Finnieston Crane, Glasgow, Occupied by Anti-Militarists on Armed Forces Day
DC | 28.06.2014 07:44 | Anti-militarism | Public sector cuts | Terror War
28 June 2014 5:36 am
Contact Emma: 077907 35507 or on the crane call Frida: 07863 346 147
Today is the sixth national Armed Forces Day in the United Kingdom, with this year’s main celebrations being held in Sterling. The day consists of a flyover of military aircrafts, a simulated combat mission, tanks and other military vehicles alongside musical festivities billed as a fun family day out. Armed Forces Day is presented as an opportunity to appreciate veterans – but in reality normalizes militarism through the parading of military tanks, aircraft and combat techniques behind a charade of tokenistic thanks to veterans.
This action highlights that such unbridled militarism does not go unnoticed.
The action also occurs in the context of Glasgow being the city hosting the celebration of the commemoration of the beginning of WWI. 2014 marks the hundredth anniversary of the beginning of the First World War. Far from being a "war to end all wars" or a "victory for democracy", this was a military disaster and a human catastrophe.
David Cameron plans to spend £55,000,000 on "truly national commemorations" to mark this anniversary. Cameron has inappropriately compared these to the "Diamond Jubilee celebrations" and stated that their aim will be to stress our "national spirit".
One of the protesters, Angela D, says ‘We find it repulsive that in a time of so-called ‘austerity,’ where government cuts to benefits have put 200,000 additional children into poverty, that £55 million can be spent on one ceremony.'
Another of the occupiers, Frida, has stated ‘We are occupying the crane in protest of Armed Forces day – we object to the glorification of war and are here to make our voices heard.’
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28.06.2014 21:51
These activists audaciously occupied the Finniestion Crane and unfurled banners reading 'Resist Militarism' and '#WhiteFeather' in dissent of the glorification of war and increasingly US style culture of militarism by events like today's Armed Forces Day and reclaim the white feather, once used as a symbol of cowardice, to celebrate those who bravely refuse to participate in war.
Armed Forces Day, in it's 6th year, will bring to Stirling today a display of chauvinistic militarism normally associated with the fascist regimes of the 1930's, Soviet era Russia or the brutal dictatorship in North Korea. Flyovers by military aircraft, simulated combat missions, tanks and other military vehicles and marching bands amid a flurry of flag-waving. All billed as a family day out.
All this comes in the lead up to the UK government funded celebrations of the start of WW1 with Glasgow chosen as host city of. £55,000,000 will be spent during a time of austerity to attempt to derive nationalistic pride and glory from one of the most senseless human catastrophes in history. The 'War to end Wars' was a lie then and 100 years later a new generation is being told that lie to indoctrinate them with militarism and with a heartless irony, sell them a myth to ensure support for current and future wars.
It's time to speak out and these brave activists have done so in the proud tradition of Glaswegians Mary Barbour, John MacLean and the many, many war resistors and conscientious objectors from Glasgow and far beyond.
They now lie in police station prison cells and we send them our love, support and solidarity and our warmest thanks for daring to dissent, to speak and act for us all without fear.
We demand their welfare and well being be looked after and call for their immediate release from police custody, without harassment and without charge.
Scrap Trident