BNP promote UVF hate-preachers in London
Abraham Van Helsing | 01.06.2013 22:03 | Anti-racism
BNP fly flag of sectarian hate-preachers the UVF, London, 1st June 2013
The same image flipped left-to-right
BNP founder John Tyndall (suit) with Nazi serial killer David Copeland (baseball
Italian terrorist Roberto Fiore with BNP chairman Nick Griffin
Outside the police pen the BNP were opposed by hundreds of Anti-Fascists, who successfully prevented the BNP from marching, at all, let alone to Whitehall. Inside the pen, with a level of stupidity that could only come from people who are thick enough not to realise Fascism can't ever be "patriotic", the BNP flew the flag of sectarian terrorists the UVF - clearly demonstrating their own involvement in the preaching of hatred. In the 1st photo we see the flags of the BNP (white background) and UVF (violet-pink background), with their letters reversed as the flags were blown backwards by the wind (in the 2nd photo we see the same image flipped left-to-right, so the words "British National Party" and letters "UVF" can be read more clearly).
As a measure of just what BNP support for UVF terrorism represents, on the 17th May 1974 car bombs were detonated in Monaghan and in Dublin which killed 33 civilians and wounded nearly 300 more. No warnings were given, most of the victims were young women, and (as with the David Copeland bombings) one of the victims was an unborn baby. It took the UVF 19 years to find the courage to admit they'd been responsible for these murders, but, undeterred, in the same year the UVF admitted responsibility, on the 18th of June 1994, the UVF attacked a pub in Loughinisland, County Down, murdering 6 civilians and wounding 5 more. The attack was carried out in retaliation for equally vicious and brutal IRA murders, murders to which none of this attack's victims had any connection. In the UVF's 30-year career of terrorist butchery, they killed over 480 people, more than two-thirds of whom were innocent civilians.
If you're wondering whether the BNP's relationship with hate preachers is some kind of isolated incident, when BNP chairman Nick Griffin was leader of the NF, Nick Griffin supported Libyan dictator Colonel Gaddafi, who sponsored the murder of 270 innocent people in the Lockerbie plane bombing. Nick Griffin travelled to Libya seeking financial support from the Muslim dictator, and returned to the UK with hundreds of copies of the "Green Book", in which the Muslim dictator expounded his political philosophy, which, despite failing to secure any funding, Griffin still circulated to NF activists and to members of the public. Finally, Nick Griffin's business partner and closest long-term political ally is an Italian Fascist called Roberto Fiore - an ex-member of a Nazi group called the Armed Revolutionary Nuclei, who killed 85 people, including 2 British tourists, and injured 200, when they blew up Bologna railway station in 1980. Having been convicted in-absentia for membership of a banned terror cell, Roberto Fiore escaped arrest by hiding-out in London until his conviction lapsed, in the flat that Fiore shared with Nick Griffin.
Abraham Van Helsing
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01.06.2013 22:11
UAF & EDL turn-outs
01.06.2013 23:57
Leicester around 200 UAF to 70 EDL
Norwich 100 UAF to 10 EDL
Sheffield 600 UAF to 58 EDL
Hitchen 20 UAF, no show by EDL
Leeds 300 UAF to 25 EDL
Oxford 40 UAF to 2 EDL
Edinburgh 300 UAF to 100 Scottish Defence League
Bristol 40 UAF to 10 EDL
Southampton 150 UAF to 20 EDL
Loughborough EDL didn’t appear
Romford EDL stayed in the pub
20 against 1
02.06.2013 09:42
Twenty or so students beating up 1 middle age taxpayer in a suit. Very brave!!!
Tommy Boy
Murdering pregnant women
02.06.2013 11:22
@Tommy Boy
EDL Sieg Heiling - London, 27 May 2013
02.06.2013 11:25
EDL Sieg Heiling in London, 27 May 2013
02.06.2013 13:52
Total Hypocracy and total bullshit you commie Prick!!!
Tommy Boy
Where to find left wingers
02.06.2013 15:15
anti-fascists = obnoxious, arrogant, middle class scum!
Far-Right Chased Through London by Women Dressed as Badgers
02.06.2013 18:13
Black & white
Where to find left wingers
02.06.2013 18:21
Tim D
Nick Griffin supported Muslim extremists - Gaddafi, Farrakhan, Khomeini
02.06.2013 18:31
@Tommy Boy
02.06.2013 19:36
sean sussex sab
lies @ Far-Right Chased Through London by Women Dressed as Badgers
02.06.2013 19:38
Er... no. If you bother to read the link you actually posted:
"But in the event, both groups were upstaged by agitators of a different stripe. Decked out from head to toe in black and white, the group that won the day were campaigning neither for race war nor ethnic equality, but an end to the government's cull on badgers."
"And it was the pro-badger campaigners who appeared to steal a march on the political activists"
So, exactly where did they CHASE them though london., There were lots of protestors on the day doing all sorts of things, these lot were protesting about the badger cull.
BOTH groups were "upstaged". So, by your logic, the anti-fasc were chased through london too!
unedited image
02.06.2013 19:43
the bnp
02.06.2013 19:50
02.06.2013 20:03
Get this racist shit off indymedia
02.06.2013 20:17
"All white?"
Are you taking the piss?
Your 'Avin a Cenotaph!
02.06.2013 20:37
Jo Makepeace
@Logie - your numbers
02.06.2013 22:43
UAF, other left groups and independent antifa numbered no more than 150.
Leeds on the day
@Sussex @OMG @Dave @Julian
02.06.2013 23:31
Another photo of the EDL giving the Hitler salute
@OMG, speaking of "dumbass", the "Far-Right Chased Through London by Women Dressed as Badgers" link was re-posted because it's funny, not because the article necessarily made much sense. If you read the analysis offered by the International Business Times, they say "the pro-badger campaigners... appeared to steal a march on the political activists", but the pro-badger campaigners ARE political activists! Almost all the pro-badger campaigners joined the anti-BNP demonstrators after their own march had finished, so either way the far-right still lost on all fronts
@Dave, it was the original Nazi salute image that is unedited, it is the image that you posted, which you edited to add the words "Not an EDL member". You know as well as anyone that the EDL has no formal membership, and that the saluter was part of the EDL protest, Sieg Heiling, during an EDL demo, while holding an England flag, un-opposed by the other EDL supporters - if you can't follow the implications of that, ask a grown-up
@Julian, the BNP may or may not be against the badger cull, but still 90% of the pro-badger protestors joined the anti-BNP protest, which just goes to show (in relation to @Sussex) how unsuccessful far-right infiltration of animal rights politics has really been
Nice to know this thread rattled the far-right trolls!
Van Helsing
02.06.2013 23:48
03.06.2013 00:00
Fuck off before you trip over your own shoelaces and do yourself a mischief
Vampire Killer
03.06.2013 07:28
I dont know what i would have done without your valuable anal attentiveness.
Heres one for you.. perhaps they were simple typos rather than spelling mistakes.
Have you ever thought of becoming a traffic warden?
a worthless worm under your heel of superiority
05.06.2013 11:14
oh f***ing really?
05.06.2013 23:09
Yourself and Vampire (or are you one and the same?) are attempting to create a strawman argument by indicated that there can only be one possible person in the whole world who doesn't agree with you. How arrogant you are. So, there can only be 1 possible person who doesn't agree?
" ... it's got nothing to do with establishing "superiority" "
Yes it has. Read the latter part of Vampire's comment indicating that "stupid" people can't spell. What about people with Dyslexia? What about people with physical disabilities who have to use different forms of accessibility beyond normal keyboards, where accuracy would become an issue? Someone who is paralyzed and using an eye-controlled computer would struggle to maintain a high level of accuracy.
Yet, you seem to think that anyone (and everyone) who can't type correctly is "stupid" regardless of their disabilities?
Even if that isn't the case, it is a very bad form of discrimination and bullying to have a go at "stupid" people anyway. Why pick on people just because they aren't born as smart as other people?
Now go and look in the mirror and consider what a bad person you are.
a worthless worm under your heel of superiority
You're wrong
05.06.2013 23:54
Er, no, it's obvious I'm not saying that.... you're wrong
And you STILL havn't tried to answer any of the salient political points.... you're still a joke