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UK Other Press Newswire Archive

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Someone Else’s England

18-02-2009 20:12

You don’t have to be a nationalist, or English, to accept the case for an English parliament.
One of the most striking features of the massive response to my article last week on Hazel Blears and the Labour Party was the number of Labour activists who wrote in to agree(1). If, as I suspect, their fury and dejection is representative, Labour will be eliminated at the next election. Just three years ago, almost all the pundits agreed that the Tories were finished as an electoral force. Suddenly, Labour looks like the force that might never recover. Has any party in modern politics done more to squander the goodwill that swept it into power?

But I noticed something else as well: something that wasn’t there. Every other issue I mentioned was picked over and debated. One was not. It concerns the most glaring democratic deficit over which this government has presided, yet almost everyone is too polite to mention it.

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Obama paints a picture of economic catastrophe

18-02-2009 19:51

Addressing a national television audience in his first White House press conference, President Barack Obama, promoting his economic stimulus plan, used unprecedented language to characterize the deepening economic crisis. He described conditions of rapidly rising unemployment, growing demand at food banks, widespread foreclosures, the collapse of consumer spending and the failure of small businesses.
He declared that his administration "inherited the most profound economic emergency since the Great Depression," and warned that the lack of a federal government intervention "could turn a crisis into a catastrophe."

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Cold-hearted cops arrest grandfather for writing in the snow

18-02-2009 18:18

A retired oil refinery worker turned airport campaigner thought he'd take advantage of the recent snowfall to send a seasonal message to passengers departing Aberdeen airport. The local constabulary had other ideas and promptly arrested the 65-year-old and his 25-year-old accomplice for writing "Plane Stupid - you fly, they die" in diluted red ink on a snowy hilltop one-and-a-half miles from the airport.

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'The Sun Page 3'- encouraging sexism and discrimination.

16-02-2009 18:48

Every day 'The Sun' sells an average o 3,121, 000 copies a day. 18.4% of these are 15-24 years of age and they are being exposed to what can only be called brain washing pornography every day.

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Useful photos for terrorists from New Scotland Yard

16-02-2009 12:14

Any buddying terrorists might find some of these photos useful for future operations. I've got no idea how but it's obviously possible as a new law has been created just to deal with the threat.

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Fitwatch presents...the POLICEWATCH Competition

16-02-2009 09:26

Roll up, Roll up!

Defend civil liberties and have a laugh at the same time, with


Filming them Filming us Filming them etc

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NSA offering 'billions' for Skype eavesdrop solution

14-02-2009 00:29

News of a possible viable business model for P2P VoIP network Skype emerged today, at the Counter Terror Expo in London. An industry source disclosed that America's supersecret National Security Agency (NSA) is offering "billions" to any firm which can offer reliable eavesdropping on Skype IM and voice traffic.

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A Climate Deniers take on Tobacco Smoke

13-02-2009 18:18

It's no secret that many of the people and organizations funded by cigarette companies to defend "smoker's rights" and downplay the harmful effect of tobacco smoke have been involved in the energy industry-funded campaign to downplay the serious effects of climate change.

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"The CIA has launched a vast spying operation in the UK"

11-02-2009 11:48

Some extracts from a article in The Telegraph, 7 Feb 2009, follow...

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AP threatened by Pentagon over accurate reporting of Iraq

11-02-2009 00:29

"Now is the time to resist the propaganda the Pentagon produces and live up to our obligation to question authority and thereby help protect our democracy." AP CEO Tom Curley, speaking at University of Kansas.

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You Stand For Nothing But Election

10-02-2009 22:07

Dear Hazel,

Last week you used an article in the Guardian to attack my “cynical and corrosive commentary”. You asserted your political courage, maintaining that “you don’t get very far in politics without guts, and certainly not as far as the cabinet table.” By contrast, you suggested, I contribute “to the very cynicism and disengagement from politics” that I make my living writing about. You accused me of making claims without supporting evidence and of “wielding great influence without accountability”. “We need more people standing for office and serving their communities,” you wrote, “more people debating, engaging and voting; not more people waving placards on the sidelines.”(1)

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Policewoman accused

10-02-2009 11:11

Policewoman Melda Wilks aids murderer son

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Greece Air Force Alien UFO Cover Up file leaked, February 09, 2009

10-02-2009 02:18

It's seems like the mainstream media (The Sun) is picking up the Greece UFO cover up incident reported at UFO Blogger yesterday.

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Reclaim the Sheets : Help Save the Future from Bad News

09-02-2009 21:54

Reclaim the Sheets - flyer
Fancy taking part in a stunt in Central London one day towards the end of March or beginning of April ? Want to show your support of rational, radical Climate Change policy ? Want to have a laugh and make people do a double-take ? Then join Reclaim the Sheets to save the future from bad news.

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It’s Cold Out – Global Warming Must be a Scam!

09-02-2009 15:26

“Global warming my ass! It’s freezing! Al Gore sure is taking you people for a ride!” I’ve heard comments along these lines for months now, ever since normal late fall/early winter temperatures set in. Check the comments on any local news story about a snowstorm, and you’ll find at least a handful of people who believe that because it’s snowing during winter in the Northern Hemisphere, global warming can’t possibly be real.

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Pure rubbish: Christopher Booker prize

08-02-2009 16:53

Christopher Booker prize 2009 offered for producing clap-trap about climate change.

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Obama and the Empire

08-02-2009 15:03

I've said all along that whatever good changes might occur in regard to non-foreign policy issues, such as what's already taken place concerning the environment and abortion, the Obama administration will not produce any significantly worthwhile change in US foreign policy; little done in this area will reduce the level of misery that the American Empire regularly brings down upon humanity. And to the extent that Barack Obama is willing to clearly reveal what he believes about anything controversial, he appears to believe in the empire.

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Towards a typology of discrimination?

08-02-2009 14:26

When we talk about discrimination, we tend to blend in racism, heightism, sexism, ageism, ableism, lookism and as many other ‘isms’ as one can think of. These terms describe how people differentiate unfavourably between a self-defined “normal” and a self-defined “abnormal”. Reading over a blog I’d never seen before, I was moved to ask, are all these forms of discrimination the same or are they different? What features do they share in common?

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Water in Bolivia: Defeating the Multinationals Is Just the Start of the Problem

08-02-2009 14:07

Set in a landscape of dry brown hills and arroyos flooded with dust, Cochabamba, Bolivia's third-largest city, is not rich in water. Seen from the air in early September, at the tail end of the southern winter, the land is brown and barren from the ridgetops to the river valleys. A warm wind blows dust in billowing clouds. Thousands of feet below the soaring, icy peaks of the altiplano to the west, and thousands of feet above the lush coca fields of the Chapare to the east and the Amazon to the north, Cochabamba enjoys the mildest climate in the country, but suffers from what geographers call "water stress," compounded here, as everywhere, by climate change.
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