battle of the tamil flags - parliament square
rikki | 27.05.2009 11:21 | SOCPA | Repression | Terror War
proscribed LTTE emblem
actual tamil eelam flag
maria outside new scotland yard
for the past few days, police have been intimidating and threatening protestors in parliament square for waving the tamil eelam (homeland) national flag.
last week, a superintendent was quoted as saying that anyone waving the flag would be photographed and arrested as they leave the square. they would then be "banned forever".
after researching the law around the flag, maria ( and other tamil protestors, are convinced that that the tamil eelam flag can not be illegal.
the LTTE tamil liberation fighters are a 'proscribed' group under terrorist law, and displaying their flag can be interpreted as supporting a terrorist organisation in our orwellian legal system. (don't forget that nelson mandela was once labelled a terrorist by british authorities and now his statue watches over the current dispute from the corner of the square). however, the tamil eelam flag, while using part of the LTTE artwork, does not include the name of the organisation, and has a distinctive red background. it is the flag of a race of people and a homeland, and is not a symbol of the military struggle. it is not a flag of the LTTE.
so last week, maria (from waved the tamil flag at the front of the square, and was warned she may be arrested. she was happy to give her details, and asked what would happen next. she was told "you might get a summons". she gave her phone number, just in case.
what actually happened was that the police seized the eelam flag from her, but did not arrest her (or indeed ban her forever from the square). she asked on what basis the seizure was made, and was told it was under terrorism laws. she asked for a receipt or some other paperwork as record of the seizure. her requests were refused.
it seems clear that police have been told to clamp down on the tamil protest, but that they also know that their flag ban would not hold up in court. so they just seize, with no lawful excuse. this is similar to the many times that campaigner barbara tucker has had her megaphone ripped away from her, damaged or stolen, and yet has never been successfully prosecuted for unauthorised use.
so yesterday, maria took her campaign directly to the police. she stood outside new scotland yard and unfurled the tamil eelam flag. one officer moved her on and told her to keep moving so as not to cause an obstruction. another plain clothes officer said it was a tamil tiger flag. two more armed protection officers questioned her and sought advice on their radios. first they said it WAS a proscribed flag, and so would take further advice about how to proceed. but then a few minutes later, they reported that the counter terrorism command unit (SO15) had looked at the flag and told them it was NOT a proscribed flag and so maria was free to continue or leave.
later the same afternoon, police at parliament square were still threatening to arrest tamils displaying the flag. maria has tried to get them to check with SO15 (the counter terrorism command who ruled on the issue) but promises have been broken and phone calls not returned.
this morning, police in the square are still not co-operating, saying they have been unable to 'clarify' the situation. maria meanwhile will attend belgravia police station later today to report the theft of one of her flags by police officers in parliament square. video now posted (see below) - judge for yourself how clear the situation is
the official mainstream view of the conflict in sri lanka is that the tamil terrorists have been defeated, the problem is over, and the sooner we forget about it the better. this is a huge international lie.
the tamils know that genocide has occured, that more than a quarter of a million civilians are currently held in facilities that are little different from concentration camps, that women and children are still being slaughtered, that tens of thousands with serious injuries are still dying for lack of medical facilities, and that independent scrutiny, aid, medical supplies, and media are all effectively barred from the area.
the determined and peaceful protest outside parliament is a constant reminder of the big international lie, and the clampdown on flag-waving is just part of a concerted policy of repression, along with recent beatings of women and children while clearing peaceful road occupations.
daily updated reports from the tamil protest can be found in the london indymedia article at
a video of the battle of the flags can be seen at london indymedia (
final victory we think
29.05.2009 09:24
friday victory
maria also took a photo of herself with the flag and emailed it to belgravia police station, so the police had evidence of the crime and would have no need in law to seize it as physical evidence. the inspector went away and made more calls.
at 8.45, inspector adamson returned and said that she had spoken again to SO15 and that they had now relinquished and agreed once more that it was NOT a proscribed flag. she also promised to let the next shift commander at parliament square know that this was now the official position, and she promised to try and get the new decree in writing from SO15.
there are now two flags proudly flying above the peacestrike display in parliament square
Hide the following 11 comments
27.05.2009 11:37
P O' Toole
later that same day!
27.05.2009 22:57
flag at parliament square wednesday evening
maria flew the newly 'non-proscribed' tamil eelam flag this evening on a flagpole above her gaza vigil display in parliament square. at around 9.15, police (a sergeant and two other officers) warned her that if she didn't take it down in five minutes she would be 'processed'.
some time later, around 10pm, maria was 'processed' and her details taken. she was told she "may" be summoned. the flag was taken from her. she was not given any receipt or paperwork for the seizure, but was told it was being seized under section 13 of the terrorism act.
this is thought to refer to the 'terrorism act 2000':
13 Uniform
(1) A person in a public place commits an offence if he—
(a) wears an item of clothing, or
(b) wears, carries or displays an article,
in such a way or in such circumstances as to arouse reasonable suspicion that he is a member or supporter of a proscribed organisation.
(2) A constable in Scotland may arrest a person without a warrant if he has reasonable grounds to suspect that the person is guilty of an offence under this section.
(3) A person guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable on summary conviction to—
(a) imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months,
(b) a fine not exceeding level 5 on the standard scale, or
(c) both.
on brief inspection, i can't find any power of seizure under this legislation. there are powers of seizure specifically mentioned in other parts, for instance to do with money laundering, or information connected to terrorism etc, but not uniforms or other articles.
police do have powers of seizure when criminal acts have been committed, but the officers did not rely on these in their explanation at the time.
no doubt, maria will test this further.
so, what exactly is going on here? SO15 have stated the flags are not those of a proscribed organisation and yet they are still being snatched on dubious grounds from parliament square.
are the police under government pressure to intimidate, minimise or close down the tamil protest, and if so, then doesn't that make our government complicit in the genocide that even the UN has suggested may be going on in sri lanka.
more later.
e-mail: rikkiindymedia[AT]gmail(d0t)com
Down with all armies and flags!
27.05.2009 23:04
National flag of Tamil Eelam, not the flag of the LTTE.
28.05.2009 10:52
Er no!
28.05.2009 11:16
But if one looks at the article for what it is Ruby, rather than just looking for something to take offence at, then it is clear that the Sri Lankan people are not violent murdering groups.
They are normal. They are mothers, fathers, uncles, nieces, sons, daughters and the rest.
They have a national flag, of a people. It is red and yellow and is not illegal to hold, fly or display this flag.
There is an Irish flag. A Tricolour of sorts that is the flag of the Irish people. If you stand under this flag your are an Irishman. If, however, you stand under the flag of the UDF, UVF, the IRA or any of a number of loyalist or Republican groups, you are a terrorist (according to the British). You are still an Irishman, but an Irishman that is standing under the colours of a terrorist organisation.
The Tamils in Parliament Square are being arrested for waiving their Irish flags. There are no flags being waived in Parliament Square that are illegal, unalwful, proscribed or anything else. What we have here, again, is the police fabricating offences for political purposes.
28.05.2009 15:20
thursday night update
28.05.2009 23:03
flag flying for hours on thursday evening - police retreat
police 'pleaded with her' to remove it, but then withdrew.
it is the first time a flag has not been snatched. once the precedent is established, police will no longer be able to hassle the tamil students, and we can all get back to the real issue which is a terrible genocide under the guise of a war on terror - a pattern of modern warfare and spin.
i don't normally respond to trolls, especially when they can't even spell, but just to say, maria doesn't need legal aid, because the corrupt police will not press any charges because they will lose. as stated in the original report, the police are acting unlawfully, and just intimidate and harass protesters and steal flags. there will not be any court cases because of course they will lose.
Put your money where your mouth is??
29.05.2009 15:27
Are you going to put your cards on the table and say that if it does go to court, and Maria is found guilty the tax payer will not loose out????
5pm friday - another about face from the police
29.05.2009 16:55
supt david hartshorn is the head of the metropolitan police public order branch, and was recently infamous for his comments about G20 protests and his predictions of a 'summer of rage' with violence on the streets. shortly after his comments, police were involved in the killing of ian tomlinson at those G20 protests.
friday 5pm
so, police have changed mind yet again. the outcome of the meeting at new scotland yard is that the flag is once again proscribed.
does anyone suspect this decision may be political rather than legally based?
so, police will most likely continue seizing tamil flags, arresting only where absolutely necessary (and preferably using socpa or public order rather than the section 13 of the terrorism act that holding the flag is meant to contravene). i would guess too, that anyone charged will find their case mysteriously evaporates at a later date.
thus the authorities will try to keep getting their way without actually doing law.
PC Deadbeat.
31.05.2009 10:44
The flying of this flag is not illegal and the police know that. BUT, they want some way to be able to provoke trouble in the Square in order that they can charge to the rescue for the benefit of the TV.
Pathetic but then what do you expect, the police are as corrupt as the policticians. They are not interested in public order, peace and the rest of it, they are interested in claiming premium overtime payments at the expense of the public purse all the while 'claiming' they are a force for good. They are not, they are simply a business and like many businesses they are too stupid to see reason.
The police need to be kept out of this. They need to be 'controlled' and they need to understand that there will be consequences if they misbehave.
If the police try it on here, then the consequences for them will need to be truly disastrous, job-wide.
Ho Ho.
Maria who?
04.06.2009 12:00
That flag is the official flag of a Banned terrorist organisation that has carried out atrocities on both Singhalese and Tamil people. She should be ashamed to be associated with flag and the group it represents. The plain yellow and red flag I have seen seems a much more legitimate representation of the Tamil People. No one objects to that flag.