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Hunger Strike By Young Activist

Animal Rights Cambridge | 12.11.2011 15:34 | Animal Liberation | Culture | Social Struggles | Cambridge

Animal Rights Activist Edmund Maile goes on Hunger Strike.

Edmund Maile, 22, outraged by new EU laws which would allow puppies and kittens to be clubbed to death in vivisection laboratories, is on hunger strike to draw attention to the new EU laws which, if transposed by our Government, will undo many of the animal protection provisions we now have in UK vivisection laboratories by allowing, amongst other things

The use of great apes in research

Prolonged suffering with no limits to the severity of pain permitted

Fewer inspections of laboratories as infrequently as every 5 years

Stray and feral animals to be used in experiments

The continued use of primates with no committment to phasing out their use

Edmund will be distributing postcards for people to send to David Cameron.
He will have information to help people express their concerns to their MP.
" I hope people will come and talk to me," says Edmund, " I had to do something. This European Directive is hard to get your head round but if our government accepts it as it is, it will be a disaster for lab animals everywhere."

He will be by the SENATE HOUSE in CAMBRIDGE

On SATURDAY 12th NOVEMBER from 10am

Edmund's hunger strike is supported by Animal Rights Cambridge

Animal Rights Cambridge
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Display the following 7 comments

  1. Good luck — Solidarity
  2. Pretty please? — Self defense
  3. @ Self defense — Direct Action
  4. announcement... — windigo
  5. hunger-strike — anon
  6. Stupid — Vegan
  7. NOT a Hunger Strike — ARC
