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UK Bush 2003 Newswire Archive

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pics from todays alternative state procession

19-11-2003 14:49

people on march
ok some stills of todays procession

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Senior Royal and tart Shocker

19-11-2003 11:57

Pie and Palace

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Protests in London / Americans turn against Bush: 'We won't die for oil!'

19-11-2003 10:11

The current GLW cover
[BRITAIN] 100,000 expected for anti-Bush demonstration
- BY MARCUS GREVILLE, Australians Against the War UK

[COVER STORY] Washington's unpopular war: Americans turn against Bush

[ + ALL headlines of the the full & FREE content ]

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Citizens FOR police

19-11-2003 08:37

Inglewood ofc. jeremy morse slamming a 16 year old child onto a car.
To the many great people standing up to bush in the Uk I want to inform you of the escalating police abuse in america. The inglewood case of jeremy morse beating a 16 year old handcuffed black youth is the american focal point to the continued occupation of OUR streets and nieghborhoods in america. This is the latest news concerning. I hope you will take an interest in what this story is all about. I appluad you all this week. Thanks so much! Please check this site out by a junglist dj who videotaped this racist crime against all of us.

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Anti-Bush Mp3s: Rock the Protest

19-11-2003 06:20

A full cds worth of great anti-bush music mp3s
download, burn and blast at the protests

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A list of all the events is available. (recently updated)

19-11-2003 06:04

The web page has a comprehensive list of all the Bush protest events and plenty of detail about the likely whereabouts of Bush. Obviously, people should continue to watch the Indy newswire for info about changes/additions to the protests, but this site has nearly all events all on one page.

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Amnesty Guantánamo Bay Demonstration - thursday

19-11-2003 03:50

President Bush Visit

End the US abuses at Guantánamo Bay - Demonstrate!

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University College London still occupied by anti-war activists - latest

19-11-2003 02:36

At least 60 UCL Stop the War activists are continuing to occupy part of the main building at UCL after taking control around 5pm yesterday (Tues). The occupation is in protest against George W. Bush's state visit.

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BUSH GO HOME - naked protest at tate

19-11-2003 01:38

Yet another naked word protest against bush!

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pics of rhythms of resistance on first anti-bush demo

19-11-2003 01:18

rhythms 1
some pics from the campaign against climate change protest on the evening killer bush flew into town

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Burning Planet demo report & pics

19-11-2003 01:05

The demo just after Trafalgar Square
Another report and pics from the Burning Planet anti Bush demo on Tuesday evening.

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Be ready, Cambridge

19-11-2003 01:00

As George Bush is now in the country, and his itinerary is a secret, we ask local people: please think about what you would do if George showed up somewhere near Cambridge on short notice. Talk to your friends. Stay ready.

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pix from burning planet unwelcome bush protest to US embassy

19-11-2003 00:57

lots of bright lights and puppet type stuff
Pictures from today's noisy unwelcome bush demo from Burning Planet climate change campaign. Marched from Holborn through trafalger square and on to the US embassy where speeches were made acusing Bush and his corporate backers of crimes against humanity and the earth...

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Court Case Against Bush in Brixton, Tuesday 18 Nov.

19-11-2003 00:43

The open Court House
Geroge W Bush had a quite unwelcome reception in Brixton tonight tuesday 18 Nov. Minutes after Air Force One landed in Heathrow, a public court case against the US president took place. The defendant - GW Bush - was found guilty of many counts and crimes against humanity, therefore the jugde ordered the toppling of his statue and a cellebration afterwards. Here there are some pics of the proceedings.

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Burning Planet March report

18-11-2003 22:19

A large crowd of people took part in the Burning Planet march against Bush tonight leaving Lincoln's Inn Fields at about 7.30 pm.

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18-11-2003 21:53

pics of the projections and effegy in Brixton tonite and the

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The Public Execution of JFK

18-11-2003 21:43

Some insight into real American history!

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Students Occupy!

18-11-2003 20:37

Students occupy UCL

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18-11-2003 19:30

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