Freedom of Speech demonstration at Nottingham Uni
Freedom of Speech Fighter | 19.02.2008 15:49 | Repression | Social Struggles
Freedom of Speech Fighters
* During a peaceful protest the University called the police onto campus resulting in the arrest of an innocent student:

* The University banned another student from the library duing exams due to a campaign to reduce library card replacement costs.
* Students campaigning against increasing accommodation fees, and decreasing porters/chefs/breakfasts in halls were fined £30, whilst their petition was disallowed.
The demonstration will call for:
1. The right to free speech on campus and the official recognition of students' right to engage in protest, demonstration or campaign on University property.
2. The right to engage in a peaceful protest without the fear or threat of having police called on campus to break up non-violent demonstrations.
3. The right not to fear intimidation or arrest by University Authorities, University Security or the Police when engaging in a peaceful demonstration.
4. The right not to be fined for or refused to have or distribute a petition or to have or hold a peaceful demonstration.
5. The right to engage in the aforementioned activities without having to request prior permission.
The organisers wish to stress that this will be a completely peaceful, non-violent, respectful protest to put forward the view that the University should not consider its authority above that of human rights and international law.
Freedom of Speech Fighter