University of Birmingham Free Gaza demo - 22/01/09
Bham Uni student | 22.01.2009 23:40 | University Occupations for Gaza | Education | Palestine | Birmingham
the crowd gathers
socialist party cheerleaders get the crowd going
the crowd gathers for the main event
Birmingham solidarity with Gaza!
peace ... but only on our terms - the zionist counter-demo
In what appeared to be a punitive response to the righteous energy of the Free Gaza demo, Guild of Students reps also decided that the demo would be an appropriate time to inform the Palestinian society that a host of motions it had submitted to the Guild council regarding the conflict in Gaza, which was to take place the same evening, had been withdrawn for fear of a commotion in the council chamber later on. They were unable to offer any justification for their action and had been reportedly discussing antiquarian statutes which they may need to use in case an unhappy group of pro-palestine students attempted to storm the council chambers.
All in all it was a fun day out for all concerned and precipitated a host of meetings about what to do next. Watch this space!
Bham Uni student
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23.01.2009 12:49
swss bham