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UK Bush 2003 Newswire Archive

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American banana problem ?

28-12-2003 09:55

pay back time
one day
6 heroes dead
6 collaborators dead
43 heroes wounded to cripples
And no personalized evil in sight to blame

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Freedom from Nightmare in Iraq

28-12-2003 04:39

An interview with Urslaan Khan, the Manchester University student arrested in Iraq accused of trying to fight coalition troops.

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The capture of Hussein, again a sleazy farce

19-12-2003 11:59

flying splice
A poorly staging á la Hollywood with date palms on scene of the asserted imprisonment which yield fruits in December although the last crop was in August. A fake like the Jessica Parker story, the rollig chemical laboratories, the nuke treatment and further shit. All for justify a illegal war of aggression, only for moronic voters and for a flying splice. Enjoy the movie 'Wag the dog' and you know how the wind blows. This U.S. regime has
propagate so much featherbrained propagana lies that nobody but morons can believe them over again

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The staircase wit of this century

18-12-2003 08:48

myrmidons brand
The U.S. remote-controlled fake president claims fair legal proceedings and death penalty for a U.S. hellhound.
He has decided for a colossal bloodbath among European and U.S. politicans, his backers and himself

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Video: Stop Bush London march, November 2003

17-12-2003 12:40

Stop Bush London march, November 2003. Edited footage of the march route and trafalgar sq.

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When Dictator is Booted from White House America Can Rebuild.

14-12-2003 19:53

I find it very interesting that just a few days after the American appointed governing council in Iraq votes to begin a tribunal for Iraqi war criminals even though no constitution has been ratified that could legitimize any form of Judiciary in Iraq, Saddam Hussein conveniently shows up.

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Fantastic Video on The Carlyle Group

12-12-2003 20:28

If this article doesn't open your eyes to reality then your are legally breain dead, report to your family doctor immediately, that is an order!

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London Anti-War Demonstration Photos

09-12-2003 18:39

photos of the anti-war demonstration

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An Open Letter to George W Bush: Part 2

08-12-2003 20:16

Winning the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people...the same exact words were used about Vietnam...didn't work then and it won't work now

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Resist Bush 'bubble' arrest, 19/11/03 SW1, witness appeal

07-12-2003 19:49

I was arrested around 4pm on Wednesday 19th November in Victoria St, en route to the Resist Bush tea party. I have been charged with assaulting a police officer in the course of his duty. Were you there? Did you see my arrest, or could you describe the demonstration before and/or during the arrest. Do you have any video or photos of the demo from when we gathered outside Victoria Station up to that time?

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07-12-2003 05:04

War Heroes
WAR HERO: (computer wallpaper & holiday e-greeting) DEDICATED TO YOU! You,
who fought and continue to fight, against this war. You are the heroes!

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Bridge Protester cleared of Criminal Damage

06-12-2003 10:57

I was due to take another trip to Parkside Police Station today to find out if they were going to charge me with criminal damage for the graffiti sprayed on the Cambridge war memorial on the same day as my adventure on the cycle bridge - see for details.

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Making A Case For 9/11 Skepticism

02-12-2003 21:54

While 9/11 Skeptics await the results of the 9/11 commission with an open mind, we are also firmly convinced that the U.S. government is incapable of conducting a truly independent and unhindered investigation into the Sept. 11 phenomena. We view our work as an international citizen’s or people’s investigation of the same, one in which many active minds have long since come together in a fruitful and increasingly international dialogue.

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President of the Apes videos

02-12-2003 01:00

Funny movie clips about George Bush's ape-like behaviour, and his Dad's Darth-Vader-like approach to life.

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Bush Protest Photos...

01-12-2003 22:20

discussions with SWP-er
more photos from the london march on the 20/11/03 against bush's visit. black and white.

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Video clip of scenes from Manchester protest against Bush visit

01-12-2003 18:02

A video clip of scenes from the Manchester lunch-time rally against the Bush visit which took place on 19th November 2003 in the Peace Gardens, St Peter's Square.

The soundtrack to the clip is the song "Unites States" by superb anti-war protest band Sieze the Day.

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01-12-2003 13:03

The Miami Model
Paramilitaries, Embedded Journalists and Illegal Protests. Think This is Iraq?
It's Your Country

By Jeremy Scahill

MIAMI--We were loading our video equipment into the trunk of our car when a
fleet of bicycle cops sped up and formed a semi-circle around us. The lead cop
was none other than Miami Police Chief John Timoney. The former Police
Commissioner of Philadelphia Timoney has a reputation for brutality and hatred
of protesters of any kind. He calls them "punks," "knuckleheads" and a whole
slew of expletives. He coordinated the brutal police response to the
mass-protests at the Republican National Convention in Philadelphia in 2000.
After a brief stint in the private sector, Timoney took the post of Miami
police chief as part of Mayor Manny Diaz's efforts to "clean up the

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Need high resolution photos of Bush protest

29-11-2003 06:37

The Earth First! Journal (published in the US), a radical environmental journal that reports on international direct actions (see, is seeking photos of activists toppling the statue of President Bush on November 21 at Trafalgar Square. The photos need to be scanned in at 300 dpi resolution and emailed to Please contact me if you or anyone you know can contribute their photos to the Journal. Our deadline for photos is Friday, December 5.


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Galloway speaks in Manchester on future of anti-war movement - video

27-11-2003 23:41

Galloway speaks on the next steps for the anti-war movements.

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Employment Grinch of the Year Election

26-11-2003 22:45

Jobs With Justice have just announce their festive elections for American National Employment Grinch of the Year. But due to globalisation, and that "special relationship", these aren't really American only Grinch Candidates...
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