Information Commission has stopped monitoring Tower Hamlets Council
OnthestateoftheabusingCouncils | 05.03.2015 15:10 | Analysis | Indymedia | Social Struggles | London | World
Today’s news that the Information Commission has stopped monitoring Tower Hamlets Council after allegedly improving made by that Council on Information Provision will come as news to many.
the State of English boro Councils
allowed to abuse the public
Today’s news that the Information Commission has stopped monitoring Tower Hamlets Council after allegedly improving made by that Council on Information Provision will come as news to many.
Those familiar with Tower Hamlets Council’s behaviour over long periods of time would know that neither the Information Commission nor the ‘local ombudsman’ has made any difference to Tower Hamlets Council.
The Council is not in denial about ordinary requests for information alone.
Tower Hamlets is the worst local Council when it comes to delivering basic service to the public across the board.
The Economist magazine last year ran a cartoon with Lutfur Rahman, as a ‘monarch’ being driven on an animal-pulled vehicle through ‘Brick Lane’.
That showed just how deeply ignorant the Economist magazine is.
The suggestion that “Brick Lane” is where Lutfur Rahman has his “fiefdom” is absurd.
Most complaints by Brick Lane businesses about aspects of Tower Hamlets Council concern day to day abuse of its basic duties by the Council .
The fact that the Economist has got the relationships so wrong shows that nothing that you read about Tower Hamlets in the Press can make much difference.
The only thing that may make a difference is the likes of the Unite trade union decide to show respect top the Tower Hamlets public which they have been denied by the Council.
It is known that the Unite trade union controls a lot of the agenda of what the Tower Hamlets Council does.
And there is no sign that Unite is about top join the public in showing concern that Council staff in Tower Hamlets have been mistreating the public for ages.
No report or audit published by the DCLG headed by Eric Pickles has any real criticisms of Tower Hamlets Council staff.
So, despite Tower Hamlets Council being in the bad news, it is unlikely to be really held to account.
Tough luck to Tower Hamlets residents.
That is the fact.