Social Centres Go From Strength To Strength
sc | 20.05.2004 17:11 | Culture | Free Spaces | Social Struggles
On Friday 21st, Londons latest squatted social centre, the 'Ramparts', opened it's doors with a screening of 'Indefensible', the indymedia film about last years DSEi protests in East London. Yet another social centre opened in Oxford as a new squat was opened for the second OCSET social centre (the previous one having been evicted a couple of weeks earlier after a short but productive existance). In Scotland, a temporary social centre sprung up in Glasgow at the begining of May, with a prepacked daily schedule of events and workshop until the end of June.
On the 17th, the latest Wombles social centre, the ex-Grand Banks in Tufnell Park, successfully resisted the bailiffs first attempt to reposses the building and the social centre remains open.
There are many other autonomous social centres that have been established much longer, such as the Sumac centre in Nottingham, 56a and Use Your Loaf in South London, 1in12 in Bradford, LARC and Freedom in East London, the Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh, Kebele in Bristol, the Cowley Club in Brighton and the Peoples Information Centre in Hebden Bridge, all of which need your active support.
Recent articles in IMC-UK newswire:
Grand banks resistance | Oxford's latest social centre | Use Your Loaf events | Printworks Social Centre (Glasgow) | The Ramparts, new london space | Proposals for social centre in Leeds: 1|2|3 | Efforts to build up social centre in Aberdeen 1 | 2
More information:
London Social Centres Network | Full list of Social Centres in Britain | Radical Routes network | Social Centres Search
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21.05.2004 00:25
All the social centres in britain are listed on
And more
21.05.2004 10:20
Temporary squat protest - Centre point 1971
Eviction Resistance Grand Banks
A lovely squat toilet ( Casa Loca )
Worth reading is the article on Social centres in the last issue of Do or Die re. the pros and cons of squatting versus other options eg Radical Routes
Also - the Organising chapter of The Squatters Handbook ( new edition out soon ). Even the Green Party used to publish a book on organising Green Social Centres ( though this does not cover the autonomous option!) I believe other groups have pamphlets are in the pipeline from the Social Centres Network.
We could also mention the TAZ ( temorary autonomous zone ) social centres and single issue based ( including obviously homelessness )social centres and related squat protests ( eg. development resistance, the Hackney Nurseries, squatted libraries, etc. ) and schools such as the recently evicted Colliers Wood, London. Newspaper report -
Beat the Bailiffs
mark r
take a lesson from the italians but not the dutch
21.05.2004 14:09
I was a part of the squatting scene in Vauxhall / stockwell and on to Brixton in the 70's.
Nothing too socail came out of that just a lot of free housing for middle class types who then founded housing coops and ended up buying houses for next to nothing. I s'pose in the end the squatting movement or part of it at least was just a part of gentrification.
I guess some people actually squatted places with the idea of providing something for the community but i remember that most of the healthy food shops were a rip off , If i remember rightly that was where the "never trust a hippy " saying came from.
The Italians have some wicked social centres Leoncavallo in Milan , Forte Prenistino in Rome are also venues that hold 3000 plus. Pedro in Padua,(radio sherwood) El Paso in Torino have been going for years and apart from being good music venues they host loads of political events. Like any of you who went to Genova will know the Italian social centres are in the vanguard of the no global movement.
Some of the centres have their Radio stations . Like radio Sherwood in Padova and Onda Rossa in Rome which is the radio for all the "sqauts" in Rome. I think could learn a lot from the Italians experience.
On the other hand Holland is also a good squatting place but the Dutch authorities are also the most authoritarian in the world. yeah sure you can smoke weed and it all looks cool but everything is well well under control. They give you a sort of a permit and then slowly slowly bit by bit they make you tow the line a little bit more . Till your not allowed to do shit and your paying all your taxes and have an entertain license and in the end your not an alternative your just part of the establishment and you can't do anything.
The Overtoom is the last big squat in Amsterdam and they are having a lot of problems with the city council.
germany also has a lot of various alternative centrums which host bands and other events although it's sometime that i didn't hit that trail the swiss have a good few to, The red factory in Zurich, a mega place in Bern the name of which slips my mind was it the Rotte / RIGHT Halle ? bloody brilliant place. IL Molino in Lugano is very active politically these days.
all of these european centres are up for contact with other social centres from different countries, especially the Italians many of whom are already floating about in London in various protest groups.
anyway just a thought and try to add something positive, it shouldn't be hard to contact these places as they all seem to tune into their local IMC's .
traveller tipo
And there's the Cowley Club in Brighton too...
21.05.2004 15:49
Hopefully a second building behind the Club will be open within the next couple of months to provide further meeting spaces, a space for a radical library etc...
The Club is at: 12 London Road, Brighton, BN1 4JA. Tel: 01273 696104
More info:
23.05.2004 00:40
BTW Pschyo landlady came round and smashed windows and threw stuff around at OCSET this morning. Feel more sorry for her than anything else; she's obviously a very sad bitter person :)
Photo shown is old one of a cocial centre in cambridge now gone
23.05.2004 20:22
Send in your up-to-date photos of new social centres...