Mark Kennedy, Global Open Ltd and E.ON
Jon | 12.01.2011 11:35 | SHAC | Animal Liberation | Climate Chaos
“An undercover policeman who posed as an eco-warrior used his false identity to spy for an energy giant after leaving the police. PC Mark Kennedy secured a lucrative contract with investigators working for E.ON before his seven year secret was exposed ... Now documents reveal links between Kennedy and a company run by ex-Special Branch officers, Global Open, which keeps a ‘discreet watch’ on protest groups for clients including E.ON ... The ease with which he used his taxpayer-funded false identity for private gain sparked anger from green groups last night. E.ON would not confirm or deny whether Kennedy worked for it.”
Here are the facts
February 9, 2010: Mark J Kennedy set up Tokra Ltd.
(His full name is Mark John Kennedy and he was born in Camberwell on July 7, 1969 – the same DOB as his false ‘Mark Stone’ passport. His mother’s name was Jones.)
Its registered address is:
36 Orchard Drive
Leighton Buzzard
Beds LU7 2PL
Kennedy gives his DOB as 07/07/1969 and describes himself as a ‘Logistics Officer’.
(This is the home address of Heather Millgate who had, since at least 2007, been describing herself as ‘Marketing Manager’ of Global Open Ltd.)
February 19, 2010: Heather Mary Millgate became a Director of Global Open Ltd.
March 31, 2010: Tokra Ltd changes its address to:
Suite 2029,
Slighton House
Rankine Road
RG24 8PH
April 2010: Kennedy resigns from the police.
April 12, 2010: Kennedy applies for Tokra Ltd to be dissolved.
May 4, 2010: Notice is given that Tokra Ltd will be dissolved.
August 17, 2010: Tokra Ltd was dissolved.
August 31, 2010: Heather Mary Millgate resigned as a Director of Global Open.
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