Bypassing the existing bypass, it would cross the important River Arun wetlands south of Arundel on concrete stilts or a huge embankment, and then plough through a mile of precious Sussex woodland.
Thousands, probably tens of thousands, of trees would be lost, including some fine 100 foot oak trees, yews, and one particular 100 foot beech tree, thought to be the oldest tree in the woods. The proposed road is the preferred route and the last possibity for the road lobby's long desired Arundel bypass-bypass.
But we can stop it now, before the final go-ahead is given. An effective camp can add £10 million to the cost of a road building scheme - which could be enough to tilt the balance.
If you can join the camp this summer, get down there as soon as possible - everyone is welcome for as long as they want to stay. If you can't stay there, then you can help out in other ways, either by contributing a few hours of labour or bringing supplies (see wish list below).
These can either be taken direct to the camp or brought to the next meeting of Worthing Eco-Action, at 7.45pm on Tuesday July 1 upstairs at The Downview, opposite West Worthing railway station in Worthing. The camp is to the west of Arundel, about 15 minutes walk north of Ford railway station on the main South Coast railway line, with direct trains from Worthing, Brighton and Portsmouth.
For further directions contact 07736 964653 or 07792248192 - text messages are more likely to get through. Or failing that email

Wish List
10mm polyprop (blue rope)
food (especially tins)
planks and beams
lots of cement
climbing tat
water containers
dog food
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