Critical Mass 'Have a Go Hero' cleared of all charges in Bristol
Vindicated | 07.02.2008 16:16 | Culture | Free Spaces | Social Struggles
A man that became involved after the event was also charged with assault and is awaiting to see if his charge will also be quashed as he can also argue that he was preventing a police 'miscarriage of justice'.
The trial took a day and a half to realise what was evident all along - that the defendant was only guilty of trying to do the police's job when they blatantly weren't interested in doing it, for blatantly political reasons. Unbelievably, the police admitted to getting together to watch the cctv (presumably over a nice cup of bovril) BEFORE writing their statements, of failing to follow PACE procedures in the arrests, and of trying to pass off a wrestling move (clearly shown on the CCTV footage) as a form of 'reasonable force' in an arrest!
But the most unbelievable part of the whole sorry mess is the police's deliberate allowing of the hit-and-run driver to escape, and then never following up the incident, despite the fact leaving the scene of an accident is a more serious crime than those the defendants were charged with, and despite having a full description of the car, driver AND THE REGISTRATION PLATE. Makes you wonder who the 'mystery driver' was doesn't it .......
The next steps for the defendant is, first, celebrate his narrow escape from a politically motivated conviction, and then sue the police for the shocking way in which he was handled during the 'practice dummy session' that passed for his arrest. The local chief constable observed the trial, so we assume that his full apology and compensation won't take too long to sort.
Critical Mass's continue in Bristol on the last Friday of every month, meeting at 5.30pm outside the Hippodrome.
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Mainstream press coverage?
07.02.2008 17:40
08.02.2008 00:24
I wish people in this country would stop being so naive when it comes to the state, police and press. Stand up for those who are being used as the test bed for draconian new powers such as the Sequani 6 otherwise it could be your campaign that suffers violence and fabricatedevidence at the hands of the filth next.
Sueing The Police
08.02.2008 09:47
It's time to stop taking their vicious attacks meekly, and start kicking back through the courts.
Spandex McTavistock
Registration number?
08.02.2008 16:28
Was the driver of the car Keyser Soze??!
09.02.2008 12:28
SIX cops ended up being off the streets for a day to give evidence - perhaps a bit less complaining about 'unnecessary paperwork' on stop-and-searches and a bit more sense in the cases they send to court, and they'd spend more time on the beat!
Who knows how much the case cost us - the taxpayers of Bristol.
Despite the thick blue line presence, they could still not confirm that the hit-and-run driver has ever been interviewed, despite being able to trace his vehicle (and presumably him, he didnt look the unlicenced type). They could have got the registration at the time, from the man they arrested, from the witnesses that came forward, from the CCTV footage. In fact they still can, lets hope they do even if it IS one of their mates..... I'm not casting aspersions, naturally, but its not like the police haven't been proven to be corrupt before:
The 'Have a Go Hero' gets to meet the Professional Standards board (police complaints) on Tuesday ... more news as its made...
The Hero (who is without internet access!) says "Long Live Dissent! Thanks to all those who supported me, it made a real difference."
I was there
11.03.2008 18:15
saw this headline whilst looking at critical mass london- i left bristol for london in september last year.
i was on that critical mass demo & it shook me up, the police behaviour was horrible- i was shocked at their violence and blatant thuggery.
i approached the police to argue with them and gave my name and address hoping to be called to give evidence, i was never asked. i never heard what happened until now
I AM SO GLAD the trial collapsed
i cannot believe they ever tried to bring any charges of any sort.
I'm sorry i wasn't of more support
please know that there were many many people there who supported you and have done in spirit since.