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Worldwide March Against Corruption – London pics and report

rikki | 03.03.2014 09:50 | Policing | London

Several hundred people marched across London yesterday afternoon as part of worldwide events in UK, Canada, US, Australia, Nepal, and the Netherlands.

The march was called globally via a website that calls for non-violent direct action and an awareness campaign against corruption in governance and public policy, highlighting the corrupting influence of money and special interests. The site associates itself with the March Against Monsanto ( which happened last year, and seems to be loosely affiliated with the ‘anonymous’ and ‘occupy’ movements.

The individual London march was called on Facebook by “Megaphone Mitch”/”Megafone Mitch” whose internet presence appears limited to the last few during which he has promoted similar events. Interestingly, a journalist contact has informed me that Mitch admits to being an ex-cop, and he certainly doesn’t seem to be well-known in any grassroots movements. This information isn’t intended to imply anything particularly negative, but it is notable that someone with little ‘track record’ can bring together hundreds of protestors to various events just through a campaign of promotion on social media. While on the one hand this can be a good thing, it should also be an illustration how easy it is to manipulate social movements, especially in the context of recent history eg Ukraine, Syria, Egypt and elsewhere, where immense manipulation has occurred on a far greater scale.

So at lunchtime yesterday, a few hundred people gathered at Trafalgar Square, and shortly after 1.30 they set off on what seemed to be a police-approved route (uncharacteristic of #anonymous protests that have in the past refused to comply with notification requirements). Mitch led with his megaphone from near the front of the march, and the whole event ran through the afternoon with precision timing. The only deviation from the plan was while passing Harvey Nicholls in Knightsbridge, twice in the afternoon, where a separate group protesting about fur sales at the store, were joined for a few minutes by the marchers, causing some panic by security staff and the closure of the doors.

The rally outside the Ecuador embassy ended with the announcement that there was a message from Julian Assange – this was read out over a PA twice, before Mitch rallied his gang and they set off to Whitehall and Parliament Square, with a brief stop and road blockade at Downing Street along the way.

Policing throughout was fairly tolerant, closing off Whitehall, ignoring breaches of guide tapes and so on, but with plenty of back-up nearby, always in overall control.
Under Mitch’s guidance and megaphone leadership, the crowd arrived back at Parliament at the advertised time of 5pm. For about half an hour, the road in front of Parliament was closed to traffic. The only scuffle of the afternoon occurred when police attempted to grab a man for questioning after an incident in which someone’s phone was smashed in an altercation. The crowd wouldn’t give up the person the police wanted to speak to, and twice the cops had to retreat from the crowd despite robust attempts to pull him out.

More police arrived and, outnumbering the remaining crowd, they cleared the road, mostly through persuasion but backed by heavy numbers, and some singing, chanting, and rap video-making went on, while lines of police kept the crowd off the road, as numbers dwindled into the night.

Organised by unknown people, attracting a motley bunch, which seemed to include a range of genuine protest groups and all ages as well as unfortunately some far-right factions, watched by shadowy figures on the edges, this was a very weird event. In terms of protest, it suffered from having an unfocussed message, but the ‘anonymous’ brand was well represented. I had my own suspicions that some people there were not all they seemed, and I was not alone in this – there was quite a lot of suspicion and paranoia around.

At the start and at the end of the march, a red ‘Justitia’ battle-bus circled around, beeping its horn and advertising the ‘’ website. This seems to be a possibly right-wing but libertarian outfit, pushing for changes in the judiciary system and publicising the incarceration of an elderly man named Norman Scarth, who was caught recording a secret trial. People cheered as the bus passed by, and a couple of well-dressed gentlemen waved from the upper deck. Another curiosity in a curious afternoon.


more pics at

- e-mail: rikkiindymedia(At)gmail[d0t]com
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Hide the following 36 comments

Megaphone Mitch

03.03.2014 13:26

There is a lot of suspicion around 'Megaphone Mitch' and his supporters/followers. There is a growing feeling that they have some sort of State link and may well be part of an intelligence gathering operation. The fact that he admits to being not only ex-police but ex-Army adds credence to this.

He suddenly became active only very recently and yet seems able to mobalise a couple of hundred people with little effort, at least one of those people is a known soldier. It's all very curious.



03.03.2014 14:05

I must admit I find this whole article very curious in itself, I am not for one moment suggesting its factual incorrect. However, I am concerned about the nature of some of it. I wasn't able to attend the demo because of other commitments on the day, but I did watch it via the live stream linked through #OccupyLondon.

During the broadcast I noticed that someone had a Northern Irish Red Hand of Ulster flag, I found that very confusing, but having watched longer the person seemed to be on their own.

It reminds me of the anonymous flags combined with the Union flags that I have seen on occasion. I feel its more down to political naivety than anything more sinster.

"Organised by unknown people, attracting a motley bunch, which seemed to include a range of genuine protest groups and all ages as well as unfortunately some far-right factions"

As I have already pointed out I watched the whole demo on live stream, this morning I have also went through numerous postings on demotix to see if I could see any of these 'far-right factions'. Unfortunately I have been unable to locate any, maybe the author may be able to produce some pictures?

I don't know the organiser of this demo, I have no axe to grind with him. I don't see how the state benefits from this demo? Was he promoting violence? Attacking other activists? Asking personal details of others?

I mean should anyone else have the courage to organise a demo be subject to the same analysis?

I am also failing to see how this is some sort of intelligence gathering operation. In fact the revelations of the last few weeks about the tactics employed by GCHQ to split the activist movement and target known dissidents causes me more concern than some eccentric guy with a megaphone.

In terms of the involvement of ex combatants on this demo. Are we now excluding them as well, maybe you should point that out to Veterans for Peace?


War with Europe via Russia, said the yankee Arab terrorist.

03.03.2014 14:09

For those reading this report who haven't been stupid enough to visit the Facespook page where this was organised, Megaphone Mitch has been accused of anti-semitism on that forum/state asset/spying tool although I couldn't find the actual remarks he made that would justify this.

Whether this is justified or not is difficult to know but this report, the comment by "Lucy" following, and the tone of this report just go to show how easy it is for activists to fall into the trap of representing the very same state denial of legitimacy that many movements have encountered in the past. That isn't to cast aspersions on Rikki (that's with a capital R) who is anything other than completely legit, its just to point out how easy a mistake this is to make.

Never judge a man in his own cause. If you do that, nothing ever gets done.

But maybe this has some curiosities about it, if it does then a far higher standard of proof will be needed than simply "inferring" that something untoward is going on.

P.S. What has any of this got to do with state sponsored corruption, which is what this march was about?

We live in a "state organised" Capitalist regime, and capitalism and corruption go hand in hand. Who can deny that in this arena, there is no political choice at all. Vote Labour or Conservative or Lib Dem, and the policies you get for your voting buck are identical. This thing you call Capitalism is a monopoly. Its hardly a surprise that it is also a political monopoly.

And what is the choice from the independents, UKIP which is nothing more than a trans-Atlantic piss pot for anti-Europeans and Whitehouse robots.

Leave the guy alone, until you have solid evidence why you shouldn't.

Barack Cameron.

All very confusing

03.03.2014 15:08

I attended the demo and march and although it may sound strange I was not sure at all times what we were doing there. I think the event was probably hijacked by a number of groups to try and make it look as though 'their' event was bigger than it really was. I certainly saw plain clothes police evidence gathering teams working the crowd with the new shoulder mounted cameras that are easy to miss unless you know what to look for (see picture here below) and there were a few attempts at 'chatting'.

Megaphone Mitch is a confusing individual and I have seen and heard many different opinions about him, some good, some bad. He openly admits to being a former cop so we can't say he is hiding that part of his life however "Dave" who always seems to be close at hand is another matter. He speaks very little, avoids questions and keeps a very low profile for reasons that are not clear plus he take a lot (a real lot) of video and photos.

All that aside it was good to see people out on the streets and a good number of new contacts / friends were made.

Mike from Dulwich.

Was on the march


03.03.2014 16:49

'Mitch' - Mitchell Ross (it's on his facebook page) is a former police special branch officer and British Army soldier. He emerged quickly onto the activist scene about a year ago and since then has been organising one march after another in a number of cities. He seems to have no source of income outside of benefits but lives well and drives a nice BMW. Not surprisingly a number of people are checking him out.



03.03.2014 18:55

they marched with far right groups? No surprise there, anything goes with these geeks. Fuck off back to cyberland you dicks.

fuck anonymous


03.03.2014 18:58

@curious "as well as unfortunately some far-right factions"
So the march against corruption err was corrupt itself. Well done not kicking the fuckout of the infiltrators. Geez.


Don't fuck Anonymous

03.03.2014 19:06

There's a red hand banner in the photo above but it clearly has nothing to do with the (very different) Red Hand of Ulster, there are no pictures of any Ulster flags or banners on Rikki's blog. As for claiming Anonymous march with far-right groups, it'd be very difficult to STOP far-right people joining any demo, and sometimes they do - were the student protests judged that way because EDL prick Joel Titus turned up?

As for "fuck anonymous", speaking of dicks, this person calls out from "cyberland" to tell other people to "Fuck off back to cyberland"! Christ the trolls are thick

As for Mitch / Mitchell Ross, can we have some actual links and screen-grabs of his Facebook page?

No Red Hand

Northern Irish Red Hand of Ulster Flag

03.03.2014 19:10

See picture


Maybe time to introduce something to have everyone reflect

03.03.2014 19:18

FYI: GCHQ Screenshots


Anti corruption Demo 01.03.2014

03.03.2014 23:54

I actually went on the Demo.

I was very impressed with the turnout, estimates at 1000+ And encouraged that my message of Unity had been received, by the presence of what are usually termed "Right wingers" attending the march. And relieved that in unity we were focused on a common goal.

The outward bound route stayed on course I think primarily so that any latecomer could catch up or meet en route, as was the case when a contingent joined from Haymarket as the main group headed down Pall Mall.

On reaching Knightsbridge the march did indeed support an anti fur demo, being held outside, Harvey Nichols much to the dismay & surprise of the two guards outside the shop, the crowd chanted surged and the shutters were rolled and locked.

Next stop Ecuadorian embassy Police tried to divert us towards Sloane St, but we held our course along knightsbridge. where we chanted at the police and Cheered for Julian Assange, After a time An envoy came outside with a huge wooden bowl of sweets, and following that a written statement from Assange & the wiki leaks team. Which was read out in first by a woman & then by a man. Significance possible.

On the return journey we backtracked to Piccadilly circus and down Haymarket. The police had Not expected Us! And wanted us to go via Victoria. But were convinced that going past the palace was a bad idea. The march continued west along Piccadilly past Eros, There were what seemed like several thousand tourist's lining both sides of the pavements looking on in amazement, on down Haymarket past our starting point and round into Whitehall where we stopped for a very motivational rant at Cameron & the police, I have found only 2 video's on yu tube 1 // 2 // still looking for the live streams.

Eventually we reached Parliament square where the usual kettle tactics took over, There were vocal Freemen of the Land present who debated and cornered the police on Their use of maritime law, to which they would not admit or deny.

People then dispersed as and when.

Marquis Le Dain
- Homepage: @MarquisLeDain

That flag

04.03.2014 01:40

Whilst being synonomous with extremist rightwing factions that flag is also one of the regional flags of ULSTER, (the clues in the name). Maybe people should take the time to find out if the person carrying it was speaking with a northern Irish accent. You never know, it might just be someone who's proud to come from ULSTER (Hint hint.)


Right wing groups, who decides ?

04.03.2014 20:11

I am nervous when people start deciding that this group is "right wing" or that group is "right wing". If we have people who are supporting the same long term aims as us perhaps we should take a step back from condemning them because they have one or two minor points of difference ?

Another person who was there

@Another person who was there What a ridiculous response!

05.03.2014 09:15

Nazi's were up for experimenting on disabled people but not animals. Does that mean we should stand shoulder to shoulder with them on animal rights demo's cos they agree with the cause? Have a word with yourself and a deep look at your politics because something is really amiss......

Anne Frankly


05.03.2014 22:27

the picture of the dude in the pink tie is ME! i am not a right wing nationalist, i was having an argument with police, not because i am a freeman, but because the police were intimidating people, antagonising people, trying to alter routes and generally being dicks all fucking day. when i complained to the chief inspector of the met he had to think twice before he would shake my hand after a civil and pleasant conversation. Rude at best, ignorant at worst. WTF if this is the best you can do at journalism you need to pack it in. i was there, at one point the edl turned up, a couple of them, they all left when they realised they werent welcome. there was nothing right wing atall. it was an all encompasing march because corruption is not specific. thats why there were lots of groups because lots of groups felt they should come out for it. this is an appalling piece of journalistic work.

Anon Applicable

Response to Mr Pink

05.03.2014 23:00

"he had to think twice before he would shake my hand after a civil and pleasant conversation"

Glad you had a nice chinwag. Nevertheless, I think you took a wrong turning heading to your lefty site and ended up here mate....................

Anne Frankly
- Homepage: know your

response to mr pink?

05.03.2014 23:42

Very mature of you. I saw this as a write up of an event i took part in. I am not left wing i am not right wing i am a true neutral. I went to speak to the chief inspector because i believe the police are meant to be impartial not encouraging members of the public to take the piss out of us and noting down peoples appearances and having several under covers in the crows filming. KNOWN under covers. You don't have to have a party affiliation or be a right wing or left wing extremeist to have views and you certainly don't need a partisan stance to agree that police and state infiltration of protest groups is not ethical. I am interested by these allegations against megaphone Mitch, i would welcome some real evidence as opposed to hear say and rumour. It is entirely possible i assume however he seems trusted in the community.

anon applicable

@ Mr Pink. Go join the Liberal Democrats..

06.03.2014 09:00

You sound well suited to be a member and can sit on the fence nicely. I will provide you with a cushion......

Anne Frankly


06.03.2014 13:49

Anne, bite me! at least im doing something on the streets instead of sitting on my sofa watching corrie. Just because i dont believe in the political spectrum should be used to define a person doesnt mean im middle of the road, if i didnt care i wouldnt be marching in the road you arrogant, condescending tory toff¬!

anon applicable

cops and bobbers

06.03.2014 14:01

keep on trucking

fuck this lot

Q anon applicable. Can I get some clarification as slightly confused...

06.03.2014 17:29

So on this demo the police were "intimidating people, antagonising people, trying to alter routes and generally being dicks all fucking day"

but you were annoyed and dissappointed when you went to show affection to the chief plod and less was offered to you? This being the institutionally rascist, corrupt and murderous met police. "Rude at best, ignorant at worst"

Also you state "i am a true neutral" and "doesnt mean im middle of the road" Can you please explain those contradictions!

"police and state infiltration of protest groups is not ethical" Ethical!!

Thank you for your time!

Aunty Christ


06.03.2014 21:59

Your first point - in response, i believe in representing myself well and being polite to someone i had not met before. he had only just arrived and done nothing to me personally, and i thought he might be unhappy to hear about individual police officers encouraging groups of pedestrians to laugh at us, trying to provoke a peaceful protest, trying to wind people up, swearing at people, intimidation, a very very sly little attempt at kettling. he didnt seem happy to hear about it, but not like that i dont think he wanted to hear it was more the thing. Further the fact he was a black officer, at such a high rank, i was hoping he would understand and have encountered much worse discrimination in his life, and especially at the hands of the police, as you say they are well documented to be institutionally racist, on a tangent i dont think this is true, i think people as a whole are pretty racist. I am a political Neutral. I do not believe in any party. This does not mean i am "sitting on the fence" as the original comment said. I infer this to be highly insulting, i know many people who do no relate to the current political system and would consider themselves as neutral, but still have strong views about the things that are wrong and the things they would like to change. i think the whole concept of left and right wing politics is the same as everything in our ridiculous society - once served a purpose, now has been used as another tool for classification. makes it easy to put us in boxes. left wing, right wing. Yes ethical. it is not ethical to infiltrate peaceful protesters. maybe i should have said morally correct, is that more to your liking?

hope that clears that up for you

anon applicable

Was a great march

07.03.2014 08:22

I went on the march and talked to a wide variety of people and they were mainly concerned citizens on their first protest. The security services often organise marches to take fresh photos of politically active people for the gchq computers that track us via CCTV and this is a good thing as some politically active people are a danger to society. Just because Mitch is mi5 does not mean the march was not an effective demo. Up with protest !

Jason palmer
mail e-mail:

@anon applicable. So you don't think the institutionally......

07.03.2014 09:16

racist Met police (stated by the Macpherson report, if you have not heard of it read it!) are racist but believe the general public are! You don't see the need in labelling people or groups Left or right wing which would mean that the BNP/UKIP and the SWP (albeit both full of dickheads) should be classed as neutral. You believe a chief black plod would be more understanding than a white one even though the plod had been fucking you around all day, another example of racism.

You sound like either a very naive virgin demonstrator and if so I hope you learned something valuable out of that experience or you sound like a undercover cop....

Hopefully the former but as we have been discovering lots of undercover filth in the movement over the past year and lately which need replacing you can not be too carefullll......

Aunty Christ

@ Aunty Christ - well said mate !

07.03.2014 10:03

Fucking liberal middle of the road tossers trying to make friends with coppers and feeling that a Black pig would be more "open" - what a fucking moron !

No pig can be trusted, Black, white male, female, any variation. They are all scum.

The activist world is currently full of these Facebook loving tossers who think a nice safe march in the sun with a few SWP produced banners is going to change the world. Most of them probably vote Labour for fucks sake !


For 'ACAB'

07.03.2014 12:27

I say what a very angry young man you are. Has it ever occured to you that the police you are so happy to have a go at are the same police who keep the BNP and EDL away from you, the same police who ensure drunk drivers are kept off the road, the same police who pick up the pieces of a household devastated after a burglary.

The police are simply the modern day extension of the people's militia from the 16th Century, if we didn't have them today we would need to invent them. Who do you want to keep order, them (a trained, equiped group accountable to the people) or some local thug ?

Think about it

anon applicable

Response to anon applicable. I know A.C.A.B will speak for him/herself..

07.03.2014 12:51

but I wanted to add a quick response regarding your ridiculous comment aimed at him.

firstly you ask

" Has it ever occured to you that the police you are so happy to have a go at are the same police who keep the BNP and EDL away from you"

Why do they keep the BNP/EDL away from the likes of me and A.C.A.B? You assume they are a threat to us when we are the bigger threat to them. The cops are protecting them thats why. Most antifascists would love to get their hands on the scum but the plod continually protect them. Ask yourself why!


"Who do you want to keep order, them (a trained, equiped group accountable to the people) or some local thug?"

Have you any idea of the behaviour of the police especially as reported over the past four or five decades? The corruption, 3000 murders in police custoday over three decades. The infiltration and rape of activists. The beating of women and children. Etc etc and I could go on forever. Accountable to what people? Who has ever been charged for all the murders and asassinations, deception, beatings, racism... Do you live in a rural village with thirty people two sheep and a local bobby? Is that who you judge the police force by?

Shit mate, you have a whole lot to learn.....

Aunty Christ

Some people are so dumb

07.03.2014 14:35

Of course the police are not perfect, far from it. The point however is that it is fairly obvious to anybody with half a brain that society needs law enforcement because without it chaos and violence follow pretty bloody quickly !

The point being made here is that most of us would prefer it is enforced by an organisation that

a) selects people with some form of criteria that wider society approves of
b) equips them with the ability to defend themselves from the more violent elements in society
c) ensures they have an understanding of the law
d) gives society the legal means to prosecute them when they mess up
e) regulates them
f) maintains control over their command structure

The current police service despite its failings (and I'm not defending them when they do fail) meets the points above. Now of course if you have some super smart idea that nobody else has thought off feel free to let the rest of us know but I'm betting you haven't.



07.03.2014 14:36

I think the key thing is to stop people talking about rich tony blair and the illegal Iraq war.

Jason palmer
mail e-mail:

We don't need the police or any other form of control

07.03.2014 16:06

The police are no more than an extension of the bosses need to grind us into servitude and compliancy so their profits will increase.

Who says we need a police to enfore laws, who says we need laws, who says that people are not more than capable of making their own decisions about what is right and wrong in society ?

I don't accept your premise that society needs to be controlled or that it will fall into chaos just because the police are not there to stop it. Individuals can police themselves once the control of the bosses is removed.

Not important to this

Response to 'Not important to this'

07.03.2014 16:16

Well said my Friend!

Cliff sounds like a spokesperson for Hogan-Howe and his corporate paymasters..

Aunty Christ

@ Cliff (on the edge). "Some people are so dumb"

07.03.2014 18:10

"The point however is that it is fairly obvious to anybody with half a brain that society needs law enforcement because without it chaos and violence follow pretty bloody quickly !"

Obvious to you, but those with half a brain think rationally and differently. Anyway Fuck you, the met and all of its agencies..

Bored and Angry

Re: Cliffhanger

09.03.2014 18:45

We can't understand you officer, can you type louder?

All Cops - Dead Cops

Fuck Mitch Megabone & Co.


People are not that stupid

11.03.2014 15:25

Does anybody really think that Mitch fooled anybody with his 'activist' act. He was sussed as a copper almost as soon as he suddenly appeared a few months ago, he could not have looked more suspicious if he had turned up in a Met T shirt !

Cops sure are fucking stupid sometimes !


Can we get some pics of 'Mitch' up on Indymedia please...

12.03.2014 11:47

So he can fight his corner or dissappear like the rest of the slimey fuckers.....

Anne Frankly

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