Day of action in London, Friday 11th July.
Join us in London on the 11th July to campaign (non-violently) against the use of cluster bombs by coalition forces, and to show the British Government that we expect them to clear up their deadly litter ASAP, and to agree never to use such weapons again.
Meet at 10 am in Parliament Square.
- cover Whitehall and the surrounding area with paper cluster bombs,
- balloon ‘cluster bomb’ release at midday outside the Houses of Parliament,
- followed by a demonstration outside Parliament.
Please come along and join us in London on the 11th July!
Our aim is to cover the Whitehall area with paper 'bombs', and have a balloon 'bomb' release outside the Houses of Parliament at midday, to raise awareness of the UK/US use of cluster munitions in Iraq.
For more information, contact Kathryn Amos:

If you’re planning to take part, we’d love to hear from you to get an idea of numbers. Please let us know!
Please spread the word…..
Further reading:
The cluster bombs that litter Iraq:,2763,968182,00.html
Human Rights Watch: