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Richard Perle to speak in London

PNAC -- just say "no"! | 13.11.2003 20:30 | Anti-militarism | Cambridge | London

Top US warmonger and architect of the infamous Project for the New American Century, Richard Perle, is speaking at the Old Vic on Tuesday, as part of a debate entitled "Is the war on terror on track?" Some people might like to give him a nice welcome -- consider it a rehearsal for welcoming Bush the following day...

Is the War on Terror on Track?

The Old Vic, The Cut, London SE1 8NB
18 November 2003

A debate organised jointly by the ICA and The Economist

The US had the moral sympathy of the world after the attacks of 11 September 2001. Has this been squandered? Were the attacks on Iraq and the formulation of an Axis of Evil just counterproductive diversions from the fight against terror and its roots? Do we risk losing too much freedom and democracy in an all-out fight against a nebulous enemy?

Speakers include:

Richard Perle, resident fellow, American Enterprise Institute and former Chairman of the Defence Policy Board;

Lord Patrick Wright, former head of the Diplomatic Service and previously ambassador to Syria and Saudi Arabia;

Rabinder Singh, QC, who represented CND in the case against the government over resolution 1441, author of The Future of Human Rights;

Hazhir Teimourian, commentator on Middle Eastern politics and history.

Chair: Johnny Grimond, writer at large, The Economist

Tickets and Information:
020 7930 3647
£10, £9 Concs. £8 ICA Members

PNAC -- just say "no"!
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noise demo

15.11.2003 00:24

there will be a ery loud noise demo outside the old vic - come along, join the samba band, and bring pots, pans, whistles, claxons, sound systems, tractors, fireworks, whatever you can think of. let's shut perle up.

noisy person


17.11.2003 09:27

I agree with protest against the visit of George Bush etc and am with the cause of peace
but surely making a noise protest outside the Albert Hall is going to silence not only Richard Perle but those who are there to argue against him - such as Rabinder Singh.
Surely we don't want to silence debate! It along with protest is hopefully a vehicle for changes which we want.

Marilyn Glanfield
