Wednesday's climate camp goings on
kriptick | 31.08.2006 01:32 | Climate Camp 2006 | Climate Chaos | Ecology | Repression
Searching those coming in and out
lying to the media while his minder looks on
then served notice on the camp
saturation policing on track
odds and sods pictures - alt energy on site
home made wind gen
beginnings of a garden
It was very surreal listening to the police boss being interviewed by the media outside the camp gate. While his media minder looked on to make sure he said the "right" things, he claimed that protesters were not being stopped and searched and also claimed the police were "facilitating the protest". They only stopped the searches while TV cameras were outside of course. Shortly afterwards he served a notice on the camp.
Being searched
31.08.2006 08:43
terri collier
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31.08.2006 08:03
I am frequently searched when attending environmental meetings in London office buildings, not to mention at clubs, festivals, airports etc. and do not feel the least bit intimidated
What is the problem unless you are trying to hide something in which case you deserve to be searched anyway!
Israeli style checkpoints
31.08.2006 08:38
You clearly haven't experienced the type of searches described here - they are set up with a view to villify protestors and make the experience as uncomfortable and intimidating as possible.
Its the cops playing Israelis and Palestinians......
Checkpoint Charlie