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UK Bush 2003 Newswire Archive

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images from outside buckingham palace - wed evening

20-11-2003 13:16

group from tea party meet @ victoria arrives at buck palace
pix from buckingham palace last night

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London street webcams offline (surprise surprise, again...)

20-11-2003 12:48

webcams down again today - same as yesterdays crucial times

the register reported on it - correctly mentioning how this has happened during several other large demonstrations...

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'City of London Closed to Bush' banner hang

20-11-2003 11:30

3 arrested for attempting to hang 'City of London Closed to George Bush' banner from Admiralty Arch

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Palace brigade stopped by sit down

20-11-2003 10:43

A parade of redcoats exits the Palace.
A daring sit down action stops the Buckingham Palace Brigade yesterday.

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Civil diobedience scenes yesterday.

20-11-2003 10:32

Fountain pool at Trafalgar Square was dyed red.
Various scenes of civil disobedience from yesterday's anti Bush protests.

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Bush not welcome at Molesworth

20-11-2003 10:22

Report of anti Bush vigil outside joint Analysis Centre Molesworth

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Peace movement celebrated at City Hall

20-11-2003 09:53

Peace movement leaders and celebrities gathered at Ken Livingstone's Living Room last night as Bush enjoyed his banquet at Buckingham Palace.

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The integrity of protest, the hypocrisy of power

20-11-2003 07:41

An Anarchist analysis of the hypocrisy of the rhetoric used by
Bush and Blair on the protests against Bush's visit to Britain.
Shows why protest is a right, not a privilege and why it is important
to creating a better world.

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Video of Protests at Buckingham Palace, Wednesday

20-11-2003 04:10

Here is the Reuters video of the Buckingham Palace protests of Wednesday, November 19, 2003.

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BBC Reporters Timeline - wednesday

20-11-2003 03:21

wow bbc ran regular timeline updates on today's events

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Counter Insurgency Rebel Clown Army deployed against bush!

20-11-2003 02:52

Spotted on maneuvers in london today (wed 19th)

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York Bush Protests

20-11-2003 02:40

300 Marching through York, direction Minster
300 people march through York in the rain to protest about the visit of killer Bush. A statue of Bush, cash in hand, with Blair aside, is toppled.

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PoP dEFECT Radio - King George w Bush Audio mixes

20-11-2003 02:29

A Special Audio Collage mixes of our current Resident George W Bush

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Fountains run blood red - traf sq

20-11-2003 02:03

fountains in trafalger ran blood red this afternoon during the protests against George Bush's state visit to britain

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Street Party Mayhem

20-11-2003 01:43

Cops block Tottenham Court Road
Report and pics from the Sambatistas Roaming Street Party.

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SEE the Poster That Almost Caused an Arrest

20-11-2003 01:30

The poster.
Charles loves poultry, Bush loves the Queen.

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Edinburgh Stop Bush Evening Protest report

20-11-2003 01:26

National demo in edinburgh against Bush's State visit attracts thousands!

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Bush Visit Protested in Bradford

20-11-2003 01:15

Bradford saw a notable amount of Anti-Bush protest throughout Wednesday 19th November. This included a rally, a visit to the police station and a strange occurance with the bus stops, or should they be...
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