London Indymedia

pix from burning planet unwelcome bush protest to US embassy

bush go home | 19.11.2003 00:57 | Bush 2003 | Anti-militarism | Ecology | Globalisation | London

Pictures from today's noisy unwelcome bush demo from Burning Planet climate change campaign. Marched from Holborn through trafalger square and on to the US embassy where speeches were made acusing Bush and his corporate backers of crimes against humanity and the earth...

lots of bright lights and puppet type stuff
lots of bright lights and puppet type stuff

lots of bicycle powered sound systems and rant boxes too :)
lots of bicycle powered sound systems and rant boxes too :)

officers protecting offices on aldwych
officers protecting offices on aldwych

greenhouse gases and climate change
greenhouse gases and climate change

lots of good vibes and noise from the band bloc
lots of good vibes and noise from the band bloc

climate wrecker bush - puppet of US oil
climate wrecker bush - puppet of US oil

more creative bright light things - (earth flowers?)
more creative bright light things - (earth flowers?)

marching towards traf square
marching towards traf square

past whitehall _not_ down whitehall :)
past whitehall _not_ down whitehall :)

passing institute of directors
passing institute of directors

ace fire wheel from rinky ding bicycle sound system
ace fire wheel from rinky ding bicycle sound system

now we're ready for tomorrow!

bush go home


Hide the following 12 comments

Thank you from America

19.11.2003 05:15

I just wanted to say thank you to all of you there for uniting against our warmongering "pResident" and props to UK IMC for the coverage. It's the only REAL news I can find about Bush's visit. Keep it up!

Phil Ejercito
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More thanks from America

19.11.2003 09:06

It only took us two centuries to produce a King George of our own. Please remind him that being able to crush dissent like a cockroach in the USA doesn't mean squat in someone else's country. Give him a message he cannot ignore or write off with "gee isn't freedom great" comments.


More thanks from the USA

19.11.2003 10:53

Thank you for exercising your right to dissent. It gives those of us who are anti-war hope that despite the skewed version of reality our mainstream media disseminates to the general public, we are definitely not alone!!



19.11.2003 11:55

Thank you so much for taking a stand against our illegitimate president. It took him a short 3 years to destroy our foreign relations, civil rights and environmental regulations (and more), which has taken GENERATIONS to build. He is, without doubt, the worse president this country has ever seen. We appreciate, more than you know, your stand against the warmonger. Thank You!

V. Sandack

Thank you from Oregon!

19.11.2003 18:49

Thank you, England, for giving W the welcome he deserves. We are cheering you on. I love your creativity - beautiful!

Our goal in the next 12 months is to get the evil W and his evil team out of office!

Pink Panther
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Thanks from all peacefull people

20.11.2003 00:00

Keep up the good work: RESIST to Bush' fascism worldwide!

system error
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London Rocks

21.11.2003 08:20

i am just amazed! I actually felt less hopeless today...i saw that soooo many people are working very hard to get this horrible imperialist administration and its "selectadent" out of world politics. The bigger they are....
thank you and you and you and you and...
xxxooo xhurul



03.12.2003 13:05

Err.. Just a note on the comment posted:
"Thank you, England, for giving W the welcome he deserves. We are cheering you on. I love your creativity - beautiful!"

Just to let you know ;) The UK constitutes more than the one country, London is the capital of the UK... The state visit was to the UK, There was many Scottish, Welsh, Irish and other people of different nationailities from the other UK member countries, please don't undermine or ignore that fact =\

Stephen McLeod Blythe
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03.12.2003 15:17

yes mate, but last time i checked, holborn and trafalgar square were still located in england, so please don't undermine or ignore that fact. :-)



08.12.2003 18:50

uhuh. The state visit was to the UK. Not to England, would it be right if I only said "well done chaps in London for giving him the welcome he deserves"?
How about.. "well done all you lot from the street the protest was held on for giving.."
see how ridiculous that is? if Blair was to go on a visit to Cyprus, and for security reasons only happened to visit the part under Greek rule.. and I posted "well done to Greece for giving him the sort of welcome he deserves"
Naming the place he visits means jack - The fact was that the visit was to the UK. Not just to England, or the individual streets he visited - that logic is perverse and stupid.

I was merely correcting a common mistake made by many Americans who fail to grasp the fact that the UK consists of more countries than merely England.

Oh.. and I'd check your definition of 'undermine', as it seems to be grossly inaccurate.
Anyway, it's pointless debating your, or anyone elses ignorance any longer.. Think however u please =)

Stephen B
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dictionary search

08.12.2003 20:34

"One entry found for undermine.
Main Entry: un·der·mine
Pronunciation: undr'mIn
Function: transitive verb
Date: 14th century
1 : to excavate the earth beneath : form a mine under : SAP
2 : to wash away supporting material from under
3 : to subvert or weaken insidiously or secretly
4 : to weaken or ruin by degrees
synonym see WEAKEN"


"One entry found for sarcasm.
Main Entry: sar·casm
Pronunciation: 'sär-"ka-z&m
Function: noun
Etymology: French or Late Latin; French sarcasme, from Late Latin sarcasmos, from Greek sarkasmos, from sarkazein to tear flesh, bite the lips in rage, sneer, from sark-, sarx flesh; probably akin to Avestan thwar&s- to cut
Date: 1550
1 : a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
2 a : a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual b : the use or language of sarcasm
synonym see WIT"


One entry found for mockery.
Main Entry: mock·ery
Pronunciation: 'mä-k(&-)rE, 'mo-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -er·ies
Date: 15th century
1 : insulting or contemptuous action or speech : DERISION
2 : a subject of laughter, derision, or sport
3 a : a counterfeit appearance : IMITATION b : an insincere, contemptible, or impertinent imitation
4 : something ridiculously or impudently unsuitable



17.05.2004 19:03

Stephen McLeod Blythe
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