We’re Heartbroken and Furious! A report from Copenhagen, and call-out for action
London Solidarios | 07.03.2007 16:15 | Free Spaces | Repression | London | World
Ungdomshuset has been at the core of radical political and cultural activities in Copenhagen, as well as internationally for 25 years. It was one of the only lasting free spaces outside Christiania, and its demolition is a devastating image of cultural mainstreaming and repression in an otherwise consensus seeking welfare society. But the Danish consensus has been demolished along with the building, and has given rise to energetic resistance that, although in a defensive state at the moment, could quickly turn to the offensive.
We arrived Tuesday in time for the Reclaim the Streets demonstration with over 2000 people participating. It ended in Christiania, wherefrom a smaller group gathered outside ‘Vestrefaengsel’ (the prison where most of the arrested activists are being held) for a solidarity demonstration. This was a moving experience, as many very young people defied the cold, distance and police to show active solidarity with their imprisoned friends and comrades.
Wednesday has been a day of relative regrouping and preparation for people here, with expectations running high for tomorrow’s demonstration – marking one week from the eviction, as well as International Women’s day. This evening there will be another solidarity demonstration outside the Vestrefaengsel prison.
We call out for a demonstration Saturday the 10th at 2 pm outside the Danish embassy, 55 Sloane Street, SW1X 9SR. Bring banners and ideas for further action!
London Solidarios
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To all our friends in England and all over Europe
24.03.2007 01:22
We need all the support we can get and any measure made towards creating attention towards our struggle here in CPH is highly appreciated and very much needed... The eviction and demolision of our house has made youth all over DK and the rest of the world unite to fight against the oppression coming from the ever growing fascism in society.. Now after the media has accused us of being violent and not using the rules of democrazy to get our struggle across in a peacefull way they ignore us again, just like theyve done in the past 7 years of positive actions,thousands of demos and happenings, public kitchen etc etc the list goes on and on.. so show your support wherever you are, your danish friends needs you!!!