READ the story and ADD your voice to the petition.

Defend the four Masterson children, victims of British cover-up on Lyme Disease!
Action Alert! Action Alert!
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to help the Masterson family get justice.
Sign the Petition to the Mass Media

Sign the complaint to the United Nations (UNHCR)

The Story
Lisa Masterson had her kids fall ill one by one to a serious bacterial infection called Lyme Disease. She got no help from her doctors in Britain, who just told her that Lyme Disease is very rare in the UK. When she asked what was the cause of the kids illness, they told her it was probably from the stress of her splitting up with the childrens Dad.
But Lisa is a trained nurse and soon realised that the kids had very physical symptoms that cant be caused by stress. For example, one of her girls feet used to go blue from bad circulation, her eldest used to get abnormal wandering movements of her eyeballs, and some of the kids got a rash in the shape of a Bullseye. That rash is a typical sign of Lyme.
The story of the suffering of the four kids and their Mum due to this disease is a long one. They were denied any treatment for months. Meanwhile Lisa got in touch with some American Lyme specialist doctors and told them the whole story of the kids illness. They told her it was most likely Lyme disease and to ask her doctors for antibiotics.
By now two of the kids, Danny and Sarah were needing a wheelchair most of the time. Sometimes they couldnt talk or see properly. They couldnt read or understand even the most simple schoolwork any more. Sarah was having hallucinations and absence fits. All the kids were having terrible pains and weakness in their legs.
The doctors agreed to try some antibiotics and the kids got much better. But then they stopped the treatment and told Lisa that the improvement was psychosomatic!!!
After this the children got much worse, especially Danny and Sarah. They began to get confused and even though they were eight, they started to behave like toddlers.
Lisa began to write on the internet, saying we need more awareness in this country about Lyme disease. She wrote a message saying people should set up tables with leaflets informing the public. Thats when her problems really began.
Two social workers came to see her and told her they wanted to take her kids away. She refused and they backed down. The doctors at Northwick Park Hospital in London arranged for some Lyme blood tests at Southampton PHLS laboratory. This is the only place in Britain where you can get tested for Lyme disease. When the tests came back normal, they told Lisa she had Munchausens syndrome by Proxy and that she was causing the illness in her kids by talking to them about Lyme disease. Then they sent police and social workers to her house and took her kids away.
In America, the congress passed a law saying that the Lyme blood tests are not good enough and doctors should not be relying on them. It said that "more that one third (36 percent) of the people with Lyme disease did not test positive on the most sophisticated tests available. "
Click HERE to read more background and details about the text passed by the congress. The Masterson Family Campaign demands that the kids are returned immmediately to Lisa, their Mum, and that they are properly diagnosed and treated for their illness. Join us in fighting for justice for this family. They have suffered enough!
Useful information on Lyme disease:
In Britain and US: Two Women face Serious Repression over Lyme
Poem for Doctor Sue
Lyme or Munchausens? Dr.C.Bass
M.A.M.A.(Mothers against Munchausen's-by-Proxy Allegations)
Coming soon
Why is the British media so silent on Lyme disease?
This site is now under construction. Check back soon for more information.
if you want to help support the campaign, contact NATASHA
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