Solidarity Actions for Assange
wise up | 11.07.2011 00:17 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Terror War
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange took his appeal against extradition to Sweden for alleged sexual offences to the High Court in London on 12 and 13 July. Assange has been electronically tagged and required to sign on daily at a police station for over six months since being released from Wandsworth prison in December 2010 prior to the extradition hearing which took place in February this year. The manner in which the allegations against him have been pursued has led many to conclude that the extradition is being sought neither for the benefit of the two women involved nor in the interests of protecting other women, but rather to secure Assange's extradition to Sweden with a view to onward extradition to the US where he would face the full wrath of the Empire, an Empire comprehensively exposed by WikiLeaks revelations. Assange has received many death threats from the US; there have been calls for him to face the Death Penalty over the WikiLeaks disclosures, as well as calls from prominent politicians and media personalities for him to be 'hunted down' and assassinated.
In the two weeks leading up to this appeal hearing, solidarity actions and events took place in London. Anti-war supporters of Assange and others maintained a presence outside the Royal Courts of Justice from 9am on Tuesday 12 July and throughout the two day appeal hearing. At the end of the hearing, judgment was reserved and is expected within the next few weeks.
On the newswires (re. current hearing): Report from the court Wed 13 July | Tues 12 July | Call-out for support at extradition appeal | Call-out for solidarity protest in Dublin | Assange Subterranean Homesick Blues |
Sr. Susan Clarkson of Oxford Catholic Worker has held four vigils outside the High Court over the past two weeks, accompanied by supporters from the Catholic Worker, WISE Up for Bradley Manning and UK Friends of Bradley Manning. Leaflets and postcards were handed out and activists put up a large banner and displayed placards to alert as many passers-by as possible to the coming court hearing. A re-make and adaptation of Bob Dylan's early music video 'Subterranean Homesick Blues' is also getting the message out about the court hearing and the need for solidarity and support for Assange.
This postcard calling for support at court as well as advertising a public meeting with Peter Tatchell on 9 July has been distributed via the internet, at tube stations, outside the High Court during vigils, outside Parliament, in shops and cafes and through house-to-house leafleting. A flyer about the treatment of whistle-blowers and calling for support for Bradley Manning and Julian Assange has also been widely distributed.
The public meeting on Saturday 9 July, organised by London Catholic Worker, featured speeches from human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell, Iraq veteran and war refuser Ben Griffin and former prisoner of the US and anti-war activist Ciaron O'Reilly, with music from Joe Black and others.
On the newswires (previous): Persecution of Assange | Statement of support from IMC Brazil | Analysis of case against Assange | Activist speaks out as Assange jailed | SchNEWS Feature | Free Assange! Hands off WikiLeaks! | Australians in London demand Assange's immediate release | Armed police called as Australians occupy Embassy | Solidarity at Australian Embassy | Report from Australian Embassy protest | Assange victim of politically driven bail decision | Assange released from custody; Manning buried alive | How they plan to break Manning to get Assange. How we plan to stop them | US demands Twitter account information | John Pilger's analysis | The Empire is trying to Transport Assange | International call-out: Free Manning! Free Assange! Free Speech! | Aussies go to High Commission for Assange | Extradition hearing resumes Friday, Manning's buried alive and we're on the streets | Anti-war solidarity with Assange | Catholic Workers blockade court after extradition verdict | Defend Julian Assange | Robert Stevens on WikiLeaks Witch-hunt | The Guardian's hatchet job on Assange | Assange receives gold medal for human rights |
Elsewhere: 'Collateral Murder' footage of US war crimes released by WikiLeaks | WSWS: WikiLeaks founder jailed on bogus charges | WikiLeaks Central: Open letter to those inciting murder of Assange | Democracy Now: Feminists Debate allegations against Assange Part 1 | Part 2 | Media Lens - Collateral Damage: WikiLeaks in the Crosshairs | WSWS: Secret US Grand Jury to investigate Assange | Assange - Trial by Media in Sweden? | Pilger: How the so-called guardians of free speech are silencing the messenger | Democracy Now: Assange in conversation with Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek | Jail Murdoch, not Assange |
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CALLOUT-Vigil in Solidarity with JulianAssange of WikiLeaks*Tues 12 & Wed 13
11.07.2011 19:32
***More info Ph. Ciaron/ Plowshares 079 392 90576
Join military veterans, former anti-war prisoners and others in solidarity with persecuted war resister Julian Assange of WikiLeaks outside the High Court, The Strand, London
Tues July 12th. and Wed Juy 13th.9am-5pm
Julian is appealing the British state's February decision to extradite him to Sweden, a hub of the U.S. extraordinary renditions program. He is also resisting the U.S. Grand Jury's attempts to render him to the U.S.
Julian will be represented this week in London by human rights solicitor Gareth Peirce and Australian barrister Geoffery Robertson.
Threats to Julian's life have been made by senior Canadian and U.S. political figures.
The ruling elites were initially enraged by Wikieaks distribution of this footage of a U.S. massacre in Iraq
They have become further enraged by further exposure of their war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan and esewhere by WikiLeaks. A concerted campaign of smeer and character assasination is being waged against Juian from the right wing Fox News to the liberal left Guardian newspaper. Julian is in the firing line for us, we're on the streets for him!
An anti-war solidarity presence will be maintained from 9am-5p.m. outside the High Court, The Strand, London on Tueday and Wednesday
For more information contact Ciaron from Plowshares
Ph. 079 392 90576
A crew of 10 folks associated with Giuseppe Conon House will be coming to the vigil. We are English, Austraian, Irish, Czech, Italian, U.S. We include a combat veteran of the Iraq War and anti-war resisters who have served time in prison in Australia, England, Ireland, Kenya, New Zeaand, Scotland and the United States.
TV & PHOTO - Solidarity outside the HIgh Court London Juy 12
12.07.2011 23:59
PHOTO of banner
PHOTO - Sr. Susan Carkson Plowshares activist/ Oxford Catholic Worker holding banner outside High Court, London, Juy 13
"Free Assange! Free Manning End the Wars!
In background (left to right) making statements against the extradition of Julian Assange
- Ben Griffin; British SAS Iraq War combat veteran & refusenik
Peter Thatchell; Australian born/ London based Human Rights Activist
Ciaron O'Reiy; Irish Australian Plowshares activist/ London Catholic Worker
Photo - Julian Assange entering court
Drop by for any amount of time you can.
More updates & info Ph. Ciaron 079 392 90576
Women Against Rape on the allegations against Assange
14.07.2011 13:19
Rape claims, WikiLeaks and internet freedom
Many women in both Sweden and Britain will wonder at the unusual zeal with which Julian Assange is being pursued for rape allegations (Report, 8 December). Women in Sweden don't fare better than we do in Britain when it comes to rape. Though Sweden has the highest per capita number of reported rapes in Europe and these have quadrupled in the last 20 years, conviction rates have decreased. On 23 April 2010 Carina Hägg and Nalin Pekgul (respectively MP and chairwoman of Social Democratic Women in Sweden) wrote in the Göteborgs-Posten that "up to 90% of all reported rapes never get to court. In 2006 six people were convicted of rape though almost 4,000 people were reported". They endorsed Amnesty International's call for an independent inquiry to examine the rape cases that had been closed and the quality of the original investigations.
Assange, who it seems has no criminal convictions, was refused bail in England despite sureties of more than £120,000. Yet bail following rape allegations is routine. For two years we have been supporting a woman who suffered rape and domestic violence from a man previously convicted after attempting to murder an ex-partner and her children – he was granted bail while police investigated.
There is a long tradition of the use of rape and sexual assault for political agendas that have nothing to do with women's safety. In the south of the US, the lynching of black men was often justified on grounds that they had raped or even looked at a white woman. Women don't take kindly to our demand for safety being misused, while rape continues to be neglected at best or protected at worst.
Katrin Axelsson
Women Against Rape
Is this still on the bloody front page
18.07.2011 23:59
Two women say he's a rapist and his lawyer says he's a rapist.
Extradicte him and let him face charges. Statistically speaking there;s a damn good chance that they will be dropped, because the vast vast majority of reported rape cases never make it anywhere near a court
Yes - as WAR suggests it is certainly possible that they have pursued him with such vigour because they dont like his Wikileaks activity, perfectly possible. Then he should not have raped people, knowing that although approximately 99.5% of rapists get away with it, they would pursue him with vigour. But just because 99.5% of rapists get away with it doesnt mean that we should let 100% away with it.
Glasgow Activist
Response to "Goasgow Anarchist" or NYC cop???
20.07.2011 10:51
"Hes a rapist"
And you're an idiot or a liar (paid or unpaid)
"Two women say he's a rapist and his lawyer says he's a rapist."
And you say you're anarchist from Glasgow so that means we got to believe you two.
You're wrong or you're lying
The two women went to a police station, to see if they could demand the man they had individually consensually slept could be made to take a HIV test
They did not go to lay a complaint.
The Swedish cops saw their chance and in service of the Amerikkkans ran with it
The Brits in December 2010 (not the Swedes) put him in solitary in Wandsworth and opposed bail
The Guardian kicked in and the liberal left (throw the Brit anarchist scene and Trot managed anti-war scenes within that definition)...backed off from solidarity support.
Not that either of these scenes they have done anything for Bradley Manning or anyone else who gets banged up in Britain
Anonymous did serious cyber resistance in solidarity and are being rounded up presently
You line up with the state prosecutor who defended Pinochet..lot of respect for consent in the Santiago stadium uh? If you believe that one, I've got a nice little neverending war in Afghanistan I'd like to sell you on the basis of "we're there to liberate the women"
Assange is being defended by the lawyer who freed the Guilford 4, Maguire 7, Brimingham 6
Did "Glasgow Anarchist" types with their "just add water and stir" for your instant p.c. analysis/ denunciation attack the innoocent Irish framed on bombings in their early years of their imprisonments...probably! It wasn't only Staian that had useful idiots, the American war machine have a few
For those of us who confront power, the precedent set with this extradition hearing (eg. he loses you can get shanghaied to any Euro jurisdiction without of some concern
Court Solidarity Update
20.07.2011 11:14
Huffington Post Report on Day 1
Day 2 Wed July 13
VID-Julian Assange exits High Court/ London.
Catholic Workers, War Resisters & WikiLeaks Support sing "I Shall Be Released"
Court Solidarity
Response from neither "Goasgow Anarchist" nor "NYC cop"
20.07.2011 13:39
His lawyer and the two women both agree on what happened - that he ripped her clothes and necklace, that he pinned her, that he penetrated her while she was sleeping, that he did not follow a clear and understood instruction to stop - the only thing they are arguing over is whether that form of rape is legal or not.
Just because the rape isnt illegal doesnt make it not rape. Hundreds of thousands of women were raped in the UK each year perfectly legally until 1991.
Glasgow Activist
20.07.2011 17:37
There are no charges, there should be no extradition.
This case will set a precedent where activists (and others can be extradited form UK without charges.
According to Naoimi Wolf's reading of the police report (leaked to the Guardian....the medium that has done most to isolate Assange in U.K.) there is no denial of consent.
See this "Democracy Now" debate between U.S. feminists Wolf and Friedman in December
Lynch mob justice is not justice. Such hysteria is the only thing the U.S. has got going for it at the moment in the persecution of WikiLeaks and Assange.
The Grand Jury in Virginia is a fishing expedition that has so far come up dry.
They expected to break Manning under torture to implicate Assange and have failed.
A secret/ no jury trial in Sweden (and running the gauntlet of trial by media in the meantime, without any issues of subjudice in Britain or Sweden) followed by extraordinary rendition from Sweden is the only thing the U.S. has got gong fo rit at the moment.
Sweden has been a hub of extraordinary rendition for the U.S.
(See the work of Trevor Paglan
U.S. has rendered Australians before...David Hicks being one of the first.
Day Two: Assange Legal Team Gains Traction
21.07.2011 07:30
Wednesday, July 13, 2011 at 2:00PM
Tom Hayden
LONDON. Lawyers for Julian Assange appeared to shred the prosecution
case against the WikiLeaks founder in London’s Royal Court today in a
climactic end to a two-day appeal of his extradition to Sweden. The
final decision may not be handed down by the two-judge panel until
August or later.
Going into the hearing, the prosecutors and most of the media believed
the panel would rubber-stamp the current extradition order. Instead
the the judges were engaged in continuous questioning which left the
ultimate outcome in doubt.
Meanwhile Assange supporters were pleased at the courtroom opportunity
to respond to a Swedish prosecutor’s allegations of unlawful sexual
coercion, sexual molestation and minor rape against two Swedish women
last August. The Swedish case was presented by Clare Montgomery, a top
British extradition expert whose past clients include Chilean dictator
Augusto Pinochet, whom she defended against extradition to a Spanish
from Tom Hayden
The Trials of Julian Assange: A View From Sweden
21.07.2011 15:31
from Tom Hayden
Ian Hislop Exposed As MI5 Tool
08.08.2011 11:25
Or here
'Private Eye' are just another lot of hypocrites who have been bought off by the Government.
For discussions on Myatt's links with Mi5 and Satanism see:
The definative article on David Myatt's three decade campaign of lies and duplicity is here:
Rupert Bear
"The Digital Vandal: Daniel Domscheit-Berg’s War Against Transparency".........
23.08.2011 18:28
The Digital Vandal: Daniel Domscheit-Berg’s War Against Transparency
The transparency movement has many vocal proponents. A recent event in the Wikileaks sagas proves that those who could be in the most effective position to strengthen it are only content to give it lip service.
Take Daniel Domscheit-Berg, for example. A former Wikileaks staffer, Domscheit-Berg had a very public and bitter falling-out with Wikileaks editor Julian Assange in September 2010 and has since cultivated the public role of pragmatist pitted against Assange’s flinty eccentric in a battle of archetypes.
Soon after his dismissal, Domscheit-Berg made it a personal signature to tirelessly use every publicity opportunity to disparage his former employer. He announced he would be starting a new rival whistleblower website – Openleaks – a supposedly sensible and measured alternative to his previous gig. A gossip-heavy and factually inconsistent book followed – Inside Wikileaks: My Time With Julian Assange At The World’s Most Dangerous Website, filled with the mundane details of Assange’s eating habits and dress sense. Additional details on Domscheit-Berg’s predilection for unappetizing quasi-meat dishes and general whining helped feed the internet meme machine for several months.
WikiLeaks Statement on Daniel Domscheit-Berg and OpenLeaks
and statement by Julian Assange Sat Agust 20th. 2011
Indy Thread - "Guardian Newspaper betrays WikiLeaks"
11.09.2011 18:54
Indy Thread - "Guardian Newspaper betrays WikiLeaks"