of the prison) not running around the world trying to impress people.
Benjamin Netanyahu is a war criminal as are plenty of his cohorts. Equally there are also war criminals here as well in the United States especially that we have been so implicated in carrying out these many foreign entanglements under false pretenses.
The sooner Israel finds a different “special friend” on which to exploit the better.
Americans at large do not need a special relationship with Israel or any country. The very idea smacks of inequality. Americans need a country of their own and not one that is as corrupt as it currently is or has been.
A good place to start is with an attitude of awareness to demand Israel stop dictating our foreign policy (or manipulating it covertly) especially as related to other countries in the Middle East, Meanwhile Israel should be thinking about dismantling its own nuclear arms—that are a reality.
The United States of America has a right to have any kind of deal with Iran it wants to have irrespective of what most Israelis feel or think. It is time for the American government work for the American people and not the special interests of one specific foreign country or two (the other being Saudi Arabia).
There is a big reason American politicians are constantly pledging allegiance to Israel (and AIPAC constantly playing psychological blackmail games to get it) and that is because in truth many, many Americans are tired of this suffocating relationship with Israel and the Likudites. Why cannot people who claim to have divine inspiration get beyond so much of their own self-centered ethnocentricity?
How many people must yet suffer and die for the exaggerated fears of Israelis who show little moral compassion toward other peoples and who refuse to understand the enmity they fear is the same enmity they themselves have inspired?
Post Script: If you feel this essay is important then share with many other people: tweet, email, post, argue with and make known.
Also A few other essays by William Wraithwrite:
Revised: Michael Brown Story Killed All Focus To Semitic Hate Crimes in Gaza

The Southern Poverty Law Center and Its Double Standard on Free Speech

YOU CANNOT DIE IN HELL: Using Indefinite Detention for Political and Religious Purposes

The Demonization of Dissent in the United States

Israeli Smack-Down of Christian Political Philosophy: A Deeper Analysis of the Latest Israeli Atrocities in Palestine

See also: “When God Became the Terrorist: Traces Of The Authoritarian Nature of the Three Abrahamic Religions” at:

Old Testament allowed for—a priestly caste of self-appointed people, who claimed to speak for Yahweh and a special sacred tribal mission, in order to command and then ordain what often enough were war crimes (sacrosanct purpose of course for a chosen people). Few dared to challenge the holier-than-thou status of Divine Authority of an all powerful Wizard of Oz.
William Wraithwrite
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