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UK G8 2005 Newswire Archive

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URGENT: Workshop Space in Edinburgh Available During G8 Summit

01-06-2005 23:15

Free workshop space available in central Edinburgh during the G8 Summit! Book your workshops now!

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Tayside Police return Dr K's camera!

01-06-2005 22:07

This is a 1,000 word article about my visit to Gleneagles in March when my camera was confiscated but then returned.
13 photos are attached.

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G8 Summit: Dissent! 6th July Blockades Callout

01-06-2005 17:43

Callout to Blockade thew G8 Summit, the from the Festival of Dissent, Lanarkshire, 9th April 2005.

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01-06-2005 17:29

As the G8 leaders prepare to meet, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown are busy assuring us that issues such as solving climate change and eliminating African poverty are top priority. Corporate Watch reveals how many of the corporations that have involved themselves with the G8 summit are responsible for the destruction both of our climate and African society.

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The g8bikeride invites you to...

01-06-2005 12:19

Join us on the first leg of our trip, London to Redfield Low-Impact Living Initiative (near Milton Keynes). Ride with us the whole way (about 50 miles) or just for the start.

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resist the daleks rule...

01-06-2005 11:18

The G8 destroy lives, communities and the environment.
Stop these evil robots.

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A Call out for a Walking tour of links to Migration Control.

31-05-2005 21:25

A Call out for a Walking tour of links to Migration Control.

We need Tour guides, Music makers and performers of all variety.

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G8: Live8 Concerts to Mobilise 1 million for Edinburgh July 6th Demo!

31-05-2005 17:10

Following intense media speculation the plan around the Make Poverty History alligned Live Aid concerts is currently being revealed.

The concerts on July 2nd will be used to encourage hundreds of thousands of people to then make the journey up to Scotland for the start of the G8 Summit on Wednesday 6th July.

The Live8 website has gone live today:

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Get on board the train for G8! Ticket deadline June 13th!!

31-05-2005 16:46

SE Assembly Transport Office now open!
Wed & Thur, 2pm - 8pm
LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, Whitechapel E1
You can buy tickets here for cash.

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Live 8 - Saturday 2 July 2005 - Hyde park

31-05-2005 15:48

Bob Geldolf in Africa
The rumoured "Live Aid II" concert, under the name of Live 8 to coincide with the G8 Summit, is now confirmed as happening. The show will publicise the MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY campaign, rather than raise cash. Applications for tickets will be via a text message lottery (at £1.50 per text plus normal network charge), as revealed earlier today.

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G8 Legal Info - What to do if approached by the police

31-05-2005 13:37

In the run up to the G8 Summit we expect there to be heavy policing and targeting of the mobilization by the state. There is a chance people will be approached and harassed by the police, but this is nothing to be scared of. Below is an article advising you on your rights are and what you should do.

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Pix of Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination, Fri 27 May 05 - Set 1 of 3

31-05-2005 13:20

Ladies & Gentlemen, Boys & Girls, Step This Way Please...
Pictures of the Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination's G8 Touring Show (coming to a town near you soon – details below), featuring The CLANDESTINE INSURGENT REBEL CLOWN ARMY'S "RIDICULOUS Recruitment SHOW", Dr SKIP JUSTICE TALLAHASSEE'S "tales of DISOBEDIENCE" and The CHURCH of the IMACULATE CONSUMPTION's "prayers to products".

For permission to copy and use, see CopyLeft at the end of the story below the photos.
For a link to the other sets of photos, see the Links Comment at the foot of this page.

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Pix of Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination, Fri 27 May 05 - Set 2 of 3

31-05-2005 13:07

Hmmm... what's this all about, then?
Pictures of the Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination's G8 Touring Show (coming to a town near you soon – details below), featuring The CLANDESTINE INSURGENT REBEL CLOWN ARMY'S "RIDICULOUS Recruitment SHOW", Dr SKIP JUSTICE TALLAHASSEE'S "tales of DISOBEDIENCE" and The CHURCH of the IMACULATE CONSUMPTION's "prayers to products".

For permission to copy and use, see CopyLeft at the end of the story below the photos.
For a link to the other sets of photos, see the Links Comment at the foot of this page.

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Pix of Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination, Fri 27 May 05 - Set 3 of 3

31-05-2005 12:55

Demonstrating how daft and dumb the KKK look
Pictures of the Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination's G8 Touring Show (coming to a town near you soon – details below), featuring The CLANDESTINE INSURGENT REBEL CLOWN ARMY'S "RIDICULOUS Recruitment SHOW", Dr SKIP JUSTICE TALLAHASSEE'S "tales of DISOBEDIENCE" and The CHURCH of the IMACULATE CONSUMPTION's "prayers to products".

For permission to copy and use, see CopyLeft at the end of the story below the photos.
For a link to the other sets of photos, see the Links Comment at the foot of this page.

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International Day of Action Against the Root Causes of Climate Change

30-05-2005 21:02

This is a call for anyone involved in resistance to nuclear energy to speak up on the 8th of July, in the way that you and your friends work best.You can do this in your home town, or you can plan something for when you come to Scotland this summer.

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Protest at Sheffield hosting the G8 on Wed 1 June

30-05-2005 20:39

On Wednesday 1st June the full council meeting of Sheffield City Council takes place at 2pm at the Town Hall. Time to tell the local councillers, that G8 is not welcome. Come and protest.

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G8 Network Meeting 14th June

30-05-2005 15:38

G8 Network Meeting, Tuesday 14th June at 7.30pm at The Friends Meeting House, 43 St Giles Street. Come and share what you are planning to do around the G8 Summit happening 6-8th July in Perthshire Scotland.

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G8 Make Poverty History Wristbands made in Sweat Shops Report

30-05-2005 15:32

Media reports that many of the the Make Poverty History wristbands were made in sweatshops...

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Stop The War Coalition Get Go Ahead for 2 Edinburgh G8 Protests

28-05-2005 10:55

The Stop The War Coalition have progressed in getting approval for their two protests in Edinburgh around the G8 Summit in July.

This is despite The Scotsman Newspaper briefing against them and initial objections from Lothian and Borders police.

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G8: Geldof planning Edinburgh concert on the first day of the Summit?!?!

28-05-2005 10:14

I am finding myself increasingly increduluous at the news reports being published around the Make Poverty History campaign and in particular the "Live8" re-runs of Live Aid being championed by Bob Geldof.
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