ACTSA, the successor organisation to the Anti-Apartheid Movement which campaigned for independence and freedom for the people of Zimbabwe, is now calling on the Zimbabwean government and other SADC governments to implement the immediate release of election results. The delay in releasing the presidential election results has created tension and uncertainity and will undoubtedly cast serious doubt on their credibility when released. ACTSA is using the occasion of Zimbabwe Independence day to call for democracy for Zimbabwe; that the will of the Zimbabwean people be reflected in the election results, against the growing violence, intimidation and human rights abuses which continue to take place in Zimbabwe.
ACTSA is standing in solidarity with the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions which is undertaking a national stay-away from Tuesday 15 April until the full election results are released. ZCTU are also protesting against the latest hike in income tax to a staggering 60% for those left in employment.
Previously on the newswire: No result in Zimbabwe elections | Nottingham’s Zimbabwean Community stand together | Zimbabwean Asylum Rights Demo @ Speakers Corner, Nottingham
Good news from South Africa - arms shipment to Zim stopped by workers
18.04.2008 11:53
by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front - ZACF Thursday, Apr 17 2008, 11:29pm.
Full story:
But another shipment is now on the way via Mozambique...
South African SAfm radio this morning reported that given the detention of the Chinese ship in Durban, another ship of arms is steaming towards the Mozambican port of Beira, hoping to gain easier access to Zimbabwe. ZACF is getting in touch with its Mozambican comrades to try and ensure the Beira docks are also locked down.
anarchist communist