Action stepped up at Sharp Hill
Notts IMC | 12.05.2006 20:05 | Culture | Ecology | Free Spaces
The campaign to save Sharp Hill is stepping up this weekend with live music and a fresh call for support. A group of activists - with strong support from the community - have been camping at the site near Edwalton for a month in protest against Rushcliffe Borough Council's plan to build 1200 houses. They have pledged to stay at least until June 15 when the council makes its final decision, and encourage everyone to join them. A central government inspector's report opposed the council's plan. Read it (Sharphill from page 14), with the council's response.
Site photos: BBC 'Politics Show' visit | Camp Piccys | What's going to be lost, Landscape Piccys | Activist in Market Sq Photos | Hands Across the Hill Pictures | Bus Living at Wilford Hill [an earlier site]
Aerial Views Sharphill Woods Satellite view
Audio Interview: Tash's podcast of the BBC interview [6:26mins 2.6Mb]
Public Debate: Public Meeting and debate at Edwalton Village Hall[56mins 49Mb]
Links: Campaigners' response to planning document | Activists' statement | Announcement, directions and map | BBC Politics Show | BBC Politics Show watch again [RM from 14:30mins] | Rushcliffe Council: Response to Inspector's Report and Proposed Modifications | 'Savesharphill' a NEW website
Sharphill Woods & Area Report: Protecting Mature Landscape & Wildlife Habitat. layed out above here
This report prepared in support of the objection to Rushcliffe Borough Council and Bovis Homes, plans for the building of 1200 homes on greenbelt land.
This appears to be a well researched piece of work, and I think gives plenty information, and makes you wonder,why there, and wouldn't they do less damage somewhere else .......?
Greenbelt is worthy of protection. We hope you agree.
Thanks to Dr TJ Shepherd & JF Dobbs
PDF [8Mb] of this can also be downloaded
Notts IMC
Sharphill Woods Satellite view
28.05.2006 01:15
Sharphill Woods Satellite view using : 'Windows Live Local'

were you can zoom in and out, down to 20m / in' resolution, the very best I've seen.
To use the system generally, start at
