Polar bear asks the Bradford climate criminals to stop.
Sam Nexter | 31.03.2007 13:25 | Climate Camp 2006 | Climate Chaos
The Banner
The Bear
The bear and his human friends visited a variety of travel agents in the city centre with a letter asking that the climate criminals stop destroying the Arctic. After that, he made his way to the Tomas Cook call centre on Godwin Street, where several local residents had erected a banner and were busy posting the windows with “You Fly, They Die” stickers (see

The local citizens – inspired by the excellent Camp For Climate Action last summer - were dismayed that the climate crimes of this firm seem to be going unnoticed. A spokeswoman for the group pointed out that there were two great lies about flying which needed to be challenged. The first is that flying is a small contributor to green house gases; the people who say this rely on figures which don’t include return flights or flights to and from Britain made by foreigners, and ignore the extra damage done by emitting pollutants high in the atmosphere. The other lie is that flying is a common activity for ordinary people. Studies clearly show that flying is overwhelmingly an activity for the rich to take part in, at great cost to the rest of us. The average income of passengers using Stansted - supposedly Britain’s “low cost” airport – was recently found to be £48,000!
Without immediate action it is likely that summer sea ice in the Arctic will be totally absent within 30 to 70 years – this would spell extinction in the wild for the Polar Bear, which relies on sea ice for hunting. The Arctic is already one of the fasted warming parts of the world.
In the face of the reckless, criminal and selfish actions of a minority of people that threaten us all, surely the time has come for sane and moderate people to stand up and say that enough is enough. The profit terrorists and climate criminals must stop before they kill us all.
The police rather politely asked who wanted to be arrested, and five people decided to attempt to continue their important public-spirited work through the courts. The bear went home for tea and biscuits.
Sam Nexter
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The text of the bear's letter
31.03.2007 17:52
Air flights are the fastest growing source of UK carbon emissions, which lead to climate change. When the uniquely damaging effects of emitting CO2 at high altitude are taken into account, the aviation industry already emits the equivalent of 10-15% of UK carbon emissions, and the level of pollution increases with every passing year. If aviation continues to expand in line with government plans to 2030, emissions from aircraft will increase by between 156% and 191% from a 2000 baseline. This growth would counteract CO2 reductions made in other sectors of the economy, and destroy any chance to avoid catastrophic global warming.
Without urgent action it is likely that summer sea ice in the Arctic will be totally absent within 30 to 70 years, and it will not just be us polar bears who feel the effects:-
The addition of melt water to the ocean may have catastrophic consequences for Britain, because it is slowing ocean currents that have kept our climate clement for thousands of years. Paradoxically, global warming could make the UK colder, by “turning off” the Gulf stream.
A three degree temperature rise over the next century could lead to the collapse of the Greenland ice sheet, ultimately resulting in a 7 metre sea level rise.
It is time for a big change. We are calling on you lot to act as responsible global citizens by reducing the number of flights you sell, and switching your business to concentrate on less environmentally damaging forms of transport such as coach, ferry and rail. Instead of cooking the planet by encouraging people to take hugely polluting long-distance flights, we ask you to put more effort into promoting the many attractions of holidays here in the UK.
Thanks for your help and co-operation.
Sam Bear
Sam Nexter
02.04.2007 09:51
Average income of Stansted passengers
02.04.2007 19:42
Sam Nexter
I will survive - signed 'A Polar Bear'
03.04.2007 00:20
Global warming theory via carbon emissions is the ruling party's favourite theme = more taxes, reduced mobility, restrictions on personal freedom, ignorance of natural cycles, disguise of upturn in the Schumann vector resonance, control of the population through yet more fear-mongering
Why buy it and play with it?
Schumann Resonances
03.04.2007 09:29
As for Polar Bears surviving the coming (only just possibly avoidable?) loss of arctic summer sea ice, I'd like to see the references for sea ice density for the time periods dh quotes. I guess they don't exist, so the theory that polar bears have survived the loss of sea ice before is unprovable. Add to that the far greater human presence in places where polar bears sometimes end up (north Iceland and Alaska, for example) and its clear that the polar bears have a problem - and not just from oddballs who' ve mis-read a wikipedia article about something they don't understand. We do know for sure that the arctic ice is thinning at an alarming rate right now. Do your homework dh and come back when you've got a grip on reality.
Madison "Popemobile" Langton
Greenland ice a sheet recent occurance??!!??
03.04.2007 10:00
Madison "Popemobile" Langton
03.04.2007 23:24
I thought this might result in consequences such as the increased fleeting of time as experienced personally, as well as the microwave oven effect of a body increasing its frequency and thus becoming hotter
And I'm with you for the most part
03.04.2007 23:46
I just also realise that it's all being used against us while being sold to us.
In the end it's all supposed to be our fault.
Well fuck that- it's all their fault - these luckless masters who we've created out of our own dependence
I'm not dependent enough to try to annihilate my own desires at the service of these manipulators as some seem to be
Was it green?
03.04.2007 23:53
And isn't the ice sheet far older than the Medieval Warm Period?
More on the greenness of Greenland
03.04.2007 23:59
Annihilation of Desires
04.04.2007 10:02
"I'm not dependent enough to try to annihilate my own desires at the service of these manipulators as some seem to be"
If you think carefully about it there are no desires which you are dependent on "them" for which can be met in an equitable and undamaging way. They make their living by selling you stuff you don't need and which cause all kinds of misery elsewhere. I suggest you limit yourself to satisfying desires which are free - they are the ones that aren't damaging, and I also believe they are the best! I reccomend love, friendship, laughter - you know the sort of thing.
Sheila McDaggert
You can't reverse Cause and Effect
04.04.2007 12:07
This becomes irrelevant when you consider that the ice core record shows that temperature increases precede rises in CO2 by hundreds of years. If there is any conclusion you can draw from this it is that temperature drives CO2. To continue to claim that CO2 is causing warming periods is completely backwards. It’s like me being drunk today and saying the cause is that I will drink some beers in 800 years.
So while the environment really is being destroyed by DU, GM, dumping of VX byproduct into the sea, destruction of the rainforest to grow energy crops, decimation of the honey bee population, the establishment have us running around worrying about a gas which is actually beneficial to life on the planet.
Do any of you really trust Al Gore?
dh is a right wing 9/11 'truth' spammer
04.04.2007 13:47
We need to confront these...
right wing paranoid cults
dh is an anarchist
04.04.2007 13:58
I met him at the last 4th July protest at Menwith Hill, he is a legitimate member of the movement, just as you are.
The only confrontation that is needed is in the form of open discussion and debate.
The motivations of dh don't affect ice core samples.
04.04.2007 16:19
It’s also amusing that, in the same breath that you try to discredit dh for being a conspiracy theorist, you present your own popular conspiracy theory that those who question the Global Warming Priesthoods official orthodoxy, are funded by Big Oil.
CO2 driven global warming theory is not science. It’s a religion.
Is Prison planet a legitimate part of the movement?
04.04.2007 16:28
Right wing paranoid cults
No, Alex Jones isn't an anti-capitalist
04.04.2007 16:59
climate change denial
04.04.2007 21:33
Don't think I or other people and scientists have done much denying that the overall climate is warming, just question the now-accepted dogma of the why. Of course, denial is a good word with overtones to use, as it references pretty well 'holocaust denial' Evil rightwingers of course.
But then of course "re-posting from far right hate sites like prison planet" What makes AJ's websites 'hate sites'? The whole emphasis is on campaigning against big brother global corporate fascism - the creation of a "prison planet" for the majority of the population. Is that a hate-filled notion. And far right? I know that Jones comes from approximately the Constitutionalist patriot movement, which really has no equivalence in Britain, and which believes the American Constitution is a good thing, and abhors its total destruction under the current regime, as well as the programme of wars of invasion being carried out in the interests of global hegemony, and which also opposes the development of the surveillence and control grid being rapidly imposed to keep the citizens oppressed and eventually enslaved, and the development of corporate globalism and monopoly capitalism 95% of his stuff is ok and in no way suits the soubriquet of "far right hate"
Not quite sure who Face2Face is - there are an awful lot of nice people who attend the Menwith demos - haven't been to the last couple unfortunately but aim to be back this next Independence Day. Lindis and Annie are really good people. Anyway, to anyone who might take the word of a conspiracy 'nutter', a vital must in the social calendar. Hope to see you there f2f
What else? Oh yes, ue has made an excellent point there - to get back to the supposed subject of the thread. Wonder if concerned environmentalists might make a point of answering. It might help get this back on track
Now I noticed how a simple meeting announcement that I've allegedly spammed, seems to have started an argument there. I'll have to go and have a look.
Comradely greetings to all
Can ice core samples be right wing?
05.04.2007 15:22
The fact that temperature rises preceed CO2 rises is NOT debated by the man made warming camp. They simply attempt to obfuscate the issue, poorly I might add. Although it's not easy to obfuscate to the point where you can reverse one of the most basic fundamentals of science.
The 'Big Oil' accusation doesn't work anymore as virtualy all industries are backing a global carbon tax especially Big Oil. They know they will get the tax from this so it's more profitable. So the man made warming camp are supporting the establishment view. Another view of the establishment is the labeling of sites like prisonplanet as 'Hate', so if you're for that then you are with the American Government also.
But rather than play the games of slander and commit the fallacy of muddying the waters I would encourage everyone to look at the climate debate with an evidence based approach.
oh household annual income...
11.04.2007 13:25
And can I just say. Regardless of who started it –we don’t want the climate to get any hotter –having an argument about what started it really just distracts from the fact that we’ve got to stop it getting hotter, regardless if its ‘natural’ or not! -and well, what started it in the frist place might not be what has kept it going...