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UK No Border Camp 2007 Newswire Archive

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Meltem, emergency demo tomorrow at 12 noon

13-11-2007 19:20

To put pressure on Germany we are having a demonstration in front of German Embassy,
23 Belgrave Square
nearest tube Sloane Square
tomorrow Wedesday 14th November 12.00 noon.

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Meltem, 14, and her mother, deportation Thursday

13-11-2007 12:32

Meltem Avcil and her mother Cennet, who have been held in Yarl's
Wood detention centre for almost three months, are facing removal to
Germany on 07.30 Hrs, Thursday 15 November. Meltem is just 14, and has
been living in this country for six years. We visited her last week and
saw how depressed and scared she was. Her mother and father were
persecuted in Turkey for being Kurds, and she and her mother are in a
terrible state at the prospect of being deported to Germany from where they
fear they will be sent on to Turkey.

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Urgent : Maud Lennard, Zimbawean woman on hunger-strike, removal tonight

12-11-2007 15:37

Maud Lennard, one of the Zimbawean women who have been hunger-striking for over 50 days has a removal scheduled for 7pm tonight on Kenya QAirways flight KQ101

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Northern Assurance super-glued shut as protest against Brook House

02-11-2007 10:13

The locks of the Northern Assurance Building were super-glued shut in the early hours of Friday, 2 November. This was an act of sabotage against FD Tamesis, housed in this building, intended to highlight the company's involvement in the construction of what will be the UK's largest immigrant deportation centre, Brook House near Gatwick Airport. 2 November is a national day of action against Brook House, called by the No Borders network: across the country, companies with a hand in this new deportation centre will be targeted, pressuring them to end their involvement.

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Afterthoughts on the No Border camp in Ukraine (August 2007)

30-10-2007 18:25

written on sept. 22, 2007

Afterthoughts on the camp which took place in western Ukraine a month before the repression of the No Border camp in Gatwick (UK)

The Little Chief and the Cops
Inconsistencies and Nonsense at the August 2007 No Border Camp in Ukraine

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Crash space for the bookfair

23-10-2007 23:20

Those coming from out of town for the anarchist bookfair are invited to crash at the rampART social centre from Friday evening till Sunday (or longer by prior arrangement). Bring a warm sleeping bag as it's got pretty drafty recently. Be aware that you won't get an early night Saturday due to the noborders/rampart benefit after the bookfair (details below). Rampart is a short bus ride or tube journey to the new bookfair venue. It takes about 10/15 minutes by bus, train or bike, 25 minutes to walk.

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No Borders film night, 23/10, Cardiff

22-10-2007 22:38

An evening of films, feedback and popcorn hosted by your local friendly no borders group...

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Phill and Cat from Glasgow Unity in the dock!

22-10-2007 17:22

Their trial starts in Glasgow Sheriff Court on Wednesday 24th October.
Cat and Phill are asking for as many people as possible to come along
to show their support.

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No Borders Night at Sumac, Thursday October 25th

18-10-2007 17:34

No Borders Nottingham presents an evening to discuss
the idea of a world without borders and how we might
get there. We hope to make you angry & inspired!

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Anarchist Bookfair after party at rampART

14-10-2007 23:29

Offering something of a break in tradition, the noborders/rampART benefit party after the anarchist book fair is an alternative to hanging out in the pub. Open from 6pm it's a chance to hang out with friends while supporting grassroots campaigns and a rare opportunity to listen to conscious hip-hop and rap with acts from the USA, Greece, Scarborough, Manchester, Bristol and London.

Suggested donation £5
proceeds to NoBorders and rampART

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BIA raids in Soho London Today

11-10-2007 22:49

More than thirty people were arrested and detained in raids by the Borders and Immigration Agency and the Metropolitan Police on 5 restaurants in the Soho area of London this afternoon.

This is the latest episode in the Home Office's escalating war on migrant workers in Britain's capital, which sees as many as 60 raids on workplaces a week. Liam Byrne, the Immigration Minister repeats in the press release his boast that his department manages to deport a migrant worker or refugee from the UK every 8 minutes.

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A letter from Meltem Avcil, aged 14 behind the Wire at Yarl's Wood

11-10-2007 16:29

In August 2007 the immigration came for us again in the morning at 7 o'clock. My friends were sleeping in our house. As soon as my mom opened door they rushed in. They do that to all families but can't they think why do they have to come in the morning? Sometimes they awake small babies from their hot bed! Even sometimes they get teenagers to think y future is down. They said to us to be quick, they were shouting in our ears. One time they lead my friends away with out her saying bye to me! How do they feel that I'm never going to see her again?

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XL airways refuse to carry deportees - Home Office Panic!

08-10-2007 17:06

XL Airways ;
"... we operated one flight in February to DR Congo as part of this
contract, without full understanding of the political dimensions
involved. Our chief executive [Phillip Wyatt] had made it quite clear
to all concerned that we will not be operating any further flights of
this nature ... We are not neutral on the issue and have sympathy for
all dispossessed persons in the world, hence our stance."

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On dawn raids (and what happens after)

07-10-2007 20:41

Invariably, it is familes with children who are targeted as they are more likely to be found at home and detained all together.
Baby Ashleen and her mother Juliet were taken in a dawn raid after their door was smashed. Nathan and Jeremiah, three and two years old, were detained with their parents during another dawn raid. Another young mother took an overdose on the eve of her planned deportation, wanting to die and was taken to hospital: her four years old daughter was left in the detention centre on her own.

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BA fly you to death

06-10-2007 00:35

Yesterday Friday 5th October we picketed the London Eye, owned by British Aiways: we got a lot of harassment from private security; two police with machine guns passed by but they weren't interested in us.

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Darfur Asylum Rally Thursday 4th October 2007

01-10-2007 11:22

On 4th October, the Home Office is seeking a House of Lords ruling
that would allow it to send more Darfur survivors to Khartoum.
Fresh evidence of torture will NOT be considered.
Join our demonstration on 4th October opposite the Houses of
Parliament, calling on the Home Office to stop removing Darfuris to

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Call to Action - NoBorders Camp Mexico-U.S. border

01-10-2007 08:49

Call to Action- No Borders Camp November 2007
Where: The wall of death dividing the cities of Mexicali and Calexico, Mexico-U.S. border.
When: November 5-11, 2007

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No Borders south wales- upcoming activities in Cardiff

30-09-2007 18:23

With inspiration from the recent uk no borders camp, south wales activists make some plans...

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Arrested for swearing- pics of the infamous arrest at no borders camp

30-09-2007 18:05

10:30am; Saturday 22nd Sept; Crawley; before the No Borders International demo: somebody looking for breakfast dared to swear/cough in the vicinity of a police officer...
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