Nottingham Mule Rides Into Town
Notts IMC | 31.05.2008 10:40 | Indymedia | Other Press
Notts Indymedia have joined forces with a national free newspaper called the Mule to bring you a Nottingham edition of the paper. Most of the edition is nationally relevant news, but there is also a four-page Nottingham pullout which includes articles on the library uniforms issue, the Fossil Fools Day of action of April 1, activities by the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, alternative media in the city and more.
Copies are being distributed across the city, and available from a number of locations including The Sumac Centre, the Arts Organisation, Rosy Lee's, Refugee Forum and wherever else we can get people to take them. Alternatively, it's available online here or you can email us and we'll sort out getting you a copy.
Newswire: New free newspaper for Nottingham?
Previous Features: Alternative Media Blossoms in Nottingham
Links: The Mule
The Mule - News With A Kick
The Mule is a not-for-profit, UK-wide project committed to using media and mass distribution as a tool for promoting social, environmental and economic justice. Currently a quarterly newspaper is produced with a circulation of 20,000 copies, handed out free, on the streets of Britain.
There are environmental concerns about adding to the great amount of paper already being circulated on a daily basis in the UK, much of which, particularly when indiscriminately thrust into the hands of rushed commuters, ends up going to landfill or incincerators. However, Notts Indymedia volunteers decided they were interested in having an alternative free newspaper in the region, which could take local issues often unreported or misreported in other media outlets to a new/wider audience. It is an opportunity to develop and promote local, independent grass roots media with the print medium.
"We hope The Mule can fill the free-paper gap between disposable culture and disposable commercial news. Something that informs people's lives and not just their journey to work."
Notts IMC
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10.06.2008 18:49