#EDL PLIED WITH BOOZE @dubdanu ANTIFA @slatukip @misslbuttercup @slatfascists
ANTIFA | 10.11.2015 18:57 | Anti-racism | Indymedia | Repression | London | World
Plying violent neo-nazi hooligans with one too many Stellas will once again ensure serious trouble will result. As such, what is the endgame for the councils and the police? Who gains from allowing the EDL to get rat-arsed before a march??? The EDL themselves must be stark raving bonkers if they believe always being filmed inebriated helps their cause one iota. Likewise, local authorities such as Bradford, which collaborate in designating pubs to the EDL, rapidly lose credibility with the electorate come election time. As for the pubs which serve the EDL, they are boycotted, lose customers and go bust, the Queen changing hands twice since the EDL's last visit in 2013. More longer-term, towns and cities where drunken thugs are allowed to go on the piss, then on the rampage, lose tourists. And yet, the EDL are still plied with drink at each and every fascist march routinely like clockwork.
The only beneficiaries of Muslamic Ray Guns morons going absolute ape shit, are the police bosses, self-justifying grandiose budgets in controlling EDL demos, ensuring all future budgets exceed a reasonable amount, regardless of turnout. And guess what..... whenever the EDL over-indulge, a pricey half a million pound mobilisation automatically becomes an absolute necessity.
They might as well go the full hog, to ensure the monkeys dance to the right tune, once the barrel organ of fascist incursion is cranked into action. In addition to allowing EDLers to get pissed, it would make overwhelming commercial sense for the cops to raid cocaine confiscation lockers to slip some Columbian fighting powder to the footsoldiers to ensure things go as per script.